Sea Biscuit Position Report |
Location of SV Sea
Biscuit - Kristofer J. "Harley" Harlson,
Capt |
Here is the latest news on Harley:
I talked to Harley on the phone this evening (Friday,
the 25th of August) and he was in good spirits. I
was able to tell him that through the generosity of
family and friends, we had deposited almost a thousand
dollars into his account. He seemed genuinely humbled
and thankful.
Harley told me that he had been in touch with his
former employer and was able to get his job back.
In addition, he fully intends to maintain his dream
and will make another attempt next year.

From: Ken & Dot Gibson
Sent: Thursday, August 24,
2006 7:08 PM
To: Chuck Leinweber
Subject: Re: Any more news
on Seabiscuit?
Thanks for the new site .. Its interesting to
see what people think ( concern's )
Harley is back at the float & has decided
"To pack it in " & "go back home
" .. IF he can get his help to come back &
get him ... He appears to be short of money ( he
said that ).. He ask me if the berth (dock fee's)
run's out if he could put the 'Seabiscuit "
on beach in front of my property until help arrives
.. Getting around the world is tough enough but
without any money would be twice as bad in my opinion
He said he's going get the "Lead" on
the bottom of the keel, Its simply too "tippy"
& the "window of the season" is getting
late .. I told him he had you guys cheering for
him (showed him your letter from last nite) I suggested
he could do these test's in a lake down there ,,
I wonder if sleeping in that craft may have got
to him a bit also ,,
In view of the above revelation, Duckworks
has decided to open a Sea
Biscuit Around the World support fund. We have
opened it with $100. Please send what you can afford
to help Harley keep his dream alive. You may contribute
with a credit card, PayPal or a personal check. I
don't think Harley has any intention of quitting,
however he did not plan to have to postpone his trip
nor did he plan to have to do additional work on his
boat. Let's show Harley that we are glad he decided
discretion was the better part of valor and send him
a few bucks to get back on. He put everything into
this. Don't make him beg for a ride home.
Chuck Leinweber
Editor, Duckworks
to contribute

On Aug 18, Harley posted the following:
I'll be on my way. See Ya all in about 14 months.
On Aug 21 I got this email:
From: Ken & Dot Gibson
Sent: Monday, August 21,
2006 12:09 AM
To: Chuck Leinweber
Subject: World travel?
image to enlarge |
This "Craft " with "
" see under "Sea Biscuit " arrived
to-day from the USA .. Can you tell us anything
about this vessel ? It looks very (unseaworthy)
perhaps you know something us "local's"
don't ..Do you endorse its trip around the world?
Ken and Dot Gibson,
Tofino, B.C.
I told Mr. Gibson about Harley's voyage and sent
him links to the various Duckworks articles. I also
asked for more information and he sent the following:
From: Ken & Dot Gibson
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006
10:45 PM
To: Chuck Leinweber
Subject: World Traveler?
The first photo's shows the "launching"
yesterday .. Sure not good for that nice truck to
back it into salt water.. Those two fellow's left
soon after ,,,
images for larger views |
This AM it was really foggy ---so I waited
until 11am before venturing down the street to the
boat harbour (old timer's hang-out) The wharfinger
said "Your friend is already in trouble"
The Captain has all his stuff from the stern out
on the 'float ' (see Photo) It appears some of the
bolts used on the "rudder" are leaking
.. (seem's a bad time to find out when one is packed
to go...) He won't have a place to dry stuff on
the Pacific ,,,,,,,
I checked several times in after-noon &
this evening & found he was still convincing
anyone who would listen that he "has all base's
covered".. I offered him the beach as my family
own the shore property, But he replied "a little
'goo'" would do. I looked at his mast arrangement
& I don't think the hull will even take that
--without rolling over..
Enjoy Ken
Stay tuned to Duckworks for the latest news about

This is
a sample of what Harley's maps will look
like. The real position maps will begin
shortly after the voyage commences.
(click image to enlarge) |
Harley has purchased a DMR200 D+ unit from Pole
Star to track his journey. Once Harley
embarks on his Circumnavigation of the Earth, we will
be receiving daily maps of his track like the one
above. Those updates will be shown on this page, so
bookmark it for future reference.
Duckworks Articles by Harley Harlson:
Dream Photo Album
with a Dreamer
Listen to the Podcast
Interview from

Recent comments
Comments made before
Harley ended this attempt