There is a new issue of Chebacco online at www.chebacco.com

Richard Spelling

Picture of work on Dovekie
Lee Martin (who has written for Duckworks) told me he was refurbishing a new Dovekie for a retirement cruising boat. I asked him to take pictures for an article on the process and he sent me a photo of his wife, Katie working on the boat (above).
I tactfully mentioned to Lee that it would improve the picture a lot if he would have the person in the picture face the camera.
About a week later, Lee dutifully send the following photo:

That's right honey, SMILE - Chuck said
he wanted one of you looking at the camera.
Hello Chuck,
Can you send this to Ed Einhorn? I just wantd to let him know that the doctor told me I could only lift ten pounds and now I'm lifting Eleven! Just kidding, I can lift about fifty if I am careful. The trick is to get some strong friends and you can build any boat. My scar is about seven inches long and runs from the top of my shoulders down to about the middle of my shoulder blades. He just needs to know that it only gets better. I still have to get a few more disks fused but it is not the end of the world and if I was living near him we could build that Pilgrim.
Keep going Ed!
Thank you Chuck.
John Cupp
I work as a volunteer on the Brig Niagara. It is a square rig Brig with a 123 foot hull and 32 foot beam. Here is a shot taken durng a day sail, with 40 "sailors", 16 of whom are paid professionals. Any healthy student can spend 3 weeks training on her during summer. Good meals, NO hot water, no privacy!
You can learn more about the Battle of Lake Erie on the web...
John Baker
Hi Chuck,
You may wish to add the following address for those of your readers interested in following the (long) building process of Champlain. Let’s hope that the final result will be in par with Han Van Pelt’s success.

Nathalie, Peter Lenihan, Paul
Thank you
Paul Simard
Hi Sandra,
Here are two pictures of the Marie James, a boat I built as a gift for the marriage of my daughter Marie... The boat is a Michalak's plan of Vireo.
Rod Clauteaux |
Best Marine Ad in 2005
...last year a British Columbia Ferry lost power and drifted into a local marina ......:^)
I enjoy your site...keep up the good work! All the best in 2006.
Jack Panter
Victoria B.C.
We (son Alex & I) finished this Kidyak on Christmas Eve.

Alex's younger brother Jack's kayak is about 50% done, and should also splash after ice-out!
Best - Marc E Bourassa
Exomos showcases its range of submersibles at
Dubai International Boat Show
Company foresees huge leisure submarine market in the Middle East
March 19, 2005
Exomos, formerly known as Palm Submarine, a subsidiary of Dubai's Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC), showcased its range of cutting-edge submersibles during their participation at the recently concluded Dubai International Boat Show at the Dubai International Marine Club.
The new range of submersibles, which include Stingray, Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDV), Intruder Submersible Patrol Vessel (SPV) and Scuba Jet, will serve the military, scientific and recreational needs of the Middle East region.
Commenting on the launch of their submersibles, Mohammed Ameen, Marketing Manager, Exomos said, “Our range of submersibles and submarines were a major attraction at the boat show, as this was something that most visitors are seeing for the first time. Besides, these submersibles are distinctively designed and are equipped with latest features like advanced instrumentation control systems.”
The Stingray is a compact submersible that provides exceptional visibility in a semi-dry cockpit, that features ergonomically advanced instrumentation and control systems with a speed range of 4 mph and 6 mph. The Stingray is ideal for port security, hull inspection and search missions.
The advanced Swimmer Delivery Vehicles from Exomos can accommodate up to eight divers, for missions requiring stealth and speed. The SDV can submerge in a matter of seconds and can reach speeds of 25 knots on the surface and 6 knots underwater, with its hybrid petrol/electric propulsion system.

“We foresee a new trend where there will be a major demand for leisure submarines in the Middle East. A growing number of people are looking at new forms of recreation and are taking to sailing and leisure boating in a big way. The availability of suitable submarines and submersibles will generate a lot of interest among marine enthusiasts to try out a novel way of exploring the waters in the region. The boat show provided us with an ideal platform to target the right audience with the presence of high profile visitors from around the world,” remarked Ameen.
The other submersibles that were showcased at the boat show were the Intruder Submersible Patrol Vessel and Scuba Jet. The Intruder can submerge in less than a minute with a top surface speed of 25 knots. Its innovative technology includes telescopic periscope, radar, chrome-lithium maintenance-free batteries, and water rocket propulsion. Scuba Jet, the hands-free, low profile diver propulsion vehicle, provides 90 minutes of propulsion at 3 knot speeds, by using miniature water rocket propulsion nozzles and state-of-the art chromium-lithium, maintenance free battery packs.
The Dubai International Boat Show, organised by Dubai World Trade Center drew thousands of visitors. The 8550 square meter exhibition area at the show, accommodated exhibitors from over 30 countries.
Exomos is headquartered at a new facility located in the Jebel Ali Free Zone. This modern factory employs over 200 workers and seven product lines. The company will manufacture small submarines and submersible vessels for the regional and international marine tourism industry as well as port and security agencies.
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Mohammed Amin
Tel: 04- 8830777 , Mobile: 4575756
Email: Mohd.Amin@dpa.ae
Orient Planet, PR & Marketing Communications
PO Box 23345, Dubai UAE
Tel: 00 971 4 3988901, Fax: 00 971 4 3988941
Email: oplanet@emirates.net.ae
Website: www.orientplanet.com |
Small woman, small boat, big ocean
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 Posted: 11:19 PM EST (0419 GMT)
LIMA, Peru (AP) -- A 26-year-old French woman set out in a row boat Wednesday on a 7,900 kilometer (4,900-mile) solo voyage to Polynesia, hoping to trace Thor Heyerdahl's epic Pacific crossing six decades ago aboard the balsa raft Kon-Tiki.
"I'm leaving, a small woman with a little boat," Maud Fontenoy told reporters as she prepared to embark from Lima's port of Callao in Peru.
In 1947, Heyerdahl and his team sailed a primitive sail raft from Peru to Polynesia in 101 days, seeking to prove Heyerdahl's theory that the South Sea Islands were settled by ancient mariners from South America -- not Southeast Asia, as prevailing theory maintains.
In October 2003, Fontenoy rowed 117 days in crossing the Atlantic Ocean from west to east, from Canada to Spain, joining the ranks of seven male rowers who accomplished the trip before her.
"I know I'm going to have different problems, big storms and loneliness," she said. "But you know the victory will be bigger since it was difficult at the beginning."
"I'm going to put my hand in the ocean to touch a dolphin and meet whales and be in total harmony with nature," she said. "I'm looking for a different way of living, a simple life. Just me and the ocean."
She said she expected her journey to take five months. Her vessel, the Oceor, is about 7 meters (23 feet) long, with a sliding seat and oars in the middle and small cabins at either end.
It was equipped with dried food and two water purifiers -- one manual and the other powered by a solar panel, she said.
Fontenoy said she had a satellite phone and geographical positioning locator and beacon to summon help if she runs into trouble in her unaccompanied trip.
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