The 9.5 Laura Bay - Part 6
design by Warren D. Messer - Seattle, Washington - USA |
1 - Part
2 - Part
- Part 4
- Part
- Part 6
The Sea Trials
She's finally in the water and I've
had a chance to row and sail her. As any proud father,
I'm hesitant to describe the experiences without paternal
embellishment. But has that ever stopped any parent?
One of the things that has always gotten to me, was
that when it's windy I'm beach bound. The whole time
Laura was laying on her back waiting for the hull
paint to dry and then cure for seven plus days, it
was windy at my local lake. What happens when it's
time to go sailing? Yep, no wind. No wind for over
two weeks. But I had my oars and it was sunny and
warm out. In the Seattle area that's rare, but this
summer it was the norm.
So as soon as her bright white System Three Marine
Enamel hull paint had cured; it was time to strap
on the wheels and roll her down to the lake. I really
like doing that, as it seems to take people away from
their cell phone conversations and wonder what the
hell am I doing and where am I going. The men smile,
the women wonder, and it's always fun for me. Even
when the local fire chief drove past me in his big
red SUV as I was standing in the crosswalk, pointing
to the crosswalk sign, while trying to cross the only
major street along the way. I guess an old person
in a yellow lifejacket, pulling a bright white, 9
½ foot boat is hard to see.
Once in the water I shipped the oars and was off
on a circumnavigation of Lake Wilderness. They always
seem to name things after what they were before they
destroy them. Not much wilderness at the lake anymore,
or trees at Maple Ridge Estates. I had the seat in
the aft position and was gliding along without too
much effort. A 9 ½ foot boat still rows like
a 9 ½ foot boat. They only go so fast and it
would take someone like Samson to get them on a plane.
Needless to say I can only row to hull speed, but
it was fun. I've found that if I want to get an idea
of how well the boat is doing, I like to stay close
to shore. That way I have a reference to my actual
speed, and not just more water going by the hull when
rowing out farther in the lake.
I was pleased with her handling and performance,
but I still wanted to go sailing and to see what happens
to the boat's balance with someone in the stern seat.
So I asked my oldest friends (34 years) to come down
to the lake and help me out and to take some photos
of me in the boat. So I got Eddie to sit in the stern
seat, while I took to the middle seat in it's forward
position. I also moved the oarlocks forward. The hull
sits like I wanted it to and I am quite happy with
the moving middle seat. It will be a part of all my
plan sets in the future.
As you can see from the photos, the hull has a little
bit of volume still left in the bow to take on a load
of supplies or a child. For three adults, I would
drill another set of dowel holes to move the seat
back a bit to re-balance the load and bring the hull
back to it's lines. But you have to remember to limit
the total weight. Just because three 200 pounders
can get in the boat, the U.S. Coast Guard will not
be smiling. Nor will I. Be safe and respect the weight
limits designers place on their hulls; there is a
reason for them.
There's only so much excitement generated from rowing
a new boat around a very familiar small lake. I want
to go sailing! After a week or so, I just couldn't
take it anymore; I had to go. There was just a hint
of a wind at my place so I rolled the boat out of
the barn and pulled it down to the lake. There was
just a slight breeze at the lake, but enough of a
tease to get me to rig up the sail and cast off. I
didn't get far, or very fast getting there, but at
least I was sailing. After an hour floating around
the lake, I packed up and went home to wait for better
winds. I did find in light winds that if I sat facing
forward, with my feet on either side of the daggerboard
trunk, I could lean back against the seat and steer
with my head.
Luckily for me the weather was changing and a high
came in from over Eastern Washington, and with it
warm sunny weather with a good east wind. Back to
the lake and it was blowing good. Blowing good in
Lake Wilderness has it's caveats. While the wind was
up, it is never steady in speed or direction. Being
in a slight hole (bowl), the winds come in all directions
and shift at the mere thought of it. One has lots
of chances to practice quick tacking, but I was able
to get enough steady winds to get her over on her
side and up to speed a few times. Laura accelerates
to apparent wind speed in the blink of an eye and
I was a very happy camper. I just kept hoping for
a long steady burst of wind on the more open sections
of the lake, but alas it never came to be.
With a smile I headed for shore and home. When I
got close to shore I pulled up the gybing daggerboard
(which does quite well) and pulled the rudder. What
I neglected to check as I pulled in was: was I really
close enough to the shore? As my waist hit the gunnel,
my feet were still a foot from the bottom. Instead
of measuring the volume of the hull by math as I did
to calculate total weight carried, I should have just
taken along a gallon container and counted the total
I bailed. I was a whitewater kayaker, so I've been
in deeper (Uh Oh) water so to speak and enjoyed the
chance to see how high the extra flotation materials
floated the boat. I will have to put on my drysuit
and try it again in deep water for self rescue practice.
My next chance to sail the boat was in Seattle.
Chuck and Sandra Leinweber left their Duckworks in
a row and stopped in Seattle for a few days; so I
invited them down to Green Lake in the center of the
city for a row and sail. It was a beautiful day, with
a hint of wind. The wind would come and go through
the mid part of the day, but built in the afternoon
as it usually does.
I had also called Robert Perry, the Seattle based
yacht designer that morning, to let him know that
I had the boat rigged up and would be down at the
lake for the afternoon. He showed up as Chuck was
coming in from a short sail. I introduced him to Chuck
and then we stood around looking at Laura and discussing
her design. I had talked to Mr. Perry before about
the design and I wanted to show him the moving middle
seat option and the removable mast partner. He wanted
to go sailing, and took Laura out for a quick spin
as Chuck and I snapped a few photos of this event.
How often do you get a chance to have someone of Robert
Perry's fame to come down and sail your boat. He said
that he thought it was the first time he had ever
sailed a sprit rig. I just wish the wind would have
been the same as it was an hour later.
After Mr. Perry left, Chuck and I went out rowing
together, so I could show him how the boat balanced
with the seat in the forward position. We spent more
time just sitting around talking about boats than
actually going anywhere with the oars. Sailing was
what we had come for and our wait was rewarded. After
the wind picked up, we alternated taking Laura out
sailing around the lake. With the stronger winds,
I was able to swing around and sit on the windward
side and make her get up and go. I wished I had attached
the vang to keep the boom down for more power off
the wind. It makes a very big difference with a boomed
sprit rig in power and pointing ability. On my last
trip around the lake, the young women from the Green
Lake Rowing Club were out for rowing practice in their
2's, 4's, and 8's shells. When I crossed the stern
of one of the eight's; the girls all said what a pretty
boat I had. I returned the complement by saying what
a pretty bunch of girls their boat had.
I would have to say that after rowing and sailing
the Laura Bay, the experience has been as enjoyable
as the kiss from the young woman that gave her her
name. I now want to take her out on bigger waters,
waves, and winds. Time to get out the 4mm BodyGlove
dry suit.
Thank you for reading all the stories on building
the Laura Bay, and the helpful comments you have written
in response. Check in often here at Duckworks Magazine
for more stories and how to articles I will be posting
in the future. I also have several other new boat
design PDF model files that will be available for
download soon.
Warren Messer
Red Barn Boats
