Here are three photos from the launch (well, one
is pre-launch) of my QT
Skiff (power).
#1 - Although
the angle suggest that the boat has some twist
to it, I assure all that it's really just the
angle. |
The first one shows the upturned bow. Although the
angle suggest that the boat has some twist to it,
I assure all that it's really just the angle. Note
my very cute daughter in the bow.
The second one shows the boat getting up to speed,
which it does remarkably. It has a 5hp Nissan, with
a "slow" propeller put on. It's the same
OB I use on my Harmonica, and it's got a prop for
that. Still, it seems to be pretty speedy.
#2 - It has
a 5hp Nissan, with a "slow" propeller
put on. |
The third photo shows the boat prior to coming out
of the basement. You can notice that the two cross
braces from the plans are omitted. I checked with
Jim first, and told him of my plan to put in frames
in their place. He agreed to the modification, and
they work great (and to my eye, look better). Jim
suggested that one *MIGHT* consider the braces overkill,
and the boat *MIGHT* be OK without them. Certainly
the frame is an acceptable substitution. It makes
it easier to put my daughter in the right place in
the boat for trim, and for maximum fun. She likes
the speed.
I fear that she'll be expecting a ski boat before
too long.
#3 - You can
notice that the two cross braces from the plans
are omitted. |
The boat is very light, and rows OK, but not great.
It's not the rowing verion, and I thought it would
be OK without it. But I did put in very fancy bronze
folding oarlocks--I like them, they look fun, and
they're backed by varnished butternut (like the breasthook).
The bench for the skipper is local walnut.
Also, I put some brass rounded strip at the bow (visible
in picture #3. It looks terrible until you sand it
up, then it's beautiful.
-Chris |