Ebihen is a seaworthy, stable boat with good carrying capacity,
suitable for family sailing, as well as fishing. Despite its short
length, it offers a big and pleasant cockpit. She was inspired
both by Northern Brittany fishing boats, especially Saint Jacut
(the Ebihens are the islands in front of that port), and by the
boats on Normandy beaches, which were clinker built.
First strip planked Ebihen 15, standing lug
rigged. |
An outboard motor is fitted in a well aft of the cockpit, with
the motor handle at helmsman reach. The propeller is just ahead
of rudder for good manoeuvrability. A short shaft 4 strokes -
3 to 6 hp - motor may be installed. A heavy steel centreboard
improves stability and good windward ability. Many different rigs
may be chosen according to your specific needs, from the very
simple lug sail to the well canvassed gaff cutter (see drawings).
The first Ebihen was made in 2004 by a home builder . Since then,
about 50 Ebihen have been built or are under construction. Icarai
boat-builder has already delivered 4 units.
The first Ebihen was 4,5 m long (now named Ebihen 15) and a longer
version (4,8 m, Ebihen 16) has also been designed, with the same
breadth and depth. Ebihen 16 leaves more space to the crew and
also carries more canvas. This last aspect is very fruitful for
the standing lug version, the sail area being limited by the boat
length. Ebihen 16 is also fitted with a water ballast improving
stability and trim. This is very valuable when sailing with a
small crew.
If you have not any length constraint, I strongly recommend to
choose Ebihen 16 instead of Ebihen 15.
Ebihen may be built either with a strip planked or a clinker
plywood hull. The strip planked hull is mainly built with timber,
with laminated stem, keel, frames... This gives the boat a very
authentic look. This version is to be built with a plan package
and full size patterns printed on mylar (polyester sheets).

Ebihen |
The clinker version is built on a plywood structure and is preferably
built from a NC cut plywood kit which makes construction easy
for the home builder. Planking strakes are joined by NC scarves
and the only thing the builder has to do is gluing and clamping
parts together. Then, planks need only end adjustment.
The clinker version is built on a plywood structure
and is preferably built from a NC cut plywood kit which makes
construction easy for the home builder. |
The average construction time is 800 hours for the strip planked
hull and 500 hours for the clinker version using the plywood kit.
A traditional version (carvel planked over stem bent frames)
of Ebihen 16 is also available.
Several rig options are proposed. The standing lug (misainier
in French) has a single lug sail which remains on the same side
of an unstayed mast. It is very simple to use and gives good performance,
except by light winds. There is no boom and this gives safety
and comfort for the crew. With the outboard motor, it makes a
general purpose boat for fishing as well as family sailing.
There is no boom and this gives safety and comfort
for the crew. |
The lug yawl (bourcet-malet in French) is also based on a standing
lug sail with the addition of a jib and a lug mizzen. All this
canvas gives good sailing ability in light airs. On a windy day,
it is possible to sail under main only. When fishing, the boat
may sail under jib and mizzen only, giving a free cockpit for
And the lug yawl is a very beautiful rig! |
The gaff sloop is a very classic rig. The gaff mainsail and the
jib on a short bowsprit give a lively boat, good to windward,
which may be chosen for the pleasure of sailing as well as for
fishing. He is easy to handle and probably the best compromise
if you like a good sail boat.
Ebihen may also be rigged as a gaff cutter. There are two fore
sails (jib and staysail) instead of one. It is a universal traditional
rig which looks beautiful.
Clinker Ebihen 15, sloop rigged. |
You will find inside Ebihen several lockers, a stowing arrangement
for oars and pole and attractive bronze hardware. Ebihen is a
boat for life, strong and long lasting.
Of course Ebihen is a trailerable boat. She does not need a permanent
mooring, allowing to sail in very different areas. She is easy
to launch and recover, even for a single person.
A keel version, without centreboard, with a self-draining cockpit
is also planned. For more information, ask the designer.
A motor only version of Ebihen 16, clinker planked, is also available.
Plans for Ebihen are available in the Duckworks
Ebihen builders and kits suppliers: France: Icarai: Centre d'activités,
4 avenue Louis Lumière 50100 Cherbourg - phone: 33 2 33
41 38 91
e-mail : nvivier@icarai.fr
- Internet : www.icarai.fr
USA: Clint Chase Boat Builder: 25 Deblois Street, Portland, Maine
- phone: 1 207.879.7782, clint@clintchaseboatbuilder.com
François Vivier
