Martin's Cat |
By Martin Adams - Prescott,
Arizona - USA |
Martin Adams brought his PVC
Catamaran to the Lake Powell Messabout/Kokopelli
Cruise this past September. To say it is unsual
would be an understatemant. Here are some pictures
and a couple of emails from Martin before and after
the event. - Chuck
August 31, 2006
Hi Chuck and Sandra,
I sent you a few pics attached to another email.
As you can see from the assembled cat, the seats are
indeed two feet outboard of the pontoons, and one's
feet rest on them. The deck is partly two 7 cu. ft.
aluminum boxes I made with plywood covers - storage
for gear and food. Next to them will come two ice
chests, also merging into the deck. While seated,
one will be able to lean forward, open a cooler and
take out drinks, food, etc.
is one of the pictures Martin sent before
the messabout.
images to enlarge) |
I've moved the seating frame-daggerboard slots (3)-bowsprit
forward, making the cat about 22 ft. long instead
of 19. So far I have about 10 hours of video of the
cat's construction, and that should boil down to maybe
two hours of good movie. Of course, I haven't put
the cat in water yet, so there will be more footage
of it sailing. That will be soon, if I can complete
all the tiny things that need doing, like sewing two
big sails.
Here is
the other one - great paint job, Martin |

When I started the cat, I was sure it would be done
long before the Lake Powell Messabout. Now it looks
like it will be close. We had months of rain and strong
winds. Now things are moving faster, so I expect to
see all of you at Powell in a month.
Best regards,
Martin Adams
Martin did make it to Lake Powell in time and
assembled his cat on the beach. But when the messabout
ended and the cruise began, the weather turned angry
and Martin was unable to keep up with the cruisers
in the face of a foul wind. Here is his report of
the maiden voyage and some pictures we took at the
October 10, 2006
Hi All Messabouters and Kokonauts,
I'm back in Prescott, having left on Friday. Got
back to our camp on Thurs around noon, after rowing
half the night and half of Wed - no wind. But what
a great time! Yup, I missed the 'boat' on our departure,
following the couple with the two-masted, brown sails
boat, then realized they were not taking the cruise.
By the time I was almost up with others, the wind
came up and I mean UP, and I had difficulty beating
against it. Then I found what I later realized must
have been the turn, but from the water it was nearly
impossible to see what it really was. So I sailed
on and on and eventually had to pull down sails and
ditch into a small cove for two days. Then sailed
farther down looking for you guys until the orange
marker 86 plus half a mile or so. Nobody there and
no more side channels, so I turned around and ended
up rowing back to my cove for the night, then rowed
the next day back to Bullfrog and across to our camp.
Whew, I got blisters - it's a big boat to row for
several miles. Found our camp was quite muddy and
almost couldn't get out. Dragged the boat out with
the Toyota and cleaned it, then roofracked it and
left on Fri, the day Jack Hicks arrived. But there's
lots more to tell - that was the jist.
helped Martin unload and assemble the
boat but he had to do the reverse by himself.
The cat performed well and actually went pretty fast.
I've noted many small and large changes to make to
improve the comfort level and safety of it. Having
lots of slots for the daggerboard proved valuable
and I found the right place to put the thing later
when I make it a rotating centerboard instead - much
easier to operate. Slept on the back trampoline one
night at the cove with an improvised boomtent. At
least I didn't get a mudslide thru it like the night
Wish I could have enjoyed the company of the rest
of you during the cruise, but I suppose we all got
what we needed from it. I got lots of quiet thinking
time and technical challenges with the boat.
all the pieces together was no small job |

My take on Powell: It's a paradise for motorboats.
Sailors are at a disadvantage, especially when the
wind stops and going anywhere is harder. Big boats
going by at 40mph do tend to make the ride bumpy.
Spectacular views, but I found I could only enjoy
them when I beached the boat and walked around. While
in the water, there were usually other distractions.
I had planned to stay longer at Powell, but I expected
to see far less motorboats. I confess the smell of
exhaust also dilutes the joy of sailing a bit - I
suppose I'm a fresh air lover. I also thought it would
be possible to get away into less-travelled corners
where motorboats don't go, but they appear to be everywhere.
It was also difficult, with the turbulence, to navigate
narrow channels. At one corner I found myself surrounded
by floating debris and realized it was stuck there,
as I was, because of the swirl of wind. Quite a challenge
to get out of it. The weather was also a factor in
deciding to head home. It looked like there could
be more of the same.
present agreed that the boat, once together,
is a handsome and unique vessel
So, I'll make some changes to the cat and look for
a place to sail which is relatively more free from
motorboats and is more open to steady air. Any suggestions?
I hear Lake Michigan is nice.
When I take up another residence and get my own PC
online (I'm at the library), I'll send some photos
and a bit more coverage from my perspective. I would
like very much to get in touch with anyone who filmed
(video) my cat under sail. The gentleman with the
cute and rather chubby boat with the newly-rigged
traveller, with mizzen, appeared to be filming diligently
and was actually sailing circles around me, filming
with one hand and controlling his boat with the other.
I was impressed. Sorry I didn't get everybody's name
committed to memory. If he is reading this, I would
very much like a copy of the clips he got of my cat.
I had camera and camcorder at hand, but I actually
needed both hands on my boat and still needed two
more at times, so I failed to get anything documented
under sail.
it was the first time in the water for this
cat, it sailed well in the contratry winds
of Lake Powell |

Lastly, I was favorably impressed with all of the
participants - a great buch of fun-loving, dedicated
sailors who were extremely helpful to me in getting
my cat assembled and in the water. Thanks to all of
you - I am grateful for your support and look forward
to sailing with you in the future.