Swift |
By Bob Means - Remlik, Virginia - USA |
Here are some pictures of a model I built recently. I named the boat after "Operation Swift". I was in the Marines and while in Vietnam we got surrounded by the 2nd NVA division. It was a hell of a fight, we had 80% casualties, I lost a lot of friends. I named it "Swift" as a tribute to those who fought and the ones we lost. We did win the battle.
Actually I got the idea from a boat I saw on a calendar. I build all my models the same way I build all my boats I just scale everything down. I cut wood caravel planks and proceed with my skin first construction method. The only difference is that I attach them with tiny screws and a metal strap on the outside rather than with the metal clips I use on my full size boats. Then I bring the stem and stern together until I get my beam. Next I put a deck beam across to hold the shape while I lay fiberglass cloth down on the inside with epoxy to stiffen the hull up. Finally, I glue in mast steps, lay on the deck and build up from there.
I have no plans - these boats are not a replica of other boats. They are just little dream boats of mine that I could never afford in real life. I rig them all with actual working rigging so that if I was an inch and a half tall I could I could sail them around the world.
Thanks again and I hope you and your readers enjoy the photos.

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