Hi Chuck and Sandra,
I launched my Origami
today. It floats! I'm attaching a few pictures.

I made a couple of modifications. In order to make
it out of one sheet of plywood (with lots left for
the rudder) I had to have a butt joint in the floorboards.
I think you can see them in the picture. My skegs
are made from 3/8 inch plywood, trimmed all around
with ash to protect the grain. I need to shim the
center block for the rear swing- out pieces, as they
need to be a bit tighter. Also, I had a couple of
small leaks on one side so I'll have to try to seal
those. The silicone doesn't really stick to the PVC
so I may look for another sealant. I'll try some latex
sealant to see if it's better.

The rudder stuff I ordered hasn't arrived yet, but
I don't have the sailing rig and the cross piece made
yet, anyway.

The instructions and your site say the finished weight
of the hull is about 26 lbs. I used marine plywood,
ash for the keel, transom and floor supports, and
fir for the other trim bits, and mine weighs 50 lbs.

I can't wait to try sailing it, but it's getting
hard to find time to work now that the family fall
routine has started.
Origami Plans are available

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