Robert Bowles Boat |
By Milton "Skip" Johnson - Houston, Texas - USA |
Been out in the C100 boat? Thought I'd send an update on the boat I was working on when you picked it up. Robert Bowles Boat is being built out of Ceiba like my EasyB but out of the only bundle that escaped from the pinworms. Susie pointed out that while the grain patterns in the Ceiba were nice the color was pretty blah, so the boat was stained prior to glassing, The test panel is on the back side of one of the bulkheads, like Goldilocks one's too dark, one's too light and one's just right.
This is my first time to use the marinepoxy system you're selling and I'm quite pleased with it but it's Fast! I had Susie mix 6 oz batches to start and then went to 4.5 oz batches immediately, I could barely stay ahead of the exotherm. This is with medium speed hardner on an 80 degree November afternoon. The speed was a surprise, but the general handling is good and I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of color in the hardner. Thin film set is good and I've not yet used it for filleting and gluing, but will probably wait for some cooler weather before I do my first birdsmouth.
BTW I've enjoyed the article by Dave Nichols on sailing canoe but confess that when I see such a clean, pristine, neat and orderly workspace I wonder, are we both from the same species?

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