This time we have the following boats:
Send a picture or two and a short description of your boat and its launch
to chuck.leinweber@gmail.com for inclusion here next month.
Origami 6 - California style
Just finished my dingy.
Used clear plastic and I think it came out great.
Makes a great dingy for my trimaran, folds and sits on the tramp net
just perfect.
Came out pretty heavy as I used epoxy inside and out and paint outside,
but I can still handle it from boat to water and back.
But carry it from pickup to dock, means two to carry.
Yep, I'm old I know.

click images to enlarge |
Hannu's 10-1/2' Skiff
About a year ago I was thinking about building a small boat for my granddaughters and came across your website. Soon that thought became a reality as I explored the designs, tips and progress of your many contributors. I loved the lines of Hannu Vartiala’s 10-1/2’ skiff and figured it could be adapted for a small sail (50 sq ft) and would fit into our SUV.
Well here it is on our first outing. The boat rows beautifully and is so easy to move that the 8 year old was moving me across the lake. Under sail the boat is a little “tender” but small boats are. I went with the sprit rig to keep the center of effort low and avoid dealing with the boom and little kids. The single leeboard, large rudder and skeg kept her on track just fine. I need to work on changing how my main sheet is rigged to flatten out the sail, but all in all it sailed well.
I set a goal to build it for $100 and wound up spending $175. Primer, paint, and pintles and gudgeons (thanks for the quick turn around on some quality hardware) ran up the cost. However, building my own oars, making the sail from a blue tarp, and using PVC with a wooden core saved a lot. I used PL Premium construction adhesive and galvanized deck screws as the boat will only be in fresh water. I didn’t have any cost for epoxy or fiberglass as I basically used chine logs, stem and a built up transom to fasten the BCX plywood to.
So that’s my story. Thanks for building, organizing, and publishing a fantastic site. I have spent countless hours reading and studying the thousands of articles, plans, and stories. Thanks also to your many contributors who have allowed me to share in their projects and be guided by their experiences.
Jim Morrissey
Wilmette, Illinois |
Dear Chuck,
I am attaching several photos of "Toucan", a shrimper I converted some time ago which was and is still featured in the projects column of your on-line magazine.
Improvement to the Toucan included:
1. removed all standing shrimping gear.
2. replaced the 6v53 Detroit engine with a 100 hp Isuzu
3. replaced the 25X24 inch prop and shaft with appropriate size for the Isuzu.
4. built a cover over
the entire aft deck
5. installed a bowsprit to handle the ground tackle
6. completely renovated the entire cabin.
7. designed sleeping quarter in the bow with all crawlways lined with solid cedar..
8. the photos indicate changes to the hull...
The "Toucan" has been sold and is currently cruising the Texas coast..
Chuck, although we have moved away from the coast, we are still interested in boating and boat building. We are currently looking for plans for the perfect canoe. She must be large enough for two people and one big dog, plus all the camping gear, and , "Oh yes she must be "car-topable" by two senior citizens. We enjoy the online magazine.
Al Burrier |
Name: |
MAE (initials of my wife who I proposed to in this skiff on its maiden voyage. So yes, she was named before the initials were actually hers.) |
Description: |
Lapstrake rowing skiff. |
Construction: |
All wood, copper rivets at laps, white pine planks, floor, and seats, oak transom, ribs, skeg, stem and guard rail, mahogany breast hook and quarter knees. I also built the oars (spruce). |
Design: |
Walter Simmons at Duck Trap Woodworking (It is his Maine Skiff design.) |
Launched: |
June 8, 2008 in Keuka Lake at its southernmost town of Hammondsport, NY. |
Information: |
This project spanned three years and five months, beginning in January of 2005. I worked off and on throughout this period, trying to balance life and work with this project. I am strongly considering another boat now and in fact, have purchased a number of plans and plans books. |
Thank You,
Edward Engarto
319 Maple Heights
Bath, NY 14810
Editor's Note: Edward has a book-length manuscript covering his experience building this boat and is looking for a publisher. |
Stevenson Weekender
Chuck & Sandra,
I have attached a couple of pictures of my Stevenson Weekender Launched on July 20th 2008. Her name is Temptress. My son Max is on board in the red life jacket and my wife Patty is keeping and eye on things as we launched.
She sailed great the only trouble I had was minor, poor wiring on my part for the motor and a little trouble with the jib. Which caused me to break out the oar. That was not going to work as the wind was too strong so we put the sail back up and sailed back to the boat ramp. Both problems are now repaired. Not to bad for a shakedown cruise. Thanks for all your help with this project. Now what to build next?
Gregg Lambert