My oldest daughter got me a Shinto Saw Rasp from you for fathers day this year. I love it. It has quickly become the favorite tool in my boatbuilding toolbox.

I am currently building 3 taped-seam kayaks (original designs) with my 14-year-old twin daughters. (the younger 2 of my 3 girls): Two 9-footers for the girls and a 12-footer for dad. Much inspiration from reading Duckworks in those boats.
For a look at our previous projects, see: https://www.wainfan.com/boatbuilding.htm
Barnaby Wainfan
Long Beach, CA
Brokway 14
I've got the Brokway 14 on the water and running in June. With 2 people and a 6 hip Suzuki it max's at about 10 mph.
Joe Federsel
Great Alaskan
Just letting you folks know that the first Great Alaskan has launched and appears to be a great success. Performance and behavior on the water are exactly as predicted
(and hoped for). The only downside is that this first one is built from aluminum rather than stitch-n-tape as specified and possibly doesn't represent the most optimal platform for validating the design. THAT said, the boat was built to 26', weighs (as tested) within 200# of the modeled displacement, and based on the trim of the boat at the doc and what I can see of the planing angles, the boat DOES appear to be pretty darn close, in spite of the fact that the first launch was of an aluminum version. I'm happy and feel that the wood versions will perform just the same. Anyway, here's a couple of photos from the first launch (below).

Splash in Germany
Here we go again. An other KD 860 was hitting the water last week (06/30/2012).
And I am again very pleased with the result. In contrast to the boat in Tasmania the interpretation is minimalist. Nice to see builders who have taste. The owner and family will go to the Baltic’s on short order.
Here some impressive pictures (in my view).
The boat is light so no problem to tow the boat to the harbor with a normal car.
Ready for take off.
High up.
Before “thatch down”.
From a dream to reality.
The happy owners.
Bernd Kohler
Mayfly 14
Attached are some photos of the Jim Michalak Mayfly 14 (built for a customer) which we launched yesterday. She sails beautifully.
I've got another launching tomorrow, weather permitting. This time it is another one of my designs, Little Egret.
Ross Lillistone
Economy Power Cat, North Dakota Built by
Doug Hermanson
"I have owned many boats in my life but this one tops the list for pure fun! Had it out 9 times in the last 2 months and can't wait to take some extended cruises with it. I have to say that I kinda miss the build would like to do it all over again, but dont need any more boats." Doug

Ready for action

On the river

What you want more

Happy family
Bernd Kohler
The Netherlands
Here is a link to my new 12' x 42" double ender 'canoe/pod '.

She borrows from Bolger Teal and Poohsticks designs with 16" sides and vee bottom. Construction is taped seam 1/4" fir bottom and sides with 1/4" ac pine decks. The bottom is 'glassed with 6 oz cloth set in epoxy. Gunwales are cypress inwales and hard pine outwale. The interior is mostly open except with diagonal bracing for the mast loads a la sailing canoe. it seems to have a lot of volume with its 18" center depth. Weight of the bare hull is about 85 lbs. I hope to launch it here in Port Royal, SC tomorrow.
Dan Brown
my name is Adrian or (Ady), I live in England (Yorkshire). I have built a little mouseboat that fits in a smart car. I have used Duckworths website and read a couple of books on the subject. I have noticed that you don't have many Brits contributing to your site. I am currently writing an article for you to look over and hopefully publish to your site. I think this article will be interesting for amateur American boat or skiff builders as I can give it an English twist.

I have taken plenty of photos whilst building the mouseboat and I have translated the US terminology so that us Brits can understand and buy the materials over here that appear in your articles.

We did an official naming ceremony on the Mollyhawks last weekend.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Salt and Pepper.
Andrew Linn
A bunch of shots of the Mollyhawk (I think that one was Salt) tests at
Depoe Bay.
Here are some photos I took at the Mollyhawk christening Saturday.
Me and Steamin' Joe took Salt as far as we could go up the slough, and I was impressed with the Mollyhawk. Though I'm a lousy oarsman who had trouble rowing double, and Joe kept wanting to row backwards (perhaps not a bad thing up in the snags, deadheads and old pilings above the bridges; I insisted we turn around and row the Right Way when we got back to where people could see us. I could tell that Salt was a real rowboat. She slid through the water real easy, tracked well (important with a klutz like me aboard, but was easy to turn, and a couple of Ol' Coots could keep her going at a good pace (forgot to take the GPS...). She's narrow, and a little tricky for Ol' Coots to get in and out of, but feels steady and safe once they're sitting down. A fine boat! Made me think lustfully about a Seagull for myself.
I finally convinced Andrew to take one or both of them to Port Townsend in September!
John Kohnen