Sisu Photos |
By David Graybeal - Portland Oregon - USA |
You asked for captions for the fotos I sent you of
Sisu, the Goat Island Skiff. All 5 fotos were by Greg
Stoll, who wrote the article on the Sucia
Messabout that you published in three
parts. They were taken at our launch party last Spring,
at Northwestern Lake, on the White Salmon river, in
the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. Captions &
pictures follow:
age 17 prepares for a solo launch - to
go rowing.
images to enlarge) |
Jerry, Barbara,
David, Colin & Devin (age 12) rowing
to the dock after Jerry kills the Nissan
5hp 4stroke & can't restart it (and
he's the mechanic of the bunch...
scary) |

interior shot of Sisu docked while the
crew ponders another run.
Colin, Devin
& Jerry racing the ducks. Are they winning?
I forget. |

(aka Capt.
Graybeard) at the tiller - 2/3 throttle.
Motor runs nice, and quiet. Boat is moving
very nicely now that we got the prop deep
enough into the water. This hull is more
of a sailboat form, but she's not bad
at all with an outboard.
Hope that's useful.
Cheers & Beers,
David G.