This is the tale of a great little boat and
a great holiday. This is 'Doolittle' our
Pacific Seacraft Dana 24. We have just
come back from a trip to Croatia. We
started in St Tropez, France and finally
returned 4 months later. Everyone had
told us what a great place Croatia was
so we decided to see for ourselves.

picture above by James Taylor -
We started off our holiday by visiting
the beautiful islands of Hyeres, near
Toulon. Porquerolles, the largest
island of the group, has been
designated a national park, and
although it's very beautiful here, it's
very crowded in the summer. We
visited early on in the season so we
had the place to ourselves.

From here we sailed 200 miles to the
Spanish island of Minorca to catch up
with friends and the safest anchorage
in the Med. After a week of great
company, we set off to Carloforte, a
small town on the Island of San Pietro
in the south west of Sardinia, another
200 miles away. We had some great
sailing on this trip.

Sardinia is lovely and in places it
remains timeless. Here people do not
rush about, they take their time. The
natives are friendly. Sardinia is huge
being the second largest island in the
Med. The scenery is stunning and the
coastline dramatic. We spent a few
days exploring San Pietro on our
fabulous new folding bikes. Although
we still had plenty of time, we were
always aware that Croatia was still
about a thousand miles away, so we
couldn't afford to linger. With this in
mind, we set off for Sicily with a
favourable forecast.

A Beautiful sunset just off the coast of
Sardinia soon after we left. You can
just see the land in the background.
The wind stayed behind us and built
steadily, until we were sailing well in 25
knots of wind. The waves we
experienced off the coast of Sicily were
huge and out of all proportion to the
amount of wind blowing. However our
trusty boat didn't seem to mind, taking
all the waves in her stride. This is
amongst the best sailing we've ever
had in the Med. It's rare when one gets
a good sail in here, but when one
does, it makes up for all the hours of
motoring one has to endure. We took
a place in a new marina in Trapani,
Sicily, for a couple of days and got the
bikes out...

This is the view from the beautiful little
Aragonese village of Erice, perched
high on the top of an 8000 ft hill. We
rode from the marina to the foot of the
hill and the cable car. Bikes folded, we
carried them into one of the pods.
What a treat to be quietly carried up to
such a height. The village itself is
wonderfully maintained and very
quaint. The views of the surrounding
area are breathtaking. Compared to
the intense heat at sea level, it was
delightfully fresh. We stopped at a
small café with a great view and
ordered Cappucinos. I don't normally
drink coffee with milk, but I always do
when in Italy. It seems that they know
how to do it just right.

We decided to cruise along the south
coast of Sicily as we had already sailed
the north coast some years before in
our last boat. We are so glad we did as
we found the southern Sicilians to be
very warm and friendly, the scenery
was interesting and the harbours not
too expensive. Water is very scarce in
the summer and the supply is only
switched on for an hour or two a day.
In one harbour, the water was supplied
by a natural spring, giving us the most
delicious marina water we'd had for a
long time. Many towns in Sicily bring
their water in by ship so it's rare to find
pleasant drinking water. We were
excited to finally see Mt Etna smoking
away, taking a mooring at her feet. A
week after we'd visited it erupted
though no one was hurt.

The next leg was to take us along the
foot of southern Italy with it's
surprisingly pretty and attractive
scenery. We found the southern
Italians very friendly and happy to
help. We even found a free marina! It
was here I ran into one of my folding
dinghy customers, David, who had
bought a set of my plans some months
ago. It was a real treat to meet a
customer, now a friend, in so remote a
place with us all so far from home. Hot
weather, friendly people and not much
wind, that's what I remember about this
part of the trip. Once around the heel
and up the spike of the italian 'boot',
we were just a day's sail from Croatia.
This is Dubrovnik, an incredible walled
town, and our port of entry since
Croatia is not yet part of Europe.

The view from one of the many
peaceful anchorages dotted all around
the many Croatian islands. This one is
just a few miles from another walled
town, Korcula. The anchorage was so
calm that I managed to take this photo
of the moon rise from the boat!
In general the wind blows from the
north west, so getting north was not
easy. The trick is to leave early in the
morning and motor during the calms
before the breezes kick in later in the
morning. It's always very boring
motoring in a yacht but we were
happily contemplating the return
journey where things should be very

We were in Croatia during August
which is probably not the best time
to visit since there are over 3500
charter boats registered here, or
one yacht for ever kilometre of
coastline! Then the Italians come
across for their annual holiday in
massive numbers. They all drive
motorboats and their wake can be
very tiresome. The further north we
went, the worse it became. When
two yachts nearly ran us down, we
decided that enough was enough,
and turned tail, heading south
again. It was certainly much easier
going in this direction, we even
managed to do some sailing.
Strangely enough, there were
many places on the southern most
islands that were almost deserted.

This is the 'Blue Lagoon', so
named by a couple of young girls
who swam over to chat. What a
stunning place. The water is
absolutely crystal clear and
hundreds of Sea Anemones can
easily be seen dotted all around
the fringes. This was August and
yet there were not many other
boats here. Mind you, we did sniff
our way into this spot. There was
only about 4 feet under the keel
once we had anchored. The
following day, the wind had swung
around turning this idyllic spot into
a lee shore, so we headed off to
another better protected spot.

We sailed to the beautiful little
island of Lastovo, which until
recently was out of bounds to the
public, being owned by the
Military. Now they have
abandoned the island, but it is all
the more spectacular for that.
Here we discovered the second
best anchorage in the
Mediterranean Sea. From here we
said farewell to Croatia, glad we
had come, but wishing
nonetheless that we could have
visited at any time other than July
and August. As often, there was
no wind when we left, though
whilst we motored along a mirror
flat sea, we were visited by this
school of Dolphins.

A baby dolphin swimming along
with mum. While she lazily swings
her tail up and down to keep up
with 'Doolittle', his is going ten to
the dozen in an effort to keep up!
We didn't see as much wildlife as
we would have liked. We'd sailed
through a large bale of turtles and
had caught a brief glimpse of a pod
of pilot whales near Sicily, but saw
no other whales the whole summer.
Even our dolphin sightings were
well down on previous years. When
in Croatia, we'd met a few
interesting Slovenians who were
eager to tell us more about the
Dalmatian coast. One elderly
couple we met had been cruising
here for 50 years and lamented
that the Adriatic used to be
teeming with life.

Back to our favorite free marina in
Italy, Roccella Ionica, where we
stayed a while. Soon after we left
we witnessed an awesome
lightning storm. All around us the
sky was lit with huge flashes and
bolts of lightning crashed all
around us. One of the optional
extras on the Dana is the lightning
ground. At $1000 I thought it a
wise move. I don't know if it works
and I hope I never find out! In any
case, we didn't get struck this time.
We left Roccella at night to arrive
in the strait of Messina with a
favourable tide. Winds here reach
gale force on a regular basis and
with the currents, the conditions
can quickly become treacherous in
this little stretch of water.

The trip through the strait was
interesting. About half way through
the wind got up to about 30 knots
giving us a blinding sail, reaching
7.2 knots at one point with only a
reefed main and staysail flying. But
then we had to turn left to sail
along the north coast of Sicily
putting the wind right on the beam.
The wind increased until it was
blowing a steady 35 knots, gusting
40, and still we sailed on. As soon
as we could, we anchored in the
lee of Sicily and stayed put while
the wind howled. It was hot and
very dry at 40 degrees Celsius,
and with the high winds, was like
standing in front of a blast furnace.
The next day we spotted this turtle
lazing in the sun. Spot the pilot fish
sheltering under it.

As soon as the pilot fish saw the
chance to move on at a faster
pace than that of their turtle host,
they jumped ship. They stayed
under Doolittle's bow for nearly
two days until we arrived back in
Sardinia. They even followed us
into the harbour. It wasn't until we
were stationary that they finally left
us. I have no idea if they wanted to
be in Sardinia, but that's where
they ended up. We didn't stay long
as bad weather was on it's way, we
didn't want to be stuck in an
expensive marina when we could
be anchored in Mahon, Minorca,
with our friends. So we stopped to
refuel and continued on our way,
aware that every minute would

In very light winds we motorsailed
most of the way to Mahon. It would
have been nice to have sailed a
while without the engine, but as
conditions in the Balearics can
rapidly deteriorate, we considered
it wiser to press on. About five
hours away from Mahon, the wind
suddenly swung around to the NW
and blew hard, as predicted. The
waves grew fast and conditions
were ugly, but we managed to sail
the last few miles. It was a joy to
get into the harbour entrance and
calm waters again. We'd made it
and had timed our arrival well,
given the weather that would
come over the next week or so. -
The shot above was taken early in the
morning with a long exposure.

Here is the anchorage in Mahon.
Picture by James Taylor again.
Nelson said 'There are two safe
anchorages in the Med: Mahon and
August'. It can be crowded here,
and with patches of poor holding
when the wind begins to blow
inevitably at 3 am, there's always
fun and games to be seen. Those in
the know anchor as far up as
possible, the worst weather usually
coming from the north. Minorca is
an interesting place. After helping a
mate with his boat project for a week
we reluctantly said farewell to our
friends and headed back to France.

At Cannes every year there is a
classic yacht regatta. You will not
find a finer collection of classics
anywhere else in the world. These
awesome boats all moored
together in the Cannes old port is
a truly stunning sight. But they
also race, and they race hard.
The day I chose to go out with my
friend James Taylor to take
pictures just happened to be the
day a massive squall passed
through the fleet causing no end
of drama. This is 'Solway Maid',
originally owned by Ivan Carr, of
'Carr's Water Biscuit' fame. The
current owner is her only second
despite the fact that she's over 60
years old. She is also very original.

Marigold is a classic English cutter
from the late 19th Century. At this
point hail was pummeling the fleet
though there was no wind. Some
of the hailstones were as big as
3/8th inch in diameter. That hurts!
The hail stopped, then it rained.
When the wind came through, the
whole fleet had far too much sail
up. Sails exploded, crew were
almost washed overboard,
spinnakers got loose, rolled
mainsails filled with so much water
the boom bent under the weight,
two deck hands were struck by
lightning and two Dragon class
boats sank! Twenty of the most
exciting minutes I have ever seen
at a yacht race.

The sky says it all. This is the Fife
'Tuiga', the flagship of the Yacht
Club of Monaco.
And from Cannes, back to St
Tropez and the end of our holiday.
We'd travelled about 3000 miles in
all and had a really great time. The
boat behaved herself at all times.
One of the tillerpilots had stopped
working but that was soon fixed with
a spot of oil on the motor's bearing.
We'd had a fabulous time and now
we can't wait until next year. Where
to go? Now that's the question....