Recently, we launched our new boat called "Bijou", a Sztrandus design from Poland. It is 13' overall with 175lbs, lead ballast and two centerboards. The construction is stringers over plywood frames with 1/4" plywood skin, finished with glass and epoxy overlay. The cabin includes two 6'6" berths, small galley and portapottie.
Bob Trygg
Twister Launch
Here are photos of yesterday's launch of "Ragamuffin," a new Jim Michalak designed Twister. I still have painting touch-up and a lot of other detail work to do; not to mention the sail rig. But I just couldn't pass up the dry late summer weather we're having here in Washington this year.

Don Watt
Chehalis, WA
Cosine Wherry
Seems that I never get pictures of actual launchings, I guess I get caught up in the process of launching, and then forget to take pictures of the event. This is the seventh cosine wherry that I've built, and as always, the last boat is always the best one.

After it was launched, it left for Pigeon Lake in Alberta, Canada, so I guess that I won't get more photos. Oarlocks and sockets are yours, thanks for the great service. This boat was built of local western red cedar, with fir gunwhales and maple trim. I strip my wherries from the gunwhale right to the keel, unlike the plans which call for a joint about the water line. The boat has no staple holes above the water line, as I hold the strips in place with fishing line that is removed once the glue sets. The shop is empty now, but I hope to build a cedar strip version of Dave Gentry's Ruth with a sliding seat this winter. I have all the strips cut, and the forms made - just have to do some house projects first.
New Trimaran

Here are a few shots of the new trimaran - a somewhat unique foam / ply construction idea.
I think it will be quicker than the Sea Pearls and Core Sounds, especially when I put some better sails on it. It's 24' long and just 24" wide at the waterline.
Frank Smoot
Please find attached pictures of the launch of the GOOD ENUF. It is an intended and widened version of the Lisa B Good plans that are available on your website under the plans section.

It was decked out in Showboat Style and it is a real crowd drawer on the water. It was a 8 month weekend build and a few late nights to get it in the water this fall, with plenty of help from his friends. It has a wonderful view of the water from the pilot house and is very stable ride. Wonderful boat for cruising creeks and waterways.
Why not take a look at my video.
Ron Keats
A Letter to Warren Messer
Warren, I got my plans from you back I believe in April. I finished it about a month ago and have had it out 5 or 6 times and I really enjoy fishing out of it. But it did balance out very well, super easy to row. This is my first time building anything that was intended to float, and it floats very well. All in all the construction went pretty good and I've never worked with epoxy or fiberglass before. I made my share of mistakes but not anything I couldn't redo or cover up. Right now I only have oarlocks to row facing the aft. I'll be adding a another set and I just row going backwards unless I am trolling. I followed your instructions to the tee, except for one thing. Rather than scarfing the joint to extend the plywood I did a butt joint with fiberglass on both sides and then I reinforced the entire joint with a panel between the two small seats in the aft. Right now I use the space this creates to put my tackle box or whatever.

Thanks for the great plans, it was a great experience to build, Virgil Moon Newberg, Oregon.
P. S. Had to add one more picture, caught this last week, it is 23 inches, 4 1/2 pounds, Native Rainbow.

Warren Messer’s plans.
Michael Storer’s Quick Canoe
Chris and BELLA in "AGNUS" at Ross & Loche 2012 |
Mike |
Chris Williams
Mark Ray has just launched his beautifully build OozeGooze -what do you think? He wrote, that their first sailing day was quite calm, but on the next sailing they had a real adventure. Here is parts of his writing on that trip:
Learned a few lessons, 1. Reef early. 2. Sail with drop board in and hatch closed, 3. Stay out of 25 mph gust if you don't know what your doing - CAPSIZED. Boat went all the way bottom up, but was able to roll back over. Live and learn, I guess the hard way. Great fun, I'm confident we could have been back in and going again within a couple of minutes if I'd shut the hatch. My son and I plan to keep going strong with our new adventure machine. Really look forward to the challenge of learning new sailing skills.
Sounds like real adventurers to me and great attitude!
Perttu Plans
Chesapeake Crab Skiff
I always wanted to build a sharpie (who hasn't, eh?). Well, this one's just emerged from the shop. She's 15' LOA and is of the type known as a Chesapeake crab skiff, interpreted by Doug Hylan. By all reports, the crab skiff is a very capable performer under both sail and oars, a real load carrier which should be well suited to my camp cruising purposes. Her name is "Jackrabbit (III)", a moniker borne by all of my self-built camp cruisers, in honour of my personal hero of self-sufficiency, cross-country skiing legend Hermann "Jackrabbit" Johannsen.
I have visions of towing her to faraway places, the Canadian Maritimes, Georgian Bay and maybe even Maine or Chesapeake Bay, with two sea kayaks on the cartop, ready for any opportunity that presents itself. Now that's versatility! But her home waters are to be in Eastern Ontario, the Rideau Lakes and the Thousand Islands area of the St. Lawrence River. For starters, I foresee a long trip rowing and blowing down the length of the Rideau Canal from Kingston, through myriad lakes and connecting rivers, right down to my doorstep on the banks of the Rideau River near Kemptville, Ontario. Then perhaps a long week-end camping out in the Islands west of Gananoque. That's the stuff that keeps you grinding epoxy during the long winter months!
I started construction in the Summer of 2011 and carried on through to October 2012, splitting my time between building, sailing, kayaking and cross country skiing whenever the weather was suitable to either purpose. Seems like a rather long haul for a such a simple skiff.
She's built of mahogany marine ply (1/2" on the bottom, 3/8" sides), set on Douglas fir chines and keelson, with black walnut stem & apron, knees, centreboard case bed logs and a pine centre thwart, all held together with stainless steel fastenings and epoxy. I deviated from the original design by building in buoyancy tanks fore & aft (under the sternsheets) and side decks with short coamings for extra security under a press of wind, as well as for bum comfort when hiking out in gusts. She sports a wardrobe consisting of a crisp new sail made by Andy Soper of Kingston, Ontario. Now there's a man who understands quadrilateral sails!
Hope to get her bottom wet before ice-up, but its pretty touch-and-go up here at this time of year (beginning of November).
Burton Blaise – Ottawa, Canada