River Runner
by Cecil Severs
I've just started a build of Jim Michalak's River Runner. I decided to modify things a bit and built a card model or two to check things out. The boat has been shortened to 12 feet so I guess I'll call it an RR12. I posted a pic of the card model at the card modelers forum and one of my fellow cardmodelers replied that it looked a lot like Pogo's boat from the Walt Kelly comic strip. So I guess the informal name for the boat will be Pogo. Maybe it will have the ever changing name on the side thing as well.., but I digress.
The main point of this email is to send along a pic of the card model and another pic showing the RR12 project at it's beginnings. Just the two center seat forming sections mounted in tandem on a strongback which is actually an old bookcase set on it's side and raised off the floor by the recyling tubs. The sides (not shown) are almost ready to attach to these pieces. After that it's going to start looking like a boat very quickly.

I'll send along more pics as the boat build progesses.