by Rodolphe Clauteaux
Sandwich ply-foam-ply
As I am building a Michalak Vireo, I decided to do it "luxurious"... I want to offer it as one of my daughter's wedding gifts.
In particular the triangular piece of wood of the bow, which I built of several kinds of colored wood.
But if the bow is small, the transom isn't, and to make the transom, a "fancy" one, I immediately have a weight problem... Then, to make a transom more adorned than the classic one...
(click images to enlarge)
I decided to build it in two pieces. One, the normal one, the "one on the plans", the inferior part, is built of two 5mm ply boards glued to a 20 mm foam board. |
I got rigidity, easy by gluing it to the ply planks of the body of the boat, and a very light weight.
On the top of that, I could install the second part of the transom, the "luxurious" one... in plain wood (douglas fir). |
The whole thing is a lot lighter than a transom in one piece of plain wood, or of 12mm ply, which is a minimum, for a transom of a boat like Vireo. |
And I could take great pleasure in a free personal decorating crazyness crisis... |
With a rare african wood frame and bronze nails...
Note : The boat has still not received its epoxy and varnish layers. The weather is too cold...
