Toto |
By Glynn Sirmans - Milledgeville, Georgia - USA |
I recently completed building the Toto with plans from Jim Michalak.
I would encourage anyone with minimum wood-working skills to build this boat.
I used ¼ inch exterior plywood (5.2mm) from Lowes, polyester resin and 100% Aycrilic Latex
Paint. The “hatch” covers are plastic “tupperware” type containers with the bottoms cut off.
stitching the panels I used Gorilla Glue to hold it together in areas where the joints where almost touching and removed the wire ties before the bonding and fiberglass process.
I floated the Flint river in Georgia on a fishing trip and the “Toto” handled class II and
Class III rapids with no problems. What a great hull design. I plan on building another Toto
in the future and maybe adding more length.
Total Cost $173.43
Lumber 52.00
Resin and fiberglass tape 43.00 (had some fiberglass already laying around the shop)
Paint 22.00
Misc. items 56.00
Started building on the 4th of Aug. and completed on the 20th of the same month.
I have enjoyed your magazine almost daily.
Thanks again, Glynn Sirmans

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