This time we have the following
Send a picture or three
and a short description of your boat and its launch to chuck.leinweber@gmail.com
for inclusion here next month.
I got my Piccup in the water before the end of the season! This was my third build and perhaps my easiest as I have gotten all the building techniques down. What a light and nimble boat. I was immediately impressed by her. I have named her "Serenity NOW!" Half because I name all my boats starting with S and Firefly was one of my favorite shows ever, and half because it is kinda funny.

The winds were light but the instant it picked up she just started to sing across the lake. The yawl rig worked as expected and I made the sail plan bigger as per Michalak's build notes. I should not have even bothered putting the mizzen on in those light airs. She had a slight weather helm. With the boat not loaded down with camping equipment she rode high in the water and I paid special attention to were my weight was in the boat. She tacked on a dime even in little wind. I couldn't be happier. There were a few small rigging things I want to change but not a big deal. She rowed with no effort. She is very responsive. I have not weighed her but everyone who has helped me mover her agrees she is somewhere between 95lbs and 105lbs. Some even guess 90 LBS. Awesome. Here is link to the build photos and if anyone wants to friend me on facebook they can access my build photos with detailed descriptions of the build. I am currently giving advice to another builder as he builds his piccup.
The only major head scratching I had was that the Lee board had to be built larger for the larger sail area. I had to make the lee board guard proportionally larger and it caused me a lot of stress getting it right. Other then that all the expedition add-ons are great and I would feel fine taking Serenity NOW out for a 5 day sailing event if the weather were right.
Thanks to my friends from the Eastern Messabout for taking pictures and meeting up with me at Lake Nockamixon. Bob Throne, Steve Bosquette, Paul T, Tom Mauer.
Paul Moffitt
Bill's Houdini Gets Wet
I put my Houdini cat yawl, Mary T, in the water last Friday. I've attached some pictures of the launch. I also took the boat for a sail and discovered that the many years that have passed since I last sailed, my unfamiliarity with sailing a cat yawl and some kinks in my setup made for a much more exciting experience than I expected. Fortunately, the minor scuffs and dings are repairable and I believe in time I will work through my difficulties in tacking cleanly. All said, the boat performed very well when it was in the grove and there was some wind.
Duckworks was a important source of parts and supplies during my build and I very much appreciate all of your good service, reasonable prices and helpful advice.
Bill |
I purchased all my fiberglass and epoxy plus a few odds and ends through you and was getting ready to get some more epoxy for my next poject when I saw your splash secton. Anyway, I launched my George Buehler "riverwalker" design houseboat this summer after 5 years of work. Heres the particulars:
30' LOA 10'6" beam. The hull is two layers of 1/2" ply on the bottom and 3/8" for the topsides covered with 6 oz fiberglass. The boat was launched in the Kalamazoo River at Saugatuck, MI in early June and is slipped there at the moment. m 've used it on Lake Michigan, but only when calm, and the shallow draft allows me to travel about an hour and a half upstream through marshes. It's powered
(unpowered) by an old Tohatsu 25hp outboard with hydraulic steering. I've lived on the boat all summer and have just recently been forced back on land by cold weather and the beginning of school year(I teach high school). The boat is unnamed at the moment.
Here's a couple pictures.

Chris Carr |
QCE - "Kaylee's Komet"

Launched my boat (QCE) today for the first time (I've decided she's not a canoe) and she exceeded expectations! With only my 27 pound thrust motor and
400 pounds of humans and battery, we got her up to 5 mph according to the GPS. She handles really well and is very stable. Tracks perfectly straight; I don't even need to hold the tiller and can motor across the whole lake hands free. But she turns on a dime, too... we could spin in a tight circle like water ballet. Going solo, with me in the back and the weight of the battery and motor, the bow was pointing way out of the water, but she handled just fine that way and it felt faster. Lottsa fun to troll around the lake in alone or with a buddy. We also tried out a "wind paddle" down wind sail. There was hardly a breeze, but she moved along nicely. I did not build seats and only have the one center thwart so far, and it feels kinda flexible. I want to add another thwart. Maybe two of different lengths, and removable, so I can have either one thwart, or two or three, depending on the situation. I DO like having no permanent seats, just a cushion. She is just a great boat, and exactly what I wanted and needed. Can't wait to get her on the river and catch some fish!

Joe |
Kiwi PDR

Went to the Centex messabout this weekend at Inks Lake. One of the boats there was Lance Turner's new John Welsford version of a Puddle Duck. Lance is a meticulous craftsman; he's got the classiest Puddle Duck ever built. Sail looked beautiful too, tan-colored lateen. John Welsford was also at the messabout, and was suitably impressed.
Job well done!
Al |
I've just completed and launched the Michalak AF3.
I proudly display the Duckworks sticker on my boat as I purchased all hardware, epoxy, and sail from you. It has been a pleasure dealing with your company and I will surely continue to do so in the future.
Also a word of compliment on Jim Michalak's plans - Very accurate and easy to understand. Enjoyed every minute of the build. The boat will serve our needs perfectly.
Lonnie Black
Avon Park, Fl |
Here's a few pics from there of the Houdini named "Muritai" (Maori for Sea Breeze). Muritai was just splashed at this Eufaula event for the first time. Second picture is good one of me and Welsford with the Houdini.

George, Franklin TN |
Urbana Rocket
On the beach at Fiddler's Cove October 11 and 12, 2011 - John and Kim and Joe put the finishing touches, the oarlocks, on John's newly finished Urbana Rocket, a Jim Thayer design with elegant appeal. She's fast and pretty and looks great on top of John's new Honda Fit, towed behind his motorhome.

Annie |
I just wanted to let you know how well the gudgeon set worked
and how much I appreciated your service. The boat went in the
water on Sept. 10th and the women rowed it in the Row for the
Cure on Oct. 2. Not bad considering they had no idea what they
were doing when it went in the water.

I'm attaching a couple pictures of the boat and one semi-closeup
of the hardware for you to use as you see fit. The hardware works
great. I've had to remove the rudder several time for various
reasons and its been a snap.
Peter Crim,
Dir. Wind & Oar Boat School
d-oar-boatschool. org