Launch Announcement |
hi chuck
The Keuka Whaler will launch at the NYS Keuka Park boat launch on 6/16 noon. Any interested potential whalers are invited to attend
Craig Hohm |
More on Stove Articles |
(this is Bill's response to Martin's comment last month)
Ha! Chuck, that just goes to show "No good deed shall go unpunished"! :)
I'm afraid he will have to do his own research, as very few boaters are willing to pay what a stove like he wants would cost. Last time I checked, a good safe wood burning boat stove would cost way over $350.00.
Chuck, your magazine gets better and better with each passing month!
As for the joker who is unhappy with the ads centered in articles, and wrote you that he will no longer be viewing the Duckworks Magazine, my thoughts are that he is just one of those people who bitch about everything, and never contribute to anything! :)
I've had a couple of his type complain about the ads on my Potter site. When they start paying my bills, I start listening!
Florida Memories |
Chuck: I just viewed the PD video of the Everglades Challenge. It was across Tampa Bay where I grew up. I've sailed to all the places the fellow showed on his camera! In fact, some of the sand bars and small islands triggered daydreams of pirates and treasure when I was a boy reading Treasure Island and Kidnapped and Moby Dick.
It brought back memories of the afternoon I accidentally sailed an Optimist across the Bay. I lost my markings for the Yacht Club where my Dad had a complimentary membership. So when I sailed across the channel markers which guide the big ships to the docks, the Coast Guard saw little 5 foot Paul in his 8 foot Optimist. They came in their motorboat, picked me up out of the boat and towed it back to the yacht club. I think my father was secretly proud that I had no fear of the Bay, even though the Coast Guard felt they had to give him a lecture.
Anyway, currents are more dangerous than the weather or wind for big ships off the west coast of Florida. That's why there are so many pirate wrecks on the bottom. For PDs the wind is pretty fierce, as you can see but inside Tampa Bay the currents are not strong. You can't see how beautiful Sarasota is on the land or how good the fishing is off the piers. The fish nearly jump into your arms if you have live bait.
The video reminds me that a pram bow doesn't make a boat slow by itself.
Anyway, thanks for the memories.
Paul Austin |
The Money Faerie? |
Wonder where Ken thinks the money to support the site comes from? The money faerie? I'm sure that you're not stressing about it. When you guys were a paid site you were the first and only site I ever paid for and thought it was a great value. Rock on.
Rick S |
Thanks |
I hardly know where to start, but thanks for all the great stories these last few months. The EC reports alone deserve kudos, but it's a rare day your article doesn't rig my bell. And thanks for the quick post of Patrick's splash. Can't wait for a fuller report .. he and I will write up our shallow twin keel experience.
Bob Throne |
Ad Revenue |
I think Ken should understand that without ad revenue Duckworks may not remain free or disappear. Surely we can put up with one big ad in the text. It doesn't distract that much from the story and sometimes something really good comes up in the ad. Chuck uses the money from those ads to pay me to do more story postings. I love the ads. It gives me a job and helps Chuck and Sandra. Go Google Go! Google is behind Youtube I hear. No ads, no youtube. Now that would a sad world. I love Youtube too! Come back and keep reading please Ken C.
More on Stoves |
Chuck....just to add to Martin’s letter about Bill Nolen’s articles on stoves.....I’d love to see an article on airtight wood stoves for boats. My power boat had a Dickinson diesel stove that the previous owner converted to wood but it didn’t work very well. I had a wood burning stove welded up our of 8X10, ¼” steel pipe but it doesn’t draw very well. The smoke stack was 4” in diameter and about 5’ long.
I think there is a formula, though I can’t find it, for fire box size as related to outlet pipe size. Maybe Bill would consider some research and an article? There is a place in the American Gulf Islands that makes beautiful wood burning boat stoves but even their smallest one is too big for my use. Up here there is tons of driftwood and bark so a wood stove works well. Besides, the boat looks cool cruising along with a nice plume of wood smoke in its wake!
Robert Hale |
More about Ads |
Chuck: I read the April letter against the ads. I just ignore the ads with no trouble. Once in a while I have responded to the ads for some product with no great guilt or anger involved.
When I wrote for magazines, what killed the magazines was when the content of the prose had to conform to the advertisers. If a magazine had plenty of clothing ads, when the stories were about clothing and being seen dressed a certain way, then that magazine would not last long. As long as the ads conform to the content of the site, I don't think D will be ruined.
When Bob Dylan went from acoustic guitar to electric he got criticized but his audience doubled. You'll be fine and so will I.
Blessings upon you and yours,
Paul Austin |
Outboard Motor Articles |
Hi Mike I am not much of a boat builder. The articles that I used to really enjoy were the old outboard ones. What do you think about getting some new atricles on outboard motors? Just a thought. Larry L |
Wave Propulsion System |
Hello fellow, probably you don t remember me, I was developing a wave-propulsion system. Part of my work was published in Catalyst 44, as some friends suggested cause if in the futur I want to a patent or something. You can see there -I have not that magazine- or the scheme I did in my blog. I telling you cause your colaboration about a couple of years ago, and that was helpfull. Next I will develop an horizontal sail capable to be used in planning hulls (hope to go into wind).
This matters in my case are not theory, after several tryal an error attempts the modifications of the hull works very well. I living and travelling on it, with charlie dog. Next destinity, probably Gibraltar.
Cedar Key |
This year the WCTSS (West Coast Trailer Sailor Squadron) is putting on a Shrimp Boil for all Small Boat people at Cedar Key. I guess it's kind of a Low Country Boil. It will have Shrimp, Polish sausage, corn on the cob, potatoes, and whatever else we find to throw in there. It will be at 6 PM sharp. Only 120 people will get wristbands to go through the line, so get yours early. The cost is still only 10 bucks. Location is the same as last year.. Right beside the Island Place in front of the GulfSide Motel. WCTSS members will be bringing covered dishes to augment the boil. Things like salads, pasta dishes and desserts. Water will be provided, so if you want something stronger you bring it with you.
Last year we served over 155 dinners. We will have hot dogs for the kids and for people who can't eat seafood.
JSI and West System Epoxy will be giving door prizes away after dinner, and there will be music.
Wrist bands will be sold at the site from about 4pm until they are gone. Bring your appetite. You'll need it.
Ode to the Enemy |
I have a sad story to tell about an old boat builder who went astray.
In the great state of Florida the two leading occupations until our recent down turn were in Real Estate and Lawn Care. I have tried my hand at both and with a similar result, failure. One out of two Florida residents has had at some time a Real Estate license. All Florida residents practice or hire lawn care. My Real Estate career burned bright and burned out. My lawn care story has been the distraction from boat building.
I live on the East coast of Florida where they race cars around a big circle. I have a big lawn right on the street, I have a riding lawn mower and a sprinkler system and little required work. The problem is BUGS, especially CINCH BUGS, I spray them, stomp on them, spread poison for them, but most of all I feed them. This battle has raged for five years, I am still fighting but they keep on coming. You need to research this bug to understand the problems they create in lawns.
My last DUCKWORKS' article was about my creation of a small skiff of "tortured plywood". I have surrendered the name of this noble ship to my enemy the CHINCH BUG.

I recognize strength, determination, and true grit of my lawn eating CINCH BUG. Now maybe they will cut me a break, no chance, but a cool name for a cool boat.
Fred Night |
System 3 PreMixes |
They are obviously on the pricey side, but the savings in time and hassle is quite significant, at least for me.
Follow UP |
Hi Chuck,
Just a follow-up. I added a you-tube video to my blog showing the DIY roller furler in action.
You can see how well the swivel works in the video. It works really, really well. Just as good as the ball bearing fishing swivel.
Thanks again,
Joel |
DIY Roller Furler |
Thanks so much David Kagan. Your article (April 23) on the improved, simple roller furler was a revelation. I feel the urge to immediately go build one and furl something, even though I do not even have a sailboat. But hey - I could furl the sunscreen over our patio, right? Where's the next home depot!?
For all those that wonder how much furling length they get out of a DIY furler, here's a formula. We will calculate how much furling line you can get onto the drum in the furler (of course - if you have already built it, it is simpler to just try; this is for those that have not yet started). Finding out which size of sail this corresponds to is really your own thing. Hint: manually furl your sail as you would expect it to be. Unfurl again. Perpendicular to the furled bundle you just had, measure the rolled-up length. The rope on the drum in your furler will have to equal the length you just found.
Now to how much length of rope you will get onto the drum. Note: this is an approximation. Get out your pocket calculator. Let D be the diameter of the drum's core, and h the height of the drum's core (between faceplates / flanges). Let d be the diameter of the rope you are furling. All measurements must be in the same unit (all millimeters, all inches etc.).
The first layer of rope will have a length of (h/d)*3.141*(D+d).
the second layer of rope will have a length of (h/d)*3.141*(D+2.7d).
the third layer of rope will have a length of (h/d)*3.141*(D+4.4d). You notice the regularity? For each subsequent layer now, add a factor of 1.7.
Note 1: for slightly higher accuracy, first compute (h/d) and then round to the nearest integer value. Use that value instead of the actual (h/d).
Note 2: if your faceplate/flange has a width of w from the drum to the edge, you can fit a maximum of w/(0.85*d) layers on the drum. As the outermost windings will not be able to fill the drum from top to bottom, I would expect to use not much more than two thirds of this maximum value.
Mario Stoltz |