This time we have the following boats:
Send a picture or two and a short description of your boat and its launch
to chuck.leinweber@gmail.com for inclusion here next month.
I had hoped to get my Navigator in the water this
weekend, and I did! Now this was more of a 'splish' then a SPLASH,
as I still have some finish work to complete and most of the rigging
to complete, but fall is quickly approaching and money's a bit short right now - so the
SPLASH will have to come this spring.
I did want to check out my 60's vintage Johnson 3hp and see how
well she would push the boat. I rigged up a motor mount off the
boomkin and that seems to work well. It also gave me a chance to
check out the swing keel and check for leaks around the pivit pin or
anywhere else.
No Leaks! The centerboard does float up a little bit with no
sideways pressure on it (ie:just cruising with motor) so I may need
to rig a downhaul for that. (I put about 11lbs of small birdshoot
in epoxy in a cavity at the bottom of the board but apparently not
enough). This is a pretty chunky (is that the correct technical
term? :-)) centerboard and it is wood, so I'm not terribly surprised.
The boat floats easily off the trailer and floated higher than I
anticipated. I was also surprised at how stable she feels, even
though she is a bit light right now (without rigging). I put my feet
up on either side bench seats and rocked it a bit - it seems like
you get to 10deg and just kinda hit a wall. All this just got me
excited about getting it out with sails!!
Tim Ingersol
Vermont AF3 - Killyrover
Hi Chuck -
It was cold and wet, but I was determined to get her launched.
Sunday, Oct. 5, my AF3 was christened "Killyrover" and made it's maiden voyage.
It was only about 30 minutes of tacking back and forth in a cove in a local lake, but she sure felt fine!
These photos here were taken before I realized the lee board wasn't down and the sail wasn't properly secured to the mast. Even so, she tacked back and forth (though much nicer once I put the lee board down!).
David C.
Sailing Canoe
I don't know if you remember, but early in the year, you sent me some canoe rudder gudgeons. You said for me to send you some pictures. Well, here they are! thanks! - Pete Meyers
Hi Chuck
Here are the photos I promised you last night. I am the guy "stylin'"
in the lime green wetsuit ;-)
As my friend Terry and I have both never sailed before we don't have anything to compare Ladybug to but we found it easy to handle and learn to tack back and forth. Terry thought it was very comfortable and roomy. He quite liked it. I have to admit to being nervous the whole time I was out due to being on freezing cold water and wasn't relaxed enough to perhaps really appreciate and assess everything but I thoroughly enjoyed myself anyway. It was a very satisfying afternoon. I think it is going to be a great boat for learning, fishing and going camping. I can't wait to get it out on the water next year when the water is warmer.
The maiden voyage happened on October 17, 2008 in the mid-afternoon.
We launched it on Emerald Lake, a small lake about 90 minutes north and a bit west of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. When I was growing up we had a cabin on this lake and I had a wonderful time spending my summers there. My Dad had built a small fishing/rowing boat he called UGO IGO (you go, I go) and I rowed that boat all over the lake with our black lab as co-pilot. I have named this boat "Ugo Igo Too" in memory of my Dad as an homage and to thank him for the boat he built that I had so much fun in when I was a boy.
Murray Stevens
I was looking for a car top boat that my wife and I could use for fishing small lakes and quiet rivers. When I saw Larry's Muga and Tonka write up with building instructions it was the answer to our search.

ladder strongback |

garboard strakes |
I started Tlingit (name of the Alaskan native tribe my grandmother came from in 1898) one week after I read the article. It was finished the first week of August. I used a 12' ladder for a strongback and used PL Premium Concrete and Crack filler for the inside seams and epoxy glass tape for the outside seams. I shortened her to 12' and made moveable low seats with backrest for comfort.

PL Premium fillets |

side fillets |
The hull is 5.5 mm Luan, mahogany for the rails and 1/2" ply transoms. Got a quart of exterior house paint from the unclaimed discount rack at HD for $3.00. Used marine polyurethane for the brightwork. Thanks Larry for submitting your article and instructions.

lawn cruising |

waiting for spreaders
Best regards,
Steve Witter
Branford, CT |