This time we have the following
six boats:
Send a picture or three and a short description of your boat and its launch
to chuck.leinweber@gmail.com for inclusion here next month.
Canoe 16
I submitted a project back in 2003 to Duckworks.
Here is the 2003 newly constructed picture of the Bateau.com
14 ft Cheap Canoe. Here is the same canoe today in by backyard.
Its not even an adequate planter! Ouch!
I decided to build a replacement and chose to build Bateau's
Nice Canoe 16. The 14ft Cheap Canoe carried up to 300 lbs but
that was about the limit. I'm expecting the Nice Canoe 16 will
carry 400 lbs.
I found that large size paper binder clips (1” wide) were
perfect for use as clamps, and much cheaper than standard clamps.
I used 3/4” wide boards for the rubrails with 1/4”
plywood for the sides and bottom.
Here's are some pictures of the project so far. I hope to splash
it this weekend.
Here are some more pictures, including the splash...
This is me connecting the bottom to the sides
using small tie wraps.
After about half and hour and a backache coming on, I moved
the boat onto the sawhorses to finish. The spreaders are temporary. |
The stems and bottom to sides are all tie wrapped
in place. I’m placing masking tap over the outside seems
in preparation for fiberglass taping with epoxy resin the
inside seems. |
Here is my son, Michael, working with the goop
(MAS epoxy resin with wood flour). |
3D with all inside seems taped and epoxied. |
This was earlier today at Shem Creek in Mt.
Pleasant, SC. All seems done, the hull has one coat of epoxy
resin and one coat of primer. I still need to do final sanding
and painting. |
It floats and no leaks!
The design calls for breast hooks. I put those in the first
canoe that I did, but I didn’t bother doing it with
this one. When I stored my first cheap canoe upside down,
the birds kept building nests under them. I plan on installing
small padeyes on to of the rubrails for tying lines to. Also,
I plan to use clamp on rod holders, the type that are marketed
for use on aluminum jonboats. |
Here’s Michael with a nice trout caught
on the 1st cast! We look forward to many more. The canoe is
great to fish from. |
October 2009
By Stacey Strickland with Help from Michael Strickland
canoe launched at the Boat Building Academy
Strip built Peterborough
canoe built by Alexander Threipland and Russell Gale at the Boatbuilding
Academy, Lyme
Boat Building Academy students Alexander Threipland and Russell
Gale built this strip built 16ft Peterborough canoe, and launched
it along with their fellow students’ projects back in June.
Alexander and Russell built their canoe in glass-sheathed western
red cedar, with wicker seats, a cherry thwart and fore and aft
decks with ebony detail. Since leaving the course Alexander has
started a business, Wilton Woodworks, with Will Reed, a former
student and instructor whose boat was first launched at the Beale
Park Thames Boat Show this year. Hopefully we’ll hear more
from them in the near future.
My thanks once again to Academy principal Yvonne Green for the

Thanks again Skip, these paddle
So light and easy to launch and paddle.
Here is a link to some images from the launch day. Click
The real payoff came Sunday as my Fiance and I were working on
some wedding stuff. About noon she said,"Lets take the boats
out for a quick paddle." Within 45 minutes I had the 2 boats
launched in a beautiful local lake/park called Saddle Creek in
Lakeland, Fl. This is exactly why I built this. I enjoyed the
process, but think I will enjoy the product more!!!
I ordered the vinyl lettering by the way, just came in. My Fiance
liked being able to pick the font and size. $30 including shipping
for 2 sets of the name (Honeypot) but a nice product and a headache
saver since I don't have a workshop at our place in Lakeland yet.
are more pictures here.
Here are a few pics from Bob's 200+ build and
launch pictures. Bob Steiner's (builder)Facebook
album has them all. This one really came out nice!
Steven Lewis (Designer)
Chuck, After almost 2 years and one colon cancer
I finally sailed Mary Agnes. Air was light, but she tacked O K.
Thomas Jefferson Whatley, III better known as
T.Bone for the last 60 years. Got the nickname while a freshman
at Auburn University. Combat Veteran of WW2 from Utah beach to
the Elbe river. I have lived in South Florida for 47 years and
still not tired of it. In 2004 hurricane Charley blew away my
Tribander but that did not make me change my mine, I still love
South Florida.
Hi Chuck, I have just finished putting together
a small site about the Francois Vivier's Seil 18 that I have built
and launched recently. It can be found
Afloat! |
Off we go |
“Om Toch” is the name of my latest
creation, pictured above. She is built after the Seil 18 design,
by Francois Vivier. It’s a sail and oar design, 18’
long, propelled either by oars or a 11m2 lugsail. Details from
the designer’s website can be found
here and plans at Duckworks
I started building “Om Toch” in
February 2009 and launched in August 2009. Total build time was
about 500 hours. She cost about AU$7000 in materials, including
freight and sail, but excluding trailer.
“Om Toch” is a Dutch expression.
It literally means ‘because of yet’. It’s the
answer my wise Oma would give, when as a little boy I inquired
about the ‘why-ness’ of my world. It has connotations
of ‘I do this, because I do and I can’. It is also
an expression of deep faith, in that sometimes beautiful things
are totally unreasonable.
Rien Hofman
Weipa, Queensland, Australia.
It is impressive how many boats Rien has built:
Plans are available at Duckworks: click
