trailering Spartina
down through North Carolina in a steady rain |
Steve looking
over the chart the night before launch |
Bruce at the
tiller in light rain as we head up Core Sound |
Steve fishing
along the marsh on the Core Banks |
Bruce taking
notes in his journal in the evening |
Steve watching
the setting sun out the back of the boom tent |
Clear skies
and a breeze on Core Sound |
Bruce relaxing
as we head up Core Sound |
A thunderstorm
following us north on the way to Wainwright
Island |
Moving to a
little deeper anchorage at Wainwright Island
with foul weather gear drying out on the boom |
Bruce walking
across the shallows at Wainwright Island |
Steve relaxing
at anchor |
Bruce sleeping
at dawn (note the nearby bug spray) |
Bow wave at
six knots as we cross the Neuse River |
Steve at the
tiller on a reach to Oriental |
After dropping
sails Bruce looks around the harbor at Oriental |
Tied up at the
public dock in Oriental |
Evening refreshments
harbor side in Oriental |
The sun setting
behind the mizzen |
Down the Intracoastal
Waterway |
Bruce at the
tiller as we motor down the waterway |
Passing through
the bascule bridge in Beaufort |
Anchored off
of Bird Shoal near Beaufort |
Heading down
Taylor Creek at six knots before dawn |
Back at the
dock at Harkers Island Fishing Center |
On the Hatteras-Ocracoke
Ferry as we head home |

Most folks
have used Google
Earth and if you have you are in for a treat.
Click the image at
left to see a track of Steve's trip. Be sure
to click the push pins for more info about each
location. Let me know what you think.
Chuck |
