Work has resumed
and it actually looks like a boat. |
Here are a couple of pics of my very slow progress
on this boat.
Bottoms up for
finishing work on the hull. |
The hull exterior is done. Three coats of graphite
epoxy on the bottom and five coats of exterior latex
over two coats of primer. The gunwales will be left
bright with a epoxy seal coat and however many coats
of spar varnish it takes to look done.
This is my first
attempt at using the graphite epoxy coating
or any epoxy coating for that matter. |
As you can see it is coming together. It will not
be ready for the Lake Powell Messabout but I do still
hope to launch sometime this year.
Makes a great
hard slick surface and is very messy, drippy
stuff to work with. |
I turned the hull over to begin the finishing of
the interior. Hopefully this will go pretty quickly
since I’m not being nearly as fussy as I was
on the hull exterior. Even there I just managed a
passable work boat finish.
Spent some time
on Christmas day prepping for paint. The bow
and stern seats are watertight for floatation |
The good thing about New Mexico is that the lower
elevation lakes will be pretty pleasant places to
go through much of the winter. And there’s always
the San Juan, though the flows will be pretty low
till the annual spring release.
Closeup of floor
slats. They are mostly decorative but hopefully
provide some traction for casting. The lights
in the pics are for warmth in my chilly garage
shop. Hopefully this will help the glue that
I used on the deck slats to cure. |
The glue used to hold down the decking slats is Titebond
III. It's
what I used for most of this boat. Since these slats
are purely
decorative I'm willing to chance the temps. As a plus
the daytime high today will be above 50. The next
big snow storm is scheduled to arrive on Wednesday
so it's nice to be reminded that spring is on it's
way however slowly.
The next really big hurdle will be registration.
I hope that I can find a friendly DMV person. Maybe
I'll try the little office in Pecos.
I fully intend that the next set of photos will be
final finishing and launch photos.
Keeping busy in Santa Fe.

More about River Runner
