Foam Duck
For you Puddle Duck Racer nuts check this one out. Stan is making another one and this time it's Styrofoam glassed on both sides and you can pick it up with one hand. I'll make a video when he tries it out.
David Lucas
Paper Boat

Last year at the Toledo (Oregon) Wooden Boat Show the paper mill that's the main employer in town had a display. They gave away rolls of paper towels, but also built a paper boat. The main material was a waxed, or otherwise waterproofed (or probably water resistent <g) corrugated cardboard. Interesting stuff, usually used for boxes, probably. I'm afraid I didn't absorb the details. Maybe Andrew remembers (fat chance <g).
Anyway, if you've got a paper mill nearby maybe you can get them to donate materials for a cardboard boat build. I guess you're outa luck if they make toilet paper... ;o)
John Kohnen
27 Foot Tolman Jumbo Update
Flipped the hull. She's a great boat.

Dave Nolan
Sail Oklahoma!
We will have five great designers at Sail Oklahoma! this year as our featured designers. Bet there is one of your favorites included you'd like to meet or bring your boat for him to see.
Held October 4-8 over Columbus Day weekend, Sail Oklahoma is a boating festival that features sailboats, monohull and multihull, power boats, canoe, kayaks, rowing and sailing dinghies and boats that are hard to categorize. You can attend for one day, all five or any combination in between. There is sailing, paddling, racing, games for boats, a "Boat Show", seminars, lectures, programs and a lot of casual fun.
Camping and five days of cookouts and food happen. Wives, children, grandparentds and pets are welcome to come. Go to for more information.
This year our designers will present free programs and seminars for all attending, along with taking part in the "Ask the Designers" program on Friday night.
Michael Storer will be coming from Australia. Designer of the Goat Island Skiff, the Eureka, Beth and Quick Canoes, Michael will be speaking on lug sails and rigging, sailing them.
Jim Michalak will present a program on lee boards, how and why they work, how to build them, position them on boats and other lee board features on his boats.
Richard Woods is coming from Canada. Designer of many popular catamaran and multihull designs, like the Strike series and Strider, Richard will speak on the advantages of multihull sailing and building multihulls.
David Nichols of Texas is known for his Lutra Laker designs and beautiful lapstrake canoes. He will do a program on sail making for small boats.
Dave Gentry of Colorado and Virginia is best known for his canoes, dinghies and skin on frame designs. Dave will do a program on skin on frame and demonstrate how to do this method.
Hope to see many of you there, especially those of you who have built any of these five designers boats. We'd love to see your handiwork!
Jackie and Mike Monies/The Red Scamp and Sail Oklahoma! Hosts
This is funny:
Canyon Lake Spring Messabout (aka Spring Centex)
I entered my Penobscot 14 at the Keels and Wheels boat show last weekend, and competed against a very nice Melonseed Skiff and an absolutely beautiful Caledonia Yawl. To my very great surprise, Wee Lass brought home some bling.

Al's Penobscot 14

The melonseed

The bling

The Caledonia Yawl.
Al Meyer
The Bayou Teche Wooden Boat Show held in Franklin, LA on April 20-22.
It still needs wiring, furnishings, electronics, engine, and controls - maybe this fall.
Frank Boggs, Jr,
Sugartown, LA
The display was accompanied by a sign which stated:
This boat is being built by a 65 year old man who has minimal carpentry skills and very limited patience - working by himself with just a few common everyday tools. He also has an aversion to all meticulous cosmetic finish work, and thus a ready willingness to (perhaps prematurely) declare his craftsmanship as "good enough."
If you have been hesitant to undertake a boat building project because of similar circumstances; the viewing of this 98% complete boat might provide inspiration for you to start working on a nautical adventure of your own. All you really need are plans and some suitable plywood. I used ACX radiata pine plywood from Lowe's.
The lower portion of this 25 foot boat has a displacement type hull built according to the plans of a sail boat known as the Caprice, designed by Jim Michalak. Plans are $47.50 and are available from Duckworks. The upper portion of Jim's plans was revised by the builder to produce this modest (15 hp) power cruiser instead.
Graftons Jacaranda Wooden Boat Festival 2012
Grafton - Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd Nov 2012
It gives me great pleasure to advise that we are all go again for Grafton's Jacaranda Festival's Celebration of Wooden Boats for 2012. We hope you can join us and have some fun. More entries again this year, and hopefully our event will become a yearly tradition here on the North Coast (this will be our 4th year) Plenty of prizes for entrants, and we still offer no entry fees for both private or trade exhibitors. Bush ballads, model boats, steam boats, etc will all be on display or available. Toilets and food are also available on site.
Gregg Spies
An invitation for anyone with a wooden boat to participate. Be it a canoe, kayak, sailing boat, speedboat, or steam boat, (half built, falling apart, in need of TLC - everything welcome/wanted), bring it along for both static and on-the-water displays. This is a great opportunity to display your pride and joy on the mighty Clarence River and take part in the 78th Grafton Jacaranda festival. Prizes will be awarded. (nb, rain, hail or shine, the event will go on, so please don't let inclement weather deter you from bringing your boat) Owners of boats over 8m in length will need to provide public liability insurance. All owners are asked to provide the organizers with an A4 sheet detailing the particulars of their boat. It is recommended that participants arrive on the preceding Thursday to avoid the rush and to enjoy Thursday's "Jacaranda Day" celebrations throughout Grafton (note Thursday is a non boating event day).
Friday 2nd Nov. Social Day
11:00 am – 2:00 pm Meet & Greet, Crown Hotel 1 Prince Street Grafton (riverside) for lunch.
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Boat launchings for on water social activities for afternoon. Launching to
take place at Corcoran Park, Kirchner Street (off Villiers St) plus possible
bbq depending on weather and numbers.
5:00pm onwards Jacaranda Festivals Venetian Carnival starts at 5pm on the waterfront adjacent
to the Crown Hotel. (unless bad weather venue used) NB non boat event
Saturday 3rd Nov. Wooden Boat Display
8:00am – 4:00pm Display wooden boats for the public at Corcoran Park (off Villiers Street)
Both static and on water displays
Gold coin donation for entry by public (toilets and food available on site)
Free entry for boat or trade exhibitors.
Also on display will be Blacksmith and Woodwork displays, Model boats, Fly casting tuition,
Vintage Outboard motors, Nautical Knot display and vendors.
Proudly brought to you by the Jacaranda Festival Committee.
At the small lake that rented boats by the hour the new announcer stated "Boat 99 please come in your hour is up". An employee quietly told the announcer "Sir, we have only 75 boats". The announcer immediately said "Boat 66 are you in trouble?
Bob Thomas
Eastern Messabout

There's just a month to go 'till this weekend of fun. We just posted an "Activities /Schedule File" on the site, updating what's going on. There is too much to post all the details here, but I've listed just the headings below. For more, the Yahoo group is here, and you can click on Files & Databases to see more:
YOU'RE INVITED to participate & enjoy informal messing about ...
Fri - Potluck Supper w/ free hotdogs & fixins (bring a side dish)
Scamp Show & Tell w/ Mike & Jackie Monies
Sat - Raft-up lunch @ Cabin John Creek
Marsh mellow Scoop
Ducks n Dinks Race
Open Poker Run
Potluck Supper w/ free hotdogs & fixins (bring a side dish)
Potluck W/ Capt'n Paul - Sealants & Bedding
OBX 130 Expedition Cruising - Paul Moffitt
at the beach at dusk, w/ slides
Sun - open sailing, tiller sharing and messing about
Bob Throne
Attached are a couple of pics of the transparent Stasha. It looks really
good but didn't work very well. I am going to have another go. I'll keep you
posted on progress.
The New Cruising Method my spare time I enjoy cruising the backyard in my new low rider.

Courtesy –
- World Premiere of "Beyond 360," Starring UK Sailing Champion
Dee Caffari, at 2012 Beverly Hills Film Festival -
LOS ANGELES (April 25, 2012) - Award-winning commercials director/producer Albert Uria-co-founder of Spain's top commercial production company, Garage Films ( the U. S. film market with festival sensation and his documentary directorial debut, "New York Showcase" ( film that poses the question: Is it worth sacrificing everything for a dream? Uria also presents, in association with Zanskar and FullEmotions Entertainment, "Beyond 360." The documentary, directed by Luis Goyanes, features a female duo risking their lives to pursue the dream of living as professional athletes-and to break a world record as the first female crew to circumnavigate the globe non-stop.
"Beyond 360," directed and produced by Luis Goyanes, stars U. K. sailing champion Dee Caffari and Spaniard Anna Corbella, as the only female crew in a race dominated by men. As these two women risk their lives to pursue their dreams, the film reflects issues, such as, what it takes to succeed and the true definition of success. Caffari has already broken world records-the first and only female skipper to circumnavigate the globe three times, solo-but now faces her greatest challenge: finish in the top 5 or lose everything. Caffari teams up with Corbella, who is attempting her first non-stop circumnavigation, as well as her dream of becoming a professional sailor. Upon completion, they will set the record as the first female crew to sail around the world non-stop. The film is produced by Albert Uria, Gabriela Gutiérrez Dewar, María Ruiz Calzado, and in association with Garage Films.
Albert Uria says, "My passion is directing and producing films that question society and study the human condition. In both 'NY Showcase' and 'Beyond 360,' the audience will witness the capacity of the human spirit, people fighting to reach goals, and what success really means to an individual."
In "NY Showcase," big dreams die hard. Is it worth sacrificing everything for a dream? Who is right? The one who chooses common sense or the one who chooses the passion of pursing the dream?
The seniors at Otterbein College (Ohio), one of the nation's leading performance art schools, have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform in front of casting agents at an annual Showcase held in New York City. After four years of hard work, $120,000.00 investment, and a lifetime of dreaming, the students have 2 and a half minutes to prove that they have what it takes to be signed by a manager or agent. The ones who are signed will enter the professional world of Broadway through the front door; the rest will have to keep fighting as anonymous actors.
"NY Showcase" has been making the festival rounds and has already garnered accolades at four events: 2012 Mammoth California Film Festival, 2012 Accolade Competition in La Jolla, CA, as a Silver Lei Winner at the 2012 Honolulu Film Festival, and a Silver Palm Award winner at the 2012 Mexico International Film Festival.
Uria adds, "I have always been fascinated by the 'American Dream' and the human struggle to succeed."
Uria began his career in London, working with the best fashion photographers at the time, and collaborating with various filmmakers in the world of film and advertising production. He spent the next ten years as an advertising director, working for virtually every multi-national agency and winning awards in renowned advertising festivals. His enthusiasm and passion for discovering new talent let him to produce five short films, some of which he directed, and he received prizes in national and international festivals.
Along with his brother and executive producer, Oriol Uria, he then founded Garage Films, a production house with offices in Barcelona, Madrid, New York, and coming soon to Los Angeles. In 2010, Garage Films was awarded the prize of "Best Production House of the Year" in Spain, for the second consecutive year.
StoveTec Stove
I recently Bought a two door StoveTec Stove to use when we're messingabout.

First and foremost I would like to mention that I have no connection with this company. Admittedly I do have a fetish for outdoor cooking equipment. I peruse garage sale, surplus stores, thrift shops looking for outdoor stoves and cooking gear. I have been lusting over the Stovetec stoves for a while. At our annual sportsman show this spring, Stovetec had a booth and I couldn't resist. I purchased the two door model and headed straight home. I hurriedly unpacked my new toy and immediately scrounged up every limb, stick, and a pile of pine needles. I grabbed the tea kettle from the camper and 10 or so sticks later I had boiling water. I spent the next several hours in the backyard burning sticks and boiling water. At the end of the session I dampened everything down and simmered water for a good half hour!

The wood that I have been primarily burning is lodge pole pine. I split these from our wood pile. The sticks end up being about 1"x1"x18" . Lodge pole burns good and hot but a bit fast. If one was to use hardwood you would have a better fire for simmering. The sides and the bottom of the stove do get warm. After a hour or two of burning they are not excessively hot to the touch. As you can see in the pictures I have my stove set on OSB. I wouldn't advise this setup, just because embers and such could jump out create a fire hazard. Aside from that I would have no problem setting this on a stump or picnic table and using it. I have since replaced the OSB with Metal. This stove is not a good candidate as a heat source. Obviously the open chimney wouldn't work in a confined space. It also holds its heat and doesn't like to give any of it away.

I've been experimenting with different methods of lighting the stove. I primarily have been just using whatever tinder I can find no paper. We have lots of pine needles right now. The best result I've had is to place a small amount of tinder in the fire chamber, then lay 4-5 sticks in, then fill the chimney with more tinder and light at the bottom. So far this method works with one match every time. After the wood gets going you just keep pushing the sticks further into the chamber. Adding more as needed.

The stove comes with a heat ring that can be put on top. I use this whenever using a pot, kettle, wok. It speeds up the cooking process quite a bit. I have found that stainless steel and cast iron are my favorite camp pots to use. The soot is easier to get off the stainless. The cast iron of course holds heat better. We have been stir frying in a wok, which works fantastic. Of course traditional camp food can be made too, something about roasted hotdogs and marshmallows. One of our all time favorites though are grilled ham and cheese sandwiches in the pie iron!

The Stovetec stove is going to be my go to stove this camp season. The places we like to go are full of fantastic sticks so fuel will be free!
Case Turner
Sail Up
Here is a picture of the boat with the sail up.
Bangladesh Sampan
I saw the photos of my Bangladesh Sampan in the May Reports.
Also saw the book on Pitcairn Island. I was there in April 2005, and I'm sending you a couple of pictures, in case you may be interested.
A panorama of the whole Island - everyone has heard of Pitcairn, but no one seems to have any idea what it looks like. |
A heavily cropped photo the their boat approaching the landing [and the angled shed covering the marine railway that the boats are stored on] and the steep road to 'town'. |
A photo of Postmaster Dennis Christian [descendant of Fletcher Christian] with my wife, and looking down on the Pitcairn whaleboat as they prepare to climb aboard our ship |
It was too rough for passengers to go ashore, at first it was in doubt that the pitcairners could even board the ship, but they requested that we go around to the lee of the island, and they did get aboard.
Erik Ohlson
"He who hesitates is not only lost - he's miles from the next exit"
If it's been awhile since your readers have hit the water, they may have trouble starting their jet skis or other small engine equipment. That's because gasoline can go bad in as little as 30 days.
That's where the fuel additive Start Your Engines! can help. It works by dissolving gas that has gone bad during storage and moving it through the system so the engine starts again. This can save people hundreds of dollars. A bottle costs about $9 and can be found at Lowes, Wal-Mart, Ace Hardware or True Value Hardware stores nationwide.
Paulowina Retirement

Old age and the general state of my health has forced me into retirement. I am nearly 75 so it is not unexpected.
I have been fortunate to get some one from the Gold Coast to take over my small business. His name is Geoff Moase and besides being a chippy by trade he also makes hollow wooden surf boards under the name of Dovetail.
Geoff's contact details are:
Geoff Moase, 3/8 Alex Fisher Drive Burleigh Heads Qld 4220, 0411 676 854,,
He will be sourcing his Paulownia from the same mill that I used so you can expect the same quality timber. He will use also IPEC to send orders and the freight charges will be on the same scale as mine were. In other words it will be as though Whitewood is still in business except that Geoff is better qualified to offer customers advice.
I would like to thank all my customers. I have enjoyed communicating with you and will miss this aspect of the business now I have retired.
John White