Here are some photos of my recently christened 16' Melonseed.
Thanks for all the help in buying my hardware - it worked out

Kent Rush
This is my last project, a Bufflehead on Lake Constance.

Axel Schmid |
First Launch and Sea
Trials of the PBK-18 "Sexy Girl"
This afternoon we had some free time after work and the weather
cooperated, also the paint has now hardened well on the Kayak,
so we took the kayak for its initial launch at the Kars Boat Launch.
Schuyler and first step cousin once removed Andrew Zeigler took
the kayak "Sexy Girl" on its first voyage in Cranberry
Creek a tributary entering the Rideau River at Kars Ontario.

The craft was fully water tight and performed well. The build
was a success. This was a trial not only of the craft but also
of the navigators.
Kayak Builder. See the Blog at:
Flat Iron Skiff
The Crystal River Boat Builders (https://www.
tsca. net/CRBB/) relaxed for a few weeks after the
launch of ANNIE -- a 14 ft Chesapeake Sharpie -- and while hanging
around the boatshop built this 11ft rowboat. She's planked with
cedar and has no caulking or paint! Built carefully and
kept in the water, she was allowed to swell and now is tight enough
to only collect rain water! Just like ANNIE, she was built using
only hand tools.

Bill Whalen
Skinny Mouse
I whipped together a Skinny Mouse for my boy over the weekend.
We got it wet yesterday in a local river, with me and the wife
in our Bateau NC16.
