Shanty Saga |
By Mike Smith - St. Augustine,
Florida - USA |
Feb 2, 2006
I got a little sidetracked from my newest Sharpie
project by the notion of a Shanty-Cruiser...
I have come up with a modular type design... the hull
starts out with a shanty style rectangle shape with
an attachable bow section.. both compartmentalized.
So far I have the main shanty hull almost framed in
and expect to start glassing the bottom and sides
in about a week or two...
the sides and with framing
almost complete
images to enlarge) |
about to put on the ends and
bottom sheets... |

the bottom on the hull's
mid section...hoping to start some glassing
by the weekend
Feb 14, 2006
Got the bottom glassed, multiple layers
of resin and cloth..
one more day curing and I'm gonna do some sanding
and paint...I am not going to try for a million dollar
finish...just sealed wood mainly...I don't want to
be worried about bumps and scratches with this one
as with all my others, it will be meant to be used...
hopefully I will be able to
flip it this weekend give or take a bit |

March 8, 2006
I need to get you some more pics of
my shanty cruiser project... it's coming along...
been working on the cabin framing and walls... it
ain't gonna be beautiful but it should be a comfortable
March 9, 2006
Took a few pics of my project this aft...still planning
on holding off on adding the bow section till I get
further along with the cabin work and then bring it
outside the 'shop'...
this one makes my other
boat projects look like a warm up... |
mainly just winging it... every so
often I draw some things out and ponder options for
a bit with a cup of coffee before I move on and think
about the next day's work beforehand...
but it does represent the
product of a lot of hours of thinking about
it while overnighting on the hook several
summers in my 21' trailer sailor wishing
I had more room and better accomodations...

April 16, 2006
Here is the bow section |
Side view of bow section |

3, 2006
got my new digicam figured out...(I think:) anyway
here are some updated pics of the Shantyboat I've
been working on...
Here's a Stbd Shot...
still haven't got the aft modular section
on yet |
...have it just about ready to glass in as you will
see in the next pic
here's the aft sec... |

the bow sec and the mid and aft sections are totally
modular with watertight bulheads and each piece should
float on it's own...
here you can see a port
rear quartering angle...pre install of
the aft section... |
my trailer bunks (new performance skiff trailer)
extend a ways beyond the current end to facilitate
my aft section...I have already had it on in dry fit...hoping
to have it glassed in and ready to paint in a few
My 'go to guy' and Friend Snake is lined up to help
me put it on... he was thankfully on hand for the
hair raising evolution of jacking and blocking this
thing to get it on it's new trailer and the install
of the bow section... that was unfortunately during
my digicam-less period and I missed pics of that circus....
it was a hard day... Bow section went on easy but
the blocking and jacking was a job and a half.....
he has agreed to crew for me on the test dip, hopefully
in a few weeks if my old guy back problems mellow
down some...
I have the Motor mounts already made for the twin
electrics I have for it, but will need to see the
waterline before installing the Motormount for the
gas Johnson that will go between the twin electrics...
Here's a head on shot with
the front slider doors open.. |

I went with bright wood on the fwd and aft sliders...standard
white on the sides to blend in...
Here's a fwd quartering
shot... |
Here's a stbd side shot with
the sliders open... each side has a big
one and a small one of the same sizes... |

With the bright finished fwd and aft sliding doors
I have the "Shotgun Shack" effect, and serious
flow thru ventilation.. we've had a little rain since
it went on the trailer and so far no leaks inside
around the doors.... this thing is kinda retro looking
and I have a ways to go, esp on the inside but I am
looking Fwd to the test dip... this boat has been
considerably more of an undertaking than my others...
it's a behemoth compared to my them but I am looking
forward to the cabin space... after the cabin on my
Clipper 21 trailer sailer... at 6'1" I bumped
my head way too many times and I made sure this one
has standing room for me...
here's a straight on aft
shot... |
next to the Sharpie you can see my Tow vehicle...
67 Chevy with 400 Small block and rock crusher 4 spd
tranny with granny gear... will darn near pull stumps...
this thing is actually light for what it is and the
truck shouldn't grunt at all... as you can probably
tell by now I like old and retro stuff...:)
July 12, 2006
here's a pic from the inside
of the fwd cabin... it is big enough for
two adults to berth in... I am 6'1"
and I have sitting headroom in the fwd part
of the cabin... |

my boy has already claimed can see the trees
out thru the top of the hatch...
here you can see the aft
section on with the hatchcover I made
for the battery/storage compartment inside...
My carpentry is not first class boatwright stuff
but it is functional...
here is the hatchway into
the fwd will slide open or can
be just removed... |

I thought about using a hinge but we'll see how this
works out first...we had a good hard rain last night
and I found no water inside today...a good sign...
I expect to be putting on the motor mounts for the
twin electrics soon...maybe in the next few days...then
a bit more trimming and a few punch out tasks and
I will give it a test dip...oh yeah, I have to put
on the numbers and registration...I already have it
I'll get you a few pics of it afloat soon hopefully
once I see the waterline I will be adding the mount
for the outboard Johnson that will go in between the
twin electrics...
July 20, 2006
I have a few updated pics
for you showing this morning's efforts that
resulted in the Cleats and motor mounts
and twin electrics getting installed... |

at this point, unless I think of something I have
forgotten, all I have left before being able to do
the test dip is the bow eye and the numbers and sticker...
here's a port stern look
with early morning filtered sun, thru
the old maples and live oaks along our
street |
Talked to my friend and go to guy Snake today to
enlist his help one day next week for the slash...I'm
going to check the tides for my regular testing area
waters close to home on the ICW in southern St John's
County Florida...
Here's the port side with
sliders open |

after these few pics tonite,hopefully I have some
afloat pics to send very soon
Last but not least of
this set is a port fwd quartering shot |
August 9, 2006
Dipped the Shantyboat today... only had a little
light since it was
late when we got to the ramp, so we launched it,floated
it out a bit
by line and then moored by the dock for a while...
no leaks... sits very nicely
in the water... incredibly stable... |

you could dance on it and barely feel it move in
the water... lots of deck space, esp when you include
the roof area...
Here my buddy (the infamous:)
Snake holds her while I take some more
pics |
the combo of wind and current was too strong for
motoring out under the electrics, especially so late...
but I now have the waterline so I can build and mount
the gas engine mount... and I know how it sits in
the water...
I'm gonna need more power...:)
Here you can see by Snakes
knees (he's about 6'1") the depth of
the water he's standing in and the boat
is drawing like 3 or 4 inches... very shallow
draft... of course it's totally empty right
here... |

All things considered, it went well... the hull is
no longer virgin,crossed a major milestone by getting
it afloat, and I can see it being a lot of fun...
Here's a shot from across
the ramp with her moored by Snake... we
had the ramp area all to ourselves so
we could manually handle her around at
our leisure without holding other boaters
up... |
it's a out of the way ramp I use on the ICW to avoid
crowds when I am dipping virgin boats I've made...
This is in my home turf of Southern St John's County
Florida... Butler Park... Quiet and mostly used by
Now that I know it floats and sits so well and doesn't
leak, officially
entertaining bids...:)
that was also the first time the trailer had ever
been dipped, brand
new too... washed it down good when I got it back...
Here she is loaded as the
sunlight goes away...
successfull launch, mooring, and reloading...
Shantyboat Floats! |

Shantyboat should be a bunch of fun... standing
headroom in the 11x7 main cabin... sitting headroom
,sleep 2 in the few cabin... tons of deck space with
the strong roof adding another 8x12 deck...
it's always cool to launch a boat you've built for
the first time...
hope you enjoyed the Shantyboat saga Chuck, maybe
some of DW's loyal readers would enjoy seeing it...
when it goes afloat again I'll try to get more extensive
pics under power but it may be a while before I get
my gas engine mounted