St. Augustine Sharpie
by Mike Smith
I have started a Sharpie project and have some pics if you think your readers would be interested in. After building a couple other boats then reading "The Sharpie Book" I was hooked on Sharpie designs and the lore of Commodore Munroe and his peers running Florida's inlets in them...I love the shallow draft and how utilitarian it is. In my area with all the treacherous shoals in the intercoastal and my nearest inlet Matansas (one of the few natural inlets in Florida) and with it's ability to beach almost anywhere...they are fast and surf a following sea very well....

The First two pics are as the Sheers were made (Sharpie Start) Blocked, glued, and screwed at the seams inboard,
glassed on the outboard...and connected at the bow end with fillets and glass ...

the next few pics show the hull coming together...they show it with bottom on and some of the framing and bulkheads in...

then we have one from the back which shows the framing and bulkheads in a little better detail...I like to think my joinery is improving now with this being my third boat project :)

the pictures above show the bottom with paint...(5) coats, (3) coats resin and
cloth under the paint...

last night I was
working more on the decking (I had only had it in a mock up so far) and I pulled it off to add some add'l 'glass bonding
to the ribs and transom and bow to strengthen things up
a bit before I install the decking and florring permanantly...

got the hull flipped back over mon nite with the help of my buddy Snake ... (my go-to guy)...

...the decking and flooring is progressing...

my wife is about ready to get up an "intervention" to get me outta the "boatshop" hee hee..
she has also told many of her freinds and co-workers about the Duckworks site and they are asking if my project will make the site :)...

Project has been coming along,painted inside and out now

have some more work on the bright trim wood but it's looking up we have a little ways to go on the sailing rig but next week we are anticipating 70's and I am flirting with dipping the boat for a quick trial under motor to see how it rides and see the waterline...been a few years since I dipped the Dory on it's first float and it's always a great
thrill (for me anyway) to get a new boat underway for the first time...

...the last two projects (My Dory and the Outrigger canoe) were other's designs while this one is my own...
should be very cool...

...this boat is almost done...finished the rudder and mast this weekend and should start the sails soon...launch day is not far off...

I have gotten the Sharpie up on it's trailer (after a few mnior adjustements it fit very well) with the help of my go to guy and freind Snake...time to splash it will come anyday
now..came close to going this morn as tides and wind were perfect but duties called...:)

try and get ya some waterborne pics before long
Mike Smith
St Augustine Fl