About the Author
Ron Thweatt is 56 years old. Retired from sales in the printing business, he lives in Nashville with His Wife of 35 years, has 2 children one boy and daughter. Ron also has 2 GrandDaughters who live not far away and spend lots of time with him and 2 GrandSons and 2 GrandDaughters living in Kentucky also by the lake.

Captain Ron Thweatt
Ron has owned Snipe, Chrysler 13 two of these, 2 Catalina 22’s, 3 O’day 25’s, Cape Dory 22, 2 Drascomb long boats, Sea Pearl, 2 Compac 16’s, Bauer 12, Classic Sailing Dinghy, West Wight Potter, Lightning, 2 O'day Javelins, Laser, Boston Whaler Sailing Dinghy, A dink sailing Dinghy, 2 Nutshell prams, built one rowing dinghy, owned 3 kayaks and 3 canoes.
Ron has also had time to sail lots of other boats from Maine to Florida, travel from Nashville to Paris Landing, Tennessee by way of the Cumberland River, to Lake Barkley through the cut to Kentucky Lake.
Ron also has been a scout master; Production Director for 7 magazines; Produced One Book for the 200 years birthday of Nashville County; Founded one publishing Co. and one Offset Production Co; Was Gen Manger for The Largest Digital Printing Co in Nashville for 4 years; has been a dad, Grand Dad, Husband, Church Member, and served on the board of several different fund raising projects.
Ron Spends most his time now Trying to learn to Live with Post Polio Syndrome and Keep House for his wife.