This was a really fun day, the weather was good. The gunk hole
trip after was canceled due to crappie weather but Saturday was
fine. I've attached pictures taken by Ellen Thayer on the show
boat "Packard", thanks Ellen.
Steven Worley, Cortez Melonseed |
There are more pictures on the link
here. Click on them for more. I've named the pictures
in the order they finished the race.
Peter Vermilya, Cortez Melonseed |
This race was run in an unusual way, I did it so that's no surprise.
The start was from a standstill, the pictures of all of us standing
in the water holding the boats is cool.
Jamie Canfield, Cortez Melonseed |
We circled the islands twice and finished by ringing a bell
on the beach. There were a couple really good foot races to the
Howard Heimbrock, 20 foot Cortez Melonseed |
I also was charged with declaring the winners. The first three
boats to finish were the Cortez melonseeds, as usual. There was
a Sea Pearl 21 in there but I decided he doesn't count. My nephew
Steven sailing Laylah with my son Jamie as crew was first to ring
the bell but I decided to give the win to Peter Vermilya, second
to finish in Miss Kate. He was right on Steven's ass but had a
problem half way through the race when his rudder fell off and
he ended up in the mangroves till he got it back on.
Jay Ludvigh in his personally designed and built
“Time II” a ‘Cedar Key 15’ dinghy. |
Steven did make a great showing since he's new to this sailing
stuff. The big boats (over 20 feet ) put on a good show. Howard's
"Tricia Marie" edged out Bob Bloomquest in the schooner "Scoona"but
I gave it to Bob because he's a yankee sailor and not used to
the shallow water. Every time he was about to pass us he knifed
his dagger board into the mud. We had fun laughing at him but
he really was faster than us in these conditions.
Bob Bloomquest, Bolger Schooner |
The small boat winner and grand champion went to Marie Cobb
in the 10 foot "Bonito". She was about the smallest boat in the
fleet after the puddle duck racer and she whipped ass on a lot
of larger boats and had to make a diving leap at the bell to beat
out Jeff Moates.
Mark Stewart, small tri |
There were six kayaks who were impressive going around the islands
but none stayed for the awards so I didn't count them. The man
of the day had to be Bob Walden in a SIX foot long row boat. he
was eighth to finish. Look at his picture, can't believe it even
floats. If I missed any of you don't blame me, Hank Will was the
fantastic starter and finisher and it got hectic on the finish
dock, it was really fun watching the race to the bell.
Albert ‘Ford’ Walton in a Bolger
‘Tortoise’. |
Steve Deming, 16 ft Melonseed |
Steve Crebb, Chesapeake Sharpie skiff is a just
launched. Chapelle documented sharpie built by the Crystal
River Boatbuilders Chapter of the TSCA. |
Marie Cobb in her DC-10 “Bonito”
designed by Douglas Cooper. |
Jeff Moats, Bahamas Sloop |
Dave Gray, Puddle Duck Racer |
Stan Terryll, Nancy's China-modified |
Eric Devoe Sharpie |
Jim Hanson Nutshell Pram |
Curt Bowman Drascombe |
Spritsail Skiff “Sallie Adams” built
at the FL. Maritime Museum Boatshop in 2002 |
Ed Cobb Pelican |
Mike Jones Windmill-enlarged |
Tom Busenlener in his Phoenix III Beach cruiser
“Rascal”. |
Allen and Judy Boyes in their modified John
Gardner designed “Fat Boat” based on a Swampscott
Dory. |
Rex & Kathie Payne Birdwatcher |
Two Cortez melonseeds |
Fiberglass reproduction of a Gil Smith Long
Island Catboat by Legnos owned by Ron Gryn. |
One minute after start |
13’ melonseed designed by Marc Barto and
built by owner Nick Jaeger. |
28 Running for the Bell |
29 Waiting for the Start |
This was a good place to see a lot of the designs we've heard
about. The Puddle Duck did pretty good for these fluky wind conditions.
It's almost impossible to beat the 15 ft Cortez melons in light
David Lucas
Lucas Boatworks and Happy Hour Club
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