Two Reports on Sundowner
Hi Chuck.
I took a ride to Tauranga this afternoon hoping to catch up with Charlie. Missed him as he was out on the water, but at least I saw Resolution under sail - albeit in very light airs.

click images for larger views |
She is one lovely, graceful lady. Charlie must be bursting with pride.
Kindest regards
Grahame Harris (Truant)
><((((*> ><((((*> ><((((*> ><((((*>
There is a bit of tuning to do in the rig, the luff of the main is too long for the mast, not the sailmakers fault, we made a change as to how the boom was fitted and I suspect that in the rush some aterations to dimensions were not followed. We did not try the light weather sails, just the working rig but even so she performed well in wind that you could hardly feel.
What you cant see is that the very very faintest of winds was enough to make it very hard to catch Resolution with Charlies 2 hp Suzuki powered 7 ft inflatable dinghy, the little motor was working very hard and the boat making a lot of fluffy white wake and the damn thing was STILL getting away. And thats without her light weather jib and topsail! Resolution handled well, tracks perfectly, tacked reliably and has a very solid feel. She's a champion ghoster in light weather, trucks along well under her tiny diesel, and has very very good roll damping in power boat wakes, just rolls or pitches once then stops. All good.
Stability? I have been up to the top of that mast several times, all 85 kg of me ( about 190 lbs) and she takes no notice of me, this remember is a 21 ft boat and I can tell you there are very few boats of this size that will tolerate that amount of weight that high up without falling over on their side.
Great stuff so far, we are muttering about a trip out to Mayor Island about , oh, I dont know, maybe 20 miles off Tauranga and back next weekend. Hang on, I'll get the chart out and look. Yep, 80 km out and back, thats about 50 miles for the return trip, we'll leave late saturday afternoon and sail overnight ( maybe, I'll have to talk to the captain) so we will be back in the harbour with its narrow winding channels and back into the marina before dark on sunday. Depends upon the weather I guess, its frosty and very clear right now but next week who can tell.
Yours, John Welsford
PS the rope hanging off the side like a snotty nose is the anchor set up on the pushpit for emergencies, just in case.
Plank Gauge
Hi Chuck,
I’m sure you will know how you use this, and I guess that almost anyone doing lapstrake is using a tool like this. Is this for transferring the fair line of an existing plank onto the next higher plank??
Since I’ve not used this, I’ll let you be the judge as to the usefulness to the group!
Tim Ingersoll |
More Yahoos at Onepoto

Chuck, Sandra, and Mark Steele
This photo was taken by Richard Gross - it was a great day, thanks to you both for being with us.
Mark |
A $25 Kayak Cart |
If anyone has a need for easy kayak transport to and from the water they can purchase a kayak cart. The least expensive one on the market runs around $70.00 before shipping, etc.
For $25.00 I made this in half hour. $14.00 of that was for the wheels. I was hoping to find and old tricycle that I could use the rear wheels from. The cost would have been $11.00 had I found one.
It is strong and sturdy and it breaks down and assembles very very quickly for storing in the kayak. Its not painted all fancy or anything but works well. The wheels are 6”. If someone needed to transport over beach sand they may wish to use larger wheels. The rails that the kayak sit on twist to conform to the hull shape for better seating. My axel is ½” x 2” bolts with lock nuts. I drilled a hole through the plug fittings for the bolts to attach to the cart frame. The wheel assembly screws into the frame like a light bulb using male and female fittings and the vertical posts that holds the horizontal “rails” plug in. Many variations of this are possible and I’m sure already made by others but the key for me is in the break down and set up time and ease of storing inside the kayak under any packing condition and of course, cost.
Curtis Gashlin |

Above: Glued first layer Wooboto's wales. Rowing/sailing soon.
Below: We uprighted the Wooboto last saturday.
Steve Chambers |
A PDR for the Texas200
I know it probably sounds funny to be saying that about a PDRacer but you would not believe the cabin I have on this one. I believe mine will be the only PD with a coffee maker. NO JOKE :)
Thanks as always,
Jason Nabors
Nootka Sound on the Cover |

Imagine my surprise when I opened up your website and saw a photo of my boat (Nootka Sound) as the cover story. I had been in contact with Tom Setum and emailed him some shots. I bought the boat last year off Portland Craigslist because it was supposed to have belonged to NW author Sam
McKinney. Research led me to Bob Young, Tom Setum and Richard Stover
who originally bought the boat from Sam.
Bob Young especially has been a big help with information and stories. Sam has two chapters in his "Sailing Uphill" book, about his adventures off Vancouver Island. The cover shot was taken at Sam's memorial service last fall on the Columbia River, a nice gathering with 4 of his homemade boats.
Jim Ballou |
Moaning Chair? |
The attached photo shows a workshop stool I made out of a discarded office chair and a trashed bicycle. It goes together in minutes, and is adjustable, lightweight, mobile, rugged, and best of all, free. Just like riding a bike around the shop. :)
William R Watt
Little Laker
Hi Chuck
I bought some boat plans from you a couple of years ago (Little Laker). Attached is a progress photo. Just got the bottom left to paint.
Not The Boat, the Tent
For those of us who don't have a garage or workshop to build our boats in, here is a possible answer. It's called an "Instant Garage", it's made by ShelterLogic, and I bought one online and on sale from Bargain Outfitters for less than $150. It is terrific. Very well made, all parts labeled, simple 1,2,3 directions, easy one man assembly. At 10' x 20' x 9' high, with a zippered door (really good
zippers) at one end, it has enough room for an 18 footer. I know this sounds like a commercial, but there are few bargains in life and this is one of them.
(The boat is an AF4b.)
Rene Vidmer |
Hello Chuck;
I took some pictures of the Pathfinder hull today. The outside is painted but there is some more sanding,priming,and topcoating to be done on the interior. The masts and spars are all wood and completed. The centerboard is installed. Rudder, rudder stock and tiller are complete. Jib and boomkin are complete. We will pick up the trailer and outboard tomorrow. The trailer is a Sportsman from Lynn Sales in Houston. The motor is a Tohatsu 6 HP with aux. gas tank. Nearly everything else that is not homemade will come from Duckworks ,including the sails, hardware and rigging. With luck, we could have a Galveston Bay lauching in early June.

Regards,Denis M
Helm Minder
Here are some photos I took this weekend after putting the helm minder together.
The line across the cockpit runs between two jam cleats on my system, then a loop is pulled through the deadeye on the tiller and the bungee hook is attached. It provides a very smooth resistance to movement in both directions. The original drawing on the UK site had the bungee going in the opposite direction (toward the rudder head), and had a rope tail on the bungee which led to a jam cleat. You then could easily adjust the tension as needed for wind conditions. You do need one of the rounded style of bungee hooks so the cockpit line will run smooth as the tiller is moved. My tiller was too low to the deck to use the original design so I ran mine forward to a hook at the end of the tiller, and I can't easily adjust the bungee tension.
I included a couple of photos of my pram. It was the sailmaker's (Bartlett
Sails) idea to do a loose foot on the lugsail. My aluminum boom flexes too much, and I am building a stiffer boom.
Stan |
Cyclone Appeal Burma
Just to update you, we are handing over Pandaw IV to Merlin, a UK based charity - www.merlin.org.uk. They are already in the field and have a team on the way out now.
Pandaw IV will reposition tomorrow from Prome to Henzada where we will meet the Merlin team. Henzada is closer to the airport so easy to transfer supplies being flown. From there she will travel with a medical team on board to Laputta to act as a field hospital and supply centre.
The large dining room will convert to a clinic and the existing cabins used to accomodate the relief team. A number of Burmese doctors have volunteered to join the ship.
Pandaw II is currently in Mandalay undergoing engine repairs and as soon as we can move her she will relocate down to the Delta. A number of NGOs have contacted us about utilising her. One problem is fuel supply and cost. Today at K7,500 per gallon ($7).
This is where your donations can really help. Since launching the appeal yesterday we have had over $36,000 cleared through our bank. This is amazing and all our Pandaw team in Burma are totally moved by the outstanding generosity of Pandaw passengers.
The money will firstly be used for fuel for the ships and then to assist the operations of our charity partners like Merlin.
I think we all feel that this is a country that has touched us in some way. Now we can repay the Burm for all the warm hospitality and enriching experiences we have in the past enjoyed there.
If you would like to donate just log on: www.pandaw.com.
Please note we can not accept cheques.
If you want to do a bank transfer our details are:
Acc Name: Pandaw Cruises Pte Ltd
USD AccNo: 0003-002103-01-7
GBP Acc No: 0003-003173-01-0-022
Euro Acc No: 0003-003173-02-0-022
AUD Acc No: 0003-003930-01-4-022
Ref: Cyclone Appeal Burma
Rob Verschoyle |
Bow Eye
Chuck: My son, Harlan, and I have been making some boat hardware from the bronze that we got from you. Here is a bow eye that we are kind of proud of.
David Nichols |
Catamaran For the Texas200

Here's a pic from yesterday. Finally getting pieces together. Those pontoons will not be part of the final cat, though. They're left from the cat I was making when I saw Waterworld and went 'maximalist', eventually making the cat you saw at Lake Powell. This cat is far more sober. That said, I have not ruled out the possibility of adding hydrofoils that detach. Better than growing old doing nothing.

submitted by Jack Panter
Chuck & David,
I wanted to thank David Nichols for taking the time to document the “turning over a hull” (today’s daily magazine article). I am about to go through a similar process on my Micro Trawler and really appreciated the pictorial story of how he did his. I had something similar in mind but would have had to tax my brain a lot more if I had to figure out everything David had already done. Anyway, tell David I plan to spend more time drinking a homebrew and less time thinking - thanks to him!
Pat Johnson |
Bolger Camp Cruiser
Hi Chuck and Sandra, hope all is well in Boatville. John Turtle has trouble contacting you by e-mail and asked me to thank you for the ad and it worked. I have attached a shot of his newest creation, a take off of a 25year old Bolger cartoon of a camp cruiser. Regards and happy boating
Paul McLellan of the Happy Adventure.
