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The Flap Jack rowing boat is designed
to be used by Commercial Float Companies as an addition
to their canoe fleet for those persons who want a
more stable boating platform. It features stable and
roomy comfort not offered by a traditional aluminum
canoe. It has a load carrying capacity of 175 lbs
per inch of emersion. This greater load capacity can
help sell float parties who are older or heavier,
and do not want to have a white knuckle experience
on their float adventure. Although the boat is designed
for rowing, a 2-3 hp motor could be mounted on the
The boats are designed to be stacked
upside down for transport on any flat bed trailer.
The 44 inch beam allows side by side hauling on an
8ft wide trailer. This feature allows you to transport
6-8 boats per trailer and tow vehicle.
The transport trailer with up to 6 boats aboard can
go into a standard garage for those wanting to own
and run their River Float Business from their home.

River Float Business Opportunity
A River Float Business can be ideal
as a part time retirement or college income business.
Instead of paying or borrowing $60-80k for 4 years
of college, an investment in (6) boats could allow
your Student to earn enough during each summer’s
float season to pay for his/her annual school costs.
The boat is sold as a kit that is pre-welded and
ready for final assembly. It is made of 1/8th inch
marine aluminum for sturdy long lasting service. The
kit is fully welded and ready to be finished off by
the owner. This entails the assembly of the front
and back deck boxes which are filled with (6) inches
of floatation foam. The floatation from this foam
gives the boat 300 lbs of total floatation making
the boat unsinkable. The floatation foam could also
be placed under the deck boxes allowing the boxes
to be fitted with a lid for secure storage. The center
seats are bolted in place, and the finish trim is
installed to complete the assembly.
The boats can be transported on any flat trailer,
or you can assemble your own from a trailer kit. The
trailer kit parts are pre-welded and ready to be bolted
together. For those using the trailer to transport
a number of boats, an additional axel can be included.
Boat cost is dependant on the number of boats purchased,
and the cost of aluminum at the time the boats are
ordered. Each boat requires 90 square feet of metal
at $4.50 per square foot, giving a material cost of
around $400 each. Add to this the cost of fabricating,
welding, packaging, and a little something for me.
The bottom line is this - A single boat costs $1,490.
A (3) boat purchase is currently $3,950. A (6) boat
purchase is currently $7,200. The trailer kit is $1,200.
Prices are fob St. Louis plus shipping.
Lets talk- Harold oneuglyboat@hotmail.com
About the designer: Harold
Duffield - age 67 - grew up on the Mississippi River
- was whats known as a "river rat". He
has been messing about and building boats for over
50 yrs. Now he is offering plans and kits for fishing
boats, shantys, house boats and even sailboats in
aluminum as well as finished boats. https://www.oneuglyboat.com/

Other articles by Harold Duffield: