design #182

Sou'wester - a Swampscott Dory
Draft, keel up=0'6"
Draft, keel dn=2'4"
Sail Area=60 sf.
Plywood Taped Seam Construction
The Sou’Wester Dory a traditional type for the modern homebuilder.
This is a type small boat, which was developed by New England fisherman for use off the beach. It is primarily rowing boat and performs beautifully under oars.
It will sail well with modest sail area. The plans show an old fashioned rig, which is simple and reliable.
Provision may be made to use a small outboard motor - 3 or 4 horsepower is about the maximum, more would be overpowered. This is no speedboat.
Construction is brought up to date, waterproof plywood with taped seams, the outer plywood with fiberglass or synthetic cloth and resin. The resulting structure is effectively one piece, strong and permantly watertight.

click image above to enlarge

Included in Sou'wester plans are the following:
GS-101 Lofting
GS-102 Plywood Info.
GS-103 Plywood Scarfing (2 pages)
GS-104 CB Trunk Plug
P-7 CB Trunk Construction (2 pages)
GS-182-T1 Taped Seam Construction
GS-182-T2 Plywood dory Assembly
182-1 – Sou’Wester - Rowing and Sailing Dory
182-2 - Lines
182-2-1 – Lines – 4’ 8” Beam Alternative
182-3 – Construction
182-4 – Spars, CB & Rudder
182-5 – Setup Diagram
182-6 – Alternate Pivoting CB & Trunk
182-10 Sail Plan
182-11 – Rigging

The following Joe Dobler designs are currently available: