Jon Kowitz sent these pictures of his PDRacer Ranger which he plans to bring to the Texas200 in June. His comment: "I still can't beleive how roomy it feels inside for such a small boat." |
Scullmatix Report
I have FINALLY had a chance to rig the sculling device and check it out.... here is my official report, and you can copy and paste what ever you like or delete the whole shabang....
It Works! And quite well, I might add. Granted it is low power and a little slow, but VERY VERY easy to do. I used it on an old 14' aluminum Arkansas Traveler river boat (pointed nose). I cut a piece of 1 x 6 appx 18" long and then a "U" shaped notch in one end. I then used a "C" clamp to attach the piece to the transom with the notch "UP" (of course).

I had a head wind at times of 5 to 10 MPH, and was still able to make very satisfactory headway. Turning is not a problem, once you have the hang and feel of the oar.
Bill Tosh |
Neat Idea
Sometimes I wonder why you pay me. Oh, wait . . .
Anyway, there I was happily noodling around the other day when it suddenly slipped into my consciousness that I forgot to send you one of the neat EC pics. This idea is so simple and full of common sense, it makes you wonder why more of us didn't think of it. Anyway, as you know waterproof GPS units frequently aren't, or give up after a prolonged exposure. Units mounted on kayaks are particularly vulnerable. Whitecaps (Toby Nipper) came up with a great solution. He took a clear, plastic jar (it originally held some sort of food), cut off the top and put it, upside down, over his GPS. You can see it in the picture on his "console" mounted on his Kruger canoe. The open bottom ventilates it and prevents any condensation and it keeps virtually all moisture off the unit, which can be read through the plastic. Toby said it cost $7, plus he got to eat what was in jar!
Picture attached, use it how you can.
P.S. That new automatic sculling device looks really neat; looking forward to seeing that in May, assuming you'll be using it. You should find a way to mention it on the Watertribe forum, as sculling is sometimes discussed there. |
Oarlock Bushings
I have made interesting use of your oarlock bushings on some dinghies I built. On tiny boats it is always a problem to maintain balance when the load shifts--one person in the stern vs. rowing alone, say. With the bow-to-stern center seat design it is easy to shift positions to keep balanced but that still leaves the problem of where to put the oars.

I decided to have multiple choices. Being economy minded, I mounted a 3/4" board on each side and drilled holes about every 6". Then I put (epoxied) one of your bushings in each hole. Now the clamp-on oarlocks can go in whatever hole is appropriate, with the oarsman facing either direction. At $1.04 a pair, the bushings make a very good solution. In the future I expect to just thicken the top of the dinghy on each side and match the contour with 3 or 4 extra strips of 1/4" plywood epoxied on and then drill out for the bushings. The only concern is to try to keep the lip of the bushing down just enough that they don't hook when sliding the dinghy upside down over an edge--truck tailgate, roof carrier, etc.
Tom Schultz |
Small Houseboat

Chuck - this is a small towable house boat made on the walkabout platform. it would be ideal for a trip down the miss. rver. would go well wth a 10hp motor.
Harold Duffield
Another Texas200 PDR
Here are a couple of updated pics of this years TX 200 PDR which I have named Tenacious Turtle.
You can see that I have begun the paint job. I like blue and white for some reason. I thought about adding a red pinstripe between the red and blue on the sides and bow to break up the color and to cover my less than perfect masking job on the sides. You can see the half IMB style cabin taking shape. I will probably make a soft top probably out of canvas or vinyl for the top hatch. It is just easier and alot more stowable than a hard top. It will either velcro or snap on. The hatch on the bow and in the cockpit for the walk through cabin will be plywood and will be flush with the top of the 1x2s on the roof of the cabin. This will be topped off with the vinyl top keeping water from entering the cabin.
I am adding a bilge pump with thru hull fittings leading from the cockpit and the cabin and leaving through the stern. This will allow me to pump out the entire boat just in case of massive swamping. Just hit a switch and The whole sucker will be dry as a bone in minutes. (Well drier than a swamped boat).
I have settled on the Lateen and Jib combo for this boat. I know the lateen does not reef but I can always drop the main and sail under jib alone if the weather gets harsh. I know that does not sound like much sail but I was actualy hitting high 5s under jib alone on the first day of the TX 200 last year.
I also still have to finish the galley and head. I have also to finish the cockpit cover and a few other items. I still have a lot to do before june but I will get it done and see you there.
Jason Nabors
Hello Chuck
Here is an up dated pic of the Tenacious Turtle.
You can see the windows are in. I still have to touch up the paint and finish the hatches but she is almost ready to float. Next weekend I will make the leeboards and sails.
I still have to hook up lights on my trailer and get updated tags.
Jason Nabors |
Blue Moon
Chuck; I have a classified ad running on sailing texas and sailboatowners.com trying to sell a Blue Moon designed by Thomas Gilmer, and would like to try it on youir web site too.
I don't know if the boat is appropiate toyour readership but it one hell of a boat. She is a gaff, top'sl, cutter/yawl and she is only 22'11" on deck with a 6' bowsprit and a boomkin too. She is exceptionaly well built with strip planking measuring 1-3/4" and Massive frames for a boat of her size all laminated, but she is not a trailer sailer unless you happen to have a derrick to put her in and take her out. I have included some pictures for your scrunity and if you will run her as an ad I will send on some copy, I am getting too old for this kind of boat.
Bob Archibald
Trailer Lights
I'm trying to figure out if Texas rules allow boat trailer lights to be installed aboard the boat, such as on a board fastened to the rear deck, rather than on the trailer to avoid getting them wet when loading and unloading the boat. In this configuration they can be removed or at least be up above the water line when the rear of the trailer is in the water. I read that some states allow this while others do not. A search of the DPS website failed to find an answer to this question. So I decided to
write to the DPS for a ruling. Here is what I got back:
What is the GVW of your boat trailer? Reason I ask is that the inspection laws only require trailers above 4500 lbs GVW be inspected.
The vehicle inspection bureau mainly deals with issues inpsection and not driving laws but often times there is an overalp.
Having said that - what I read from the rules/regs regarding lamps and other items you've mentioned is that these devices have to be securely mounted to the trailer. Securely mounted in my interpretation doesn't necessarily mean tied into or permanently affixed to the trailer - it could mean that if you had a portable or attachable light system, that as long as it was secured - then you'd be ok to take them off and put them on (for example when you're loading your boat).
Most of the rules regarding lighting do state however, that the lighting does have to be affixed to the vehicle - so mount them to the boat is probably not going to be "legal". And here is where there is a grey area in enforcement (which I cannot give you an answer for). If an officer sees you driving down the road with a boat on your tailer and you have all the required lighting and LP lamps, etc but it happens to be on the boat - can they cite you? Probably so because lighting should be affixed to the vehicle - not what's being towed (this is just my interpretation of the inspection laws). Will they cite you? That may vary.
Now, no doubt about it, if this trailer is greater than 4500 lbs, then when you get the trailer inspected these lighting assemblies must be on the trailer at the time of inspection in order to meet the trailer inspection requirements.
If the trailer is less than the 4500 lbs, and its not required to be inspected then we get into another grey area of transporting something that is fairly large which then I think would be ok to place the lighting assemblies on the boat. But I will have to do some research into the Transportation Code to see if there's anything specific regarding this.
I am also going to pass this question onto a local inspection field supervisor and ask him about the portable mounted lighting systems. I would also recommend that you speak to one of these boat dealers to see if they have the towing and trailer regulations because I would think that people who buy boats/boat trailers have these questions??? Another resource may be a lake front marina, where they have boat slips, etc.
Here is the link to our inspection page, so that you can read the rules/regulations on the items of inspection for a trailer as well as see the individual inspection/rejection criteria for each of those items of inspection. I will also forward you the link to the Texas Transportation code as this will be the guide that will have the driving laws as well as the inspection laws.
Inspection Criteria/Items of Inspection
Transportation Code
Michelle Arriaga
Program Specialist, Automated Information Systems
Texas Department of Public Safety, MVI
108 B Denson Dr, MSC 0543
Austin, TX 78752
I mounted my trailer lights on removable wood parts that easily come off the trailer, so I'm good. (see photos below)
Steve Lansdowne
AWOL Update
I went and visited Dave Perillo the other day, had a good chat about his progress and got him to email some more pics over. He's like a dog with two tails, and absolutley dead keen to get the new boat in the water so he can get out sailing again.
Just as a by the way, those tools you see on the bench behind are about all he has to his name, a neighbour cut his stringers on a table saw, and thats about it. The jigsaw and sander are the only corded power tools, and there is a cordless drill plus and handful of hand tools.
All photos by Dave Perillo
John Welsford
More Homemade Bronze Hardware
Here is a jam cleat that we designed and made for the new sail boat. I haven't attached it to the deck yet that's why there are no screws showing in the photos.
I have started to play with the location of the halyard on the standing lug sails you made for me, as you know the halyard location is very important for the set of the sail. I still have a bit more tweaking to do but the sails set nicely. They are well made and complement the boat. Thanks for a nice job!
David Nichols |
A Birdsmouth Mast for A New Sail
The sail came in today. Thanks Chuck - sail and bag are perfect, and the Egyptian Cotton color is easy on aging eyes.
Glued up the mast today and should be planing it down tomorrow. I made a very simple taper jig by cutting a piece of pine the thickness of the staves and six feet long (length of the taper), then used two way tape to stick a taper strip on the top which bears against the table saw ripping guide. The stave is taped (notch in) to the pine with gorilla tape then ripped. Very easy; the tape holds the stave securely.
I left the outside edge of the staves unglued and laid them face down on the sawhorses, and just before assembling, put a strip of gorilla tape on the unglued underside, spacing the staves about 1/8 of an inch apart. The mast came together neatly like a roll-top desk. I found the nylon straps very handy for clamping and they pop right off after the epoxy cures.
If a lot of things go right, she'll be ready for Cedar Key next month.
Stacy Smith |

If you are receiving this then it means sometime over the last few months you joined the OBX130.com forum. I know that most of you do not have the time to check in too often to a forum that is only sporadically used. With the inaugural event still a year off this makes sense. I want to write you all briefly to go over the things that have been decided. I promise not to send out another one of these until July 16th.
The wet "Dry-run" in which I will be scouting the course will happen this summer July 19th-25th.
The 2010 Inaugural OBX130 Raid Race will be held May 24th till May 28th, 2010.
May 23rd 2010 Captains meeting at 6pm, final Course set and discussed.
May 29th 2010 Messabout at Cedar Island with an Awards Ceremony and BBQ
- The start and finish of this event will be at Cedar Island.
- This summers wet "dry-run" will find suitable locations for stopping points.
- The Final course will not be set until May 20th 2010 based on best weather forecasts.
- There will be an article published at www.duckworksmagazine.com about the Genesis of this event this July 17th, which will also include a SPOT map of the test fleet's travails (5 boats are in this summers test fleet.) There will also be updates posted throughout the week at duckworks.
- There will be a final report and Pictures posted to OBX130.com where we will take input into the final stages of planning this event.
- There will be a final Article written about the events of the wet "dry-run" published sometime in the winter.
I tend to over organize things I start. I am sorry if this is too much information so far out from the actual event, but I would like to keep everyone interested. If you have not had a chance to take a look at the Resources section found here - lately you may find some really interesting info about all aspects of this event and boating in general. Please feel free to post any concerns, comments, and questions to the forum.
Thank You!
Paul Moffitt |
Since we had such a great response to our last Teleseminar, we are having another one! On April 21, 2009, I will be doing a free Teleseminar titled, 8 Steps to Build the Boat of Your Dreams. This will be for those who are brand new to building a boat and would like to get more information on what Glen-L provides and how to get started. Click this link for the full details and sign up form.
Talk to you soon!
Gayle Brantuk
Glen-L Marine Designs
Visit our Online Store
update@glen-l.com |
Maritime Education and Safety Equipment Essentials Designed to Improve Recreational Boating Safety
MILPITAS, CA - (April 8, 2009) – SPOT LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Globalstar Inc. (NASDAQ: GSAT) and a leader in personal satellite messaging and emergency communications, today announced its ‘Seven Safety Tips’ campaign - a public safety message designed to improve recreational boater safety.
SPOT’s Seven Safety Tips aims to educate and remind boaters about boating safety and the advantages of adding a SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger™ to their safety equipment kit.
Reliable safety equipment, a float plan, and understanding shifts in weather conditions are critical for recreational boaters’ safety. According to the Coast Guard's most recent report on recreational boating in 2007, capsizing is one of the leading boating accidents. Officials report there were 398 accidents from capsizing, causing 204 deaths and 284 injuries in 2007. To remain safe on any body of water, Coast Guard officials stress having the proper safety equipment and being wary of changes in the weather.
“Boating season is upon us and with May designated as National Boating Safety Month, it’s important for Boaters to be well-prepared before heading out on the water,” said Darren Bassel, director of global marketing of SPOT LLC.
SPOT recommends the following safety tips for boaters:
- Complete a Float Plan and communicate your float plan with family and friends For more information visit www.floatplancentral.org
- Activate “Tracking” on your SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger™ prior to departing. It is recommended that you carry SPOT on your Life Jacket Personal Flotation Device while on the boat or have it easily accessible in case of an emergency.
- Wear proper Life Jackets - Life Jackets and other flotation devices must be U.S. Coast Guard approved, in good serviceable condition, and of suitable size for the each person on the boat.
- Be equipped with U.S.C.G. Approved Visual Distress Signals
- Complete an authorized Vessel Safety Check (for more information visit www.vesselsafetycheck.org)
- Compliment your safety equipment kit with a registered, water-activated emergency position indicating locator beacon (EPIRB) for your boat.
- Review the Boater Safety Tips from the U.S. Coast Guard at https://www.uscgboating.org/ before heading out to sea.
“Our search and rescue controllers respond to distress notifications coming from the SPOT global emergency response center with the same three emergency phase classifications (Uncertainty, Alert, or Distress) as other incoming calls for assistance,” said Lieutenant Commander Kathy Niles from the U.S. Coast Guard Office of Search and Rescue. “The value of satellite emergency notification and locating devices such as SPOT is that they provide the rescuers with amplifying information from the start such as a GPS location which can significantly reduce the geographic area needed to search, allowing for a rapid rescue attempt.” She also said “It’s imperative that people are familiar with all safety equipment they carry so that they know how to use it when in a distress situation.”
At just over seven ounces in weight, the SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger floats and is water-resistant, making it ideal for any maritime or fresh water boater, especially those who venture outside the range of cell phones or radio transmission. SPOT features four function keys that transmit messages based on varying levels of need:
- Alert 9-1-1 notifies an emergency response center of your GPS location
- Ask for Help sends a request for help with your location to friends or family
- Check In lets contacts know where you are and that you are okay
- Track Progress sends and saves your location and allows contacts to track your progress using Google Maps™
SPOT can provide the user’s GPS location co-ordinates directly to the GEOS emergency response center every 5 minutes to help ensure a timely rescue attempt. The updated position reports that the SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger can provide may be critical especially when drifting in strong currents. In tracking mode, SPOT sends and saves the user’s location waypoints so there is a record of the user’s last known location.
In addition to SPOT’s emergency service, the SPOT Assist service platform will soon offer non-emergency boating services including integration with BoatU.S. Towing Services. SPOT Assist will offer BoatU.S. services including 24 hour assistance 7 days a week with access to over 500 boats and 280 ports coast to coast. Services will include on-water vessel towing, soft-ungroundings, fluid delivery and jumpstarts. SPOT Assist including BoatU.S. services is scheduled to be available later this spring.
Pricing and Availability
The SPOT Satellite Messenger is available at www.findmespot.com and leading retailers including West Marine, Bass Pro Shops, and REI, and online outlets for $169.99 or less. For a complete listing of SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger retailers in the United States please visit the SPOT dealer locator at https://findmespot.com/ExploreSPOT/DealerLocator.aspx.
The SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger, the world’s first satellite messenger, uses both the GPS satellite network to determine a customer’s location and the SPOT network to transmit that information to friends, family or an emergency service center. SPOT LLC., a subsidiary of Globalstar, Inc. (NASDAQ: GSAT), provides lifesaving communications technology that allows users to communicate from remote locations around the globe.
Thanks to this affordable, cutting-edge personal safety device, the company offers people peace of mind by allowing customers to notify friends and family of their location and status, and to send for emergency assistance in time of need, completely independent of cellular phone or wireless coverage. For more information on how SPOT LLC is helping users live to tell about it (SM) – from disaster preparedness to outdoor adventure purposes – visit www.findmespot.com.
Notes to Reporters:
High-resolution photos of SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger are available at https://findmespot.com/en/pressroom/ |