Some friends shot a few videos of me sailing the other day. Here's a brief clip.
OnEvenKeel |
Here's another clip of my Pathfinder from my 8/31/2012 sail. This time, under jib & jigger while waiting for some friends to "catch up".
TJH Pathfinder "My Darling Audra" |
With John's permission, I recorded a video of a talk that John Welsford and Howard Rice gave at the Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival last Saturday. The talk was entitled "Choosing the right small wooden boat". Just short of an hour long, the talk was very informative and packed with useful information, especially for those interested in what safety features to look for in a small boat. I understand some of this information will be in an upcoming video and a book to be co-authored by Howard and John. Here is the link. Hope you find it useful.
https://navigatorjoel.blogspot.com.au |
Julie skiff under outboard power.
Gavin Atkin |
Here are some pics from the Inks Lake 8-25-12 Messabout...
These photos may also be accessed through our group facebook page.
See you at the September Inks Lake Centex Messabout!
Lori & Doug |
Our friend Martin Adams has a new video out about his PVC pipe catamaran.
Chuck and Sandra
I see an interesting boat on the
Fl120 facebook page. Here's the link to the picture.
Robb |
Port Townsend write-up is up.
Andrew Linn |
Here's a collection of pictures from my Spindrift 11N build. Thanks all who answered many questions when I was working on her.
Steve |
See the top story on my website about the Gozzo, an ancient hull design that is very popular in the Mediterranean. It was originally a lateen rigged fishing boat that has survived many generations and found new life in many different styles!
Click on the Gozzo link for about 25 photos.
Milton Thrasher |
The America's Cup boat fly, but....now on foils?
I like the hinged foil concept. There's more on the hinged foils here.
Dave |
Pretty cool pictures of the team and boat getting ready for next years challenge.
Tom |
Free Ebooks:
Flag and Fleet, by William Wood
The Monitor and the Merrimac, by J. L. Worden et al.
American Merchant Ships and Sailors, by Willis J. Abbot
Germany and the Next War, by Friedrich von Bernhardi
Free Ships: The Restoration of the American Carrying Trade, by John Codman
Operations Upon the Sea, by Franz Edelsheim
The Trumpet-Major, by Thomas Hardy |
Almost any boat can be car-topped with the right tech.
Tom |
One-Month Countdown to Penultimate 2012 Extreme Sailing Series Act in Nice.
Chuck |
I want a boat auxiliary or outboard powered by this Mueller Engine....If I can live long enough?
John |
My mate Nigel Pert (photographer) took some nice pics of the Stasha St. In any case it looks pretty cool with the back drop of famous old classics.
Benjy |
Here are Ron's pictures from the Fort DeSoto messabout in the Trailer Sailor album.
Also, my Cortez melonseed and Simon's Goat Island Skiff with neat music.
Dave Lucas |
Guys, Eugene asked me to post his build photos of his Michalak JukeBox3 so people could see them. This is one BIG boat!
Jackie Monies |
Found this on the net thought you might like it.
Stewart |
Here is a new video of Frank Smoot’s new trimaran.
Chuck |