I launched my Storer designed Goat
Island Skiff into a navigable body of water last
month under rainy skies and light winds. She is called, "I
am Zinea, Pterodactylus." The flower is intentionally misspelled,
and lightweight flying pterosaurs that often inhabited Jurassic
coastlines were mega-cool, so no apologies on the name. The launch
was a quiet affair, with my wife and three strangers I convinced
to help us celebrate. We sailed for an hour, and it was delightful
to be back on the water. Building was fun, but I'm a sailor. Sailing
is better! She flies amongst the rocky shores of New England lakes
and Atlantic coastline! Now, I will spend some time tinkering
with my rig-- a pleasant chore.
The launch was a quiet affair, with my wife
and three strangers I convinced to help us celebrate. |
Storer provides a fantastic set of plans that are well detailed
in addition to a vibrant online community and forum. He and/or
other builders are easily accessible, making his boats well within
reach of people like me, who have no prior woodworking experience.
I have indeed come a long way but not without my share of mistakes.
(Two examples of many: I ripped all the lumber for this boat on
my table saw using a cross-cut blade thinking the more the teeth
on the blade, the cleaner the cut, and for my first glue job I
used no less than 4 pumps of resin, 2 pumps of hardener, all for
three small pieces of bulkhead framing. Can you say "going
off?" It's my paperweight now....).
Mistakes happen but paperweights are useful
things. |
Thank you for the fantastic product
support. Everything I purchased came on time, as
I ordered. This boat was built, rigged, painted, and towed with
materials and hardware from small independently owned marine stores,
chandleries (such as yourself) and local lumberyards. Thank you
for helping free the common sailor from the tyranny of that big
box marine store.
Bottom of lugsail with main sheet. |
The boat is fast and predictable with a crew of two, a little
more demanding and but even faster with a lightweight consequences-be-darned
solo skipper (me), especially when flying all 105 square feet
of sail. Let's say we've gone over more than once and leave it
at that. She's also a looker, commanding attention from passerby,
random motorists, and sailors alike.
You guys are awesome and help keep the stoke alive for the rest
of us!
Cheers and happy sailing,
