This is a 1959 Canoe..It was one of the first
one of Poly-easter.... The rest was all Mahogany,
well some of it was...Someone did it in thats for
It was 78 hrs of as labor of love.. Then the guy wouldn't
pay me for the work ..So now she's mine

Coming back together...

I used the Zibra
Brushes to varnish the boat...

78hrs later... I even did the seats
in the original colours.. The material was a lot thicker
than the original.. The guy that did own it, did say
it was shinny..... I almost fell over.......Its 14'
6" .. The deck has a Tapered piece of ash in
it now.. I brought the grain of the Mahogany together
so it would match by putting the tapered Ash in it......

Thanks for letting me share this with
you..... Ratty
