Light Folding Chair
A while ago I bought some folding boat plans. Because this was a folding boat, there were no option for thwarts to lean against when sitting in there. I found extremely difficult to sit and row in this boat in such short time as in 10 minutes. Without a backrest it soon felt like a torture and I quickly lost interest in boating for the day. There were no seats in the boat either, so the legs had to be stretched out to sit up, it was a very difficult position to row the boat.

I soon, decided to build some portable backrest so I can comfortably row in that boat. After some experimenting I figured out that actually I could put all my leftover wood from boat ribs to a good use. I chopped the leftover stock to shorter equal lengths, lashed them up, put a few holes and dowels in the frame to make pivot points, and there you have it, a very good comfortable little seat, that is folding, light and most of all practical. The dimensions are arbitrary, what ever material I had on hand, and fit me to sit on. I built two seats, as I was experimenting. One seat does not even have a dowel for the pivot points, the backrest simply pivots on the cordage. A bit harder to fold in place, but still works great. The chair is pretty useful for fishing from shore or other activities, however it is way too close to the ground to stay dry on wet grass, but for sure is an excellent back rest even for my Portuguese dinghy.
Peter Tapolyai
Sail Logos
We have successfully printed out the outline of the logo/letters, traced them onto sailcloth and then painted them.
Don't forget that "officially" the starboard numbers/logo should be higher than the portside.
Richard Woods

Most sail-makers carry adhesive backed sailcloth for use in sail logos. Sailrite, for example, carry's it. They also have a free video on making and applying it.
Capt'n Pauley (Paul Esterle)
Freelance Boating Writer
PVC Frame

My posting on making a PVC winter cover frame. 'Tis the season.

Bungee cords make very handy light duty clamps for many things that have to be glued up on small boats. I've even used them to clamp sides to frames at times. They are not much good with a standard wood glue though, as they don't put enough pressure on the joint.
Instead of buying 5 million spring or C clamps, get a piece of 4 or 6" pvc pipe and cut 1" sections. Then cut a split perpendicular to the ring you have made and pull it open. Very cheap clamp.
David Shorty Routh