My New Design

I received my epoxy/fiberglass order on Friday - thank you! I just flipped it this afternoon. I have chine logs to put on the outside and then I start on the hull. It will be 3/8" plywood. The windows will be the last thing I cut in.
I have a 4hp Evinrude - it's a nice 30 year old model to power it with - I picked up for $120 with a 6gal gas tank. So far I have used 2 sheets of 1/4" BC ext and one sheet of 5mm luan for the rear frame. I expect to use 3 sheets of 3/8 (hull and top-side roof panels), and one sheet of 1/2" for the transom and front bow decking. If I have sized this right on the width and side angle (94 degrees). I might be able to slide it in the back of a 8ft pickup bed (angled over the wheel wells). She will hang out over the tailgate about a foot. If not, then the next one that is built will have better measurements. If anyone is interested in plans and it proves seaworthy. Any suggestions will be welcomed.
Mark Smith
After a strong wave hit we decided to change the windows on "Cachivache". Before and after photos included.

Bob's Models

The B&B Model Boat Shop has been busy turning out models of Chesapeake Bay work boats. The models are of an Oyster Boat, a 1930s era Crab/Oyster boat and the old Portsmouth/Norfolk steam ferry. These models will be donated to charities that include St. Mary's Home for Children, Girl Scouts and Lynnhaven River Now.
Merry Christmas to all.
Bob Guess
Thought this would give you a laugh...
J B Panter
Ship's Wheel

I made a fairly nice ships wheel out of just a 2x4.
Unknown Boat

I have found this boat and would like to know who made it? The owner said it came from Florida and came from a fun park that's all that is known about it.
Product of the Week: Barnacle Buster™
Marine growth build-up is the #1 reason water cooled equipment malfunctions. These deposits will reduce equipment effectiveness which will often result in costly downtime. Even a thin layer of growth - as little as 1/64” - can result in a 15% decrease in efficiency.
While conventional methods of cleaning such as mechanical brushing do have some success, harsh acids are harmful to the user, the equipment, & the environment and in many instances, these methods result in damage to the equipment.
Barnacle Buster™ from TRAC Ecological Products is a safe, non-toxic and biodegradable marine growth remover specifically formulated for cleaning seawater cooled equipment. With minimal dismantling required, Barnacle Buster can be safely re-circulated through seawater cooling systems, dissolving barnacles, zebra mussels, calcium, rust, lime & all other mineral deposits. Most applications can be completed within 4 hours. Available in (US) quart and gallon bottles (ready to use and concentrate) and a five gallon pail.
More info:
Product of the Week: Safe Launch Drain Plug Reminder System
Never forget the drain plug again.
Missing drain plugs are a common cause of trailerable boat and personal watercraft sinkings. The Safe Launch Drain Plug Reminder System places the reminder where it's needed the most - in the drain hole. Simple and easy to install - attach the Safe Launch strap to the tie down strap nearest your boat’s drain plug. Insert the flex hook into the drain hole. MSRP US $19.95.
More info: