including audio reports, photos, videos, etc, from Patrick Johnson, Scott Widmier, Gary Blankenship, and more. We will post the latest updates at the top of the page as they come in. Check back often.
Friday, March 9:
Noel Davis (CP3) 2:59PM
Noel Davis (CP3) 9:00AM
Gary (Lugnut) Blankenship 7:53AM
Thursday, March 8:
Noel Davis (CP3) 11:45AM
Noel Davis (CP3) 9:33AM
Noel Davis (CP3) 9:04AM
Noel Davis (CP3) 6:00AM
Wednesday, March 7:
A thought for Scott:
When good people fail to accomplish what they set out to do, I am reminded of this saying, written by Theodore Roasevelt in 1910.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Best wishes to those that entered the EC arena!
Bill Nolen
Gary (Lugnut) Blankenship 7:56PM
Noel Davis (CP3) 6:10PM
Noel Davis (CP3) 3:05PM

Gary and John's track as they beat into Flamingo
Noel Davis (CP3) 1:15PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 12:35PM - CP3!
Lugnut & Karank @ 9:48AM
Lugnut & Karank @ 6:24AM
Lugnut & Karank @ 2:03AM
Tuesday, March 6:
Posted to Watertribe forum by Doug "Ridgerunner" Cameron: "We pulled into the bay at Middle Cape to heave to and reef. We had been speeding down the coast at 7 and 8 mph, often planing, in 15-20 mph winds. All of a sudden the wind went E from NE and went to 40+/- (according to park headquarters) and knocked the boat down. The mizzen was sheeted in hard and the main was unsheeted. The main dug into a sand bottom and sheeted off as we climbed onto the centerboard to right her. By the time we got her bailed and the main spars and sail back on board, we were west of the IVW headed for Mexico. So we told the Coasties what was going on, rigged the midden midshipd, and sailed slowly throu breaking waves to the beach. The Tow Boat US folks wouldn't come out in the wind, but they will try in the early AM when the winds may lay down. We are driving to Tampa to get the truck. Christie and Noel, checkpoint captains at Flamingo are great."
Lugnut & Karank @ 9:45PM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 6:10PM - crazy idea
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 5:45PM - final thoughts
Lugnut & Karank @ 11:59AM - Leaving CP2
Gary (Lugnut) Blankenship 1:14PM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 11:05AM - capsize!
Lugnut & Karank @ 11:59AM - arriving CP2
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 8:21AM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 6:51AM
Lugnut & Karank @ 6:44AM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 1:20AM
Monday, March 5:
Gary (Lugnut) Blankenship 6:16PM
John (Mr Moon) Bell 9:13PM - final thoughts
Lugnut & Karank @ 6:51PM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 2:47PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 2:21PM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 2:07PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 1:02PM
Noel Davis (CP3) 12:10PM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 11:17AM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 8:45AM
Lugnut & Karank @ 11:13AM

Class IV as of Monday 9 AM
Lugnut & Karank @ 7:32AM - leaving CP1
Sunday, March 4:
MisterMoon: Finished @ 0015 this morning. All I can say is EPIC. Time for some water and sleep.
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 10:48PM
Gary (Lugnut) Blankenship 6:16PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 4:15PM - they made it to CP1!
John (Mr Moon) Bell 7:41AM

"My buddy Scott making some minor repairs to his "Yacht" about half way down Sarasota Bay on his way to Key Largo" - Patrick Johnson
Watertribe Announcement: Weather hold
Lugnut & Karank @ 12:02PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 10:36AM
Lugnut & Karank @ 7:50AM
Patrick Johnson walks the beach on Launch day
Patrick Johnson photo album from Fri & Sat
John (Mr Moon) Bell 7:41AM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 6:27AM
Saturday, March 3:
John (Mr Moon) Bell 10:55PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 10:49PM
Scott (Plumbcrazy) Widmeir 10:35PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 10:17PM
MisterMoon is stopping for sleep
Lugnut & Karank @ 8:24PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 6:28PM
Lugnut & Karank @ 5:56PM

this is the bridge mentioned in the report below
John (Mr Moon) Bell 2:13PM
Dr Frank Smoot's launch day photos
from Dr. Frank Smoot: Launch day - Part 1
Dr. Frank Smoot: Launch day - Part 2
Dr. Frank Smoot: Launch day - Part 3
Dr. Frank Smoot: Launch day - Part 4
Lugnut & Karank @ 3:40PM
John (Mr Moon) Bell 11:46AM
Lugnut & Karank @ 10:32AM
Dave Lucas walks down the beach on Friday
John (Mr Moon) Bell 8:30AM
John (Mr Moon) Bell 7:30AM
Lugnut & Karank @ 7:57AM

here is how I interpret this screen shot made just after the start: the guys on the left are heading out into the gulf - the ones in the center are kayaks heading straight across the bay and the ones on the right are tacking to go into Sarasota Bay
John (Mr Moon) Bell report just before the start
Friday, March 2:
Dr Frank Smoot's prelaunch photos
Three videos below are from Dr. Frank Smoot
Phil getting ready on the day before race day
"Ben" preparing for tomorrow's launch, Everglades Challenge 2012
"Sir Tacksalot" getting ready for the 2012 Everglades Challenge
Gary (Lugnut) Blankenship Pre-race report
John (mistermoon) Bell's photos
Patrick Johnson interviews Scott Widmier (click to listen)