Apple Pie

Apple Pie
Safety first Keeerrr---SSSSpplash Wow - what a winter we have had here. This has been the coldest that I can remember. I've had to keep asking if this was Central Florida. I know you all have seen that a number of times, the good thing is; it's over. Not to disc all of you other builders but, I've wondered how someone could start a small boat and then let it drag on and on. Now I'm one of them, I thought at the start this would be over in four months, at tops. Now at about 15 months I still need to get back on it. I can't blame the weather for all the lost work this year. Cause----I did have something to come up.
Chuck I hope it's OK to talk about this, all men need the information. In January I went for my normal checkup. My PSA was 2 points higher than normal. Sent to an urologist. Digital Rectal exam, prostate enlarged. Ultrasound also shows enlarged. 8 biopsies, 2 positive for cancer. Now the options: surgery, radiation, radiation with seed implant or freezing. All equal urinary and sexual problems. Second opinion; the new kid on the block has a new toy. It's a Sonablate 500. Its uses High Intensity Focused Ultrasound to burn the prostate tissue without surgery. WOW I'm sold! What now? Its April next available time slot is June 11. We fly down to Cancun on Thursday, procedure on Friday, home on Saturday. I walked into the hospital and walked out. I have had no pain except for the catheter thru the pubic area and that is mostly just uncomfortable. I am now cancer free!!!!! Latest's News break!!! September 13, 2010 PSA test from last week was 0.00! Now if it stays there The Doc says I'm cured. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Paddle and rudder. Paddle is 7 ft long. It's made from recycled shipping pallet. It was a 5 ft 2x4, trimmed to a square then shaved to an octagon. The blades were 1x 3's, glued on the sides then shaped with shur plane and lots of sanding. Finish is epoxy 3 coats.

It floats!
I finished glassing inside, made a skeg from 2 slices of 1x6 epoxied together then shaped and glassed. The skeg has a 1" keel strip and two rub strips of the same material. A rudder, that was some work shaping that foil and the leading edge. Still need to make, floatation boxes, oars for rowing and sculling, and the mounting points for a sail; I've still got to figure out how to go about it. How big can it be? A six foot mast with five foot yard? 15 sqft? I've read what the PDR's are doing, just have to start and adjust along the way.

Paddle and rudder. Paddle is 7 ft long. It’s made from recycled shipping pallet.
She's a grand tender sits well on her lines, handles like a lady here on Lake Lisa. Hope she performs as good on the Indian River. I've never sailed, so look out if you are on the Indian River when I'm out. I'll be sailing from the Eau Gallie harbor down toward Melbourne, Florida. Dreaming of sailing to Bermuda. She's called "Tres Centavo", three cents.
My back porch/shop.
My grandson didn't try for a proper sitting position that was still to be found, but he'll learn about trim and that other stuff. We all just wanted to get it in the water. If anyone has questions about HIFU just enter that in your search engine or e-mail, subj: HIFU

Ed Davis