By Ross Lillistone - Esk,
New South Wales - Australia |
Here are a bundle of photos of the on water testing
of Flint.
I’ve got over 200 plus three video clips. As
soon as I can I’ll put a page on my website
with expandable thumbnails and captions.
She proved to be a super boat to row in the flat
conditions of the day. There was a reasonable breeze,
but no wave action other than the huge wakes generated
by the waterski muscle boats and the monster jetskis.
Tracking was excellent, she carried up to three adults
without having her transom immersed more than an inch,
and she could be rowed and re-entered with all the
water we could get her to take on during a deliberate
Re-entry was easy from the stern, or by rolling in
over the gunwale. In deep water, we were able to empty
her of water by pushing down on the gunwale and pushing
the boat away from us sharply.
Speed under oars was 4.5 knots with firm effort;
4 knots at a sustainable rate, and 3.7 when paddling
gently. Speed under power using a 2 hp Yamaha 2-stroke
with a fine-pitched (5 inch) propeller was 6.1 knots
with two adult men and two children aboard. With the
engine at dead-slow idle, we still went 3.5 knots.
All speeds were obtained from a hand-held GPS.
Ross Lillistone
