I have added more information on the tug boat 'Hero" should any one like to read it.
Stewart |
Go Back You Fool! An Irish Sailing Mockumentary.
Carl |
You supply the muscle to move the tool and the computer supplies the accuracy. The tool shown here is a router but it seems like a more general technique. You move a hand held power tool around sloppily and a computer makes small movements of the tool as you do that keeps it to a corrected path.
Carl |
Dramatic Video Traces the Dangers of the Northwest. Sprague Theobald recounts the trek, as well as what he learned about himself and his family along the way, in THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ICE.
Greg Abazorius
Free Ebooks
A History of Sea Power, by William Oliver Stevens and Allan Westcott
Life of Rear Admiral John Randolph Tucker, by James Henry Rochelle
Sir Francis Drake Revived, by Philip Nichols
White Jacket, by Herman Melville
Mike John |
Heres a couple of video clips, real fun. The second clip is of the first one out the door, it felt like having a child leave home.
The slim girl with the dreadlocks and the green cap with glasses were the builders, both primary school teachers, delightful people and they found much to their surprise that they fitted in incredibly well with the mainly grey haired course members, this was almost like a family by the time we parted.
John |
1,000 lbs Dock/Beach Cart for under $50.
Hajo |
This guy has been updating us on his build on the Teardrop site I'm part of, can't believe how well his design works. Check out his build thread here. Makes my mouseboat strapped to the roof of my teardrop look lame...
Tom |
I've had a Harbor Freight mini trailer collecting dust in my garage for several years. I decided it'd make a nice canoe hauler.
Joe |
Bill Bates has updated his blog with news of an old design and news of a new pocket cruiser.
Chuck |
This is and interesting video. Good demonstration of planning ahead when measuring, cutting, clamping, and gluing. I have not yet found a video that shows the use of polyurethane glue in such detail.
Tad Johnson |
I translated a book this summer, "Grandpa's Workshop", from French into English. It is coming out soon on Chris Schwarz' Lost Art Press, which woodworkers in the group might be familiar with. It is the story of a boy who goes to visit his Grandfather and listens to stories of his family, woodworking. Very cool on traditional hand tools, and the history of woodworking. Yes I have a financial interest, but I have posted many times on books of similar quality when I run across them, and this is a cool book and I would not have bothered to translate it if I didn't think it was a great book.
Cheers, Brian |
John Goodman posted this on Facebook.
Chuck |
Here is a fun little essay from Paul Haynie.
Chuck |
There is a youtube video on There Go the Boats you might enjoy.
Sterwart |
I built myself one of these shop vac cyclone separator things.
Seth |
Here are some of the photos I took at Toledo.
John Kohnen |
Neat little toy in layers.
Paul Austin |
It's been a long time since we came up with a new video, and now we finally found the time to produce this.
https://wavewalk.com/ |
Alan, known on the watertribe as SOS, who built the trimaran that went around florida, made his own vacuum press for his laminations and vacuum bagging from this great instructional website. Free plans.
Tom |
The story of the Great Sail, 2012 is up. Grab a cup or glass and settle in - it's a long one.
Andrew Linn |
My wife and I had a fantastic day on the Willamette today.
Andrew Linn |
The caravan/ boat combination-it is really hard to come up with a new boat idea. Watch "AMPHIBIOUS CARAVAN British Pathe" on YouTube.
Chris |