A very descriptive essay on the capsize and total inversion of a Wayfarer dinghy in the English Channel, near The Needles.
The post incident report and reflection by a crew member contains some very useful information and insights for those going off shore( or in big cold lakes).
(I picked up this report on a SOTP sailing canoe thread.)
Andre |
Free Ebooks:
The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B., Admiral of the Red, Rear-Admiral of the Fleet, Etc., Etc., by Thomas Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald.
The Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner, by Georg-Günther von Forstner.
Raleigh, by Edmund Gosse.
Famous Sea Fights, by John Richard Hale. |
I just got this youtube link from Barry Long. I bet you say the same thing I did.
Dave Lucas |
"Rowing" not actually shown, a travel piece, but I think I get it, or is it "sculling"?
See above: There are some videos on youtube.
Kevin |
Julie and I recently spent a week of dinghy cruising in the Core Sound of North Carolina's outer banks with our AF3, Cream Cheese. We slept aboard the whole time, the boat performed well in many different conditions and we had a great time.
I've documented the experience here:
Frank |
I saw this on the Net.
Stewart |
A half size replica of the Dover Bronze Age boat is currently under construction in Dover, Kent, England.
This blog shows the ongoing build, as well as bronze age type tools and selecting timber from local areas.
A few pictures of the Ferriby Boat replica (built some years ago). Also featured in the Coast TV series by Nicholas Crane.
Attention to these sites was given by Gavin Atkin.
Andre |
Just posted a video of the current construction of Hap's Cut on YouTube.
John |
I'm posting my Tangerine progress on Jeff's forum. It's a new design and it's the first time it has been built.
Mike John |
Look at the proposed design "Pocket Change" at the bottom. Cute boat!
Hajo |
Next-gen cargo ships could use 164-foot sails to lower fuel use by 30%.
John |
Here are a few pictures of an interesting and original project of mine; the recycling of an old boat. Last summer, I bought a 1968 Shark 24 with the idea of providing her with a second life. Only the hull remains from plastic. The rest however, will be turned in to wood. The concept is mine but fortunately, I have a very crafty friend to realize it. At first, I thought it would be a one year project. After ten months, I just hope to sail her for summer 2013. More pictures and detail can be found at:
Although the pictures are self explanatory you may want to click on The American Flag for translation. Feel free to post your comments.
Benoit Montreal, Canada |
I'm working on a Phil Bolger cartopper. It is scaled up by 25% (length
14'9", width 5'2"). The hull is mostly done. Just need to do a bunch more fiberglassing and put together the centerboard case, foils, and spars. I hope to have it done by summertime.
Gabe |
For anyone interested in the very latest in sail technology.
Chuck |
Here's the link for the Buffalo Maritime Center, Roger Allen's new effort.
Dave |
If all falls into place this guy and I will sail the Texas 200 together on Laguna Tres. What will the Texas heat do to him?
Yup, there really was such a thing! But is fading into history ..... next time I get up to the "dacks" (the adirondacks) I want to get to the Blue Mountain Museum and see one of the last of it's kind.
And there's the original.... The Voyage of the Paper Canoe. Michael Connelly |
Here are some pictures of a bamboo raft being built at Ligtasin Beach, Matabungkay Bay, where I live and build boats in the Philippines.
Bob La Quey |
Thought you might be interested in our boatbuilding competition held last weekend in Pender Harbour. The basics are: teams of four, given a collection of materials on the day of the event, one hour to plan, and then 3 hours to build some sort of craft to race round a set of buoys in the harbour. The materials change each year, have ranged from plywood and 1X2's to a cardboard sonotube, wood and plastic. As part of the celebration, teams from the high school build a quick canoe in the weeks before the event, and have their own race just before the adult event. There are also activities for younger kids, face painting, build your own toy boat, or pirate flags. Information and a collection of previous years photos.
Rick Crook |
This is the "other Tom" from Tom Pamperin's Grand Canyon trip with the five wooden boat replica's. I have posted a bunch of the trip photos on facebook, on a page called "Big Water Little Boats" and here is the Facebook link.
Tom Martin |
I was listening to Pandora when this song came on. The lyrics got my attention right away.
Chuck |
I row my sliding seat, and 10 foot oars, as seen here. Personally, I regularly row about 8-10 miles per evening, and am itching to try a 20 mile row, but work keeps getting in the way of boating.
Tom |
Greetings to everyone once again from Ohio. Spring has sprung and I am about to dive back in to working on my self designed 18 ft sail cruiser that I started last year. I spend a lot of the winter camping in my converted school bus and I had a ball. Progress will pick up once again in just a few days and updates will be posted at microcruiser.com I'm anxious to hear about everyone else's building adventures!!
Robb |
This is the transcript from a seminar I gave at this event entitled "Multihull Sailors Have More Fun!"
Richard Woods |
Here's a link to our Canyon Lake Spring Messabout (aka Spring Centex) photos. Enjoy!
Lori & Doug |