Stash Waterproof Pocket Shorts: Perfect Boating Shorts

We've all been in that tough situation at the beach where we want to go swimming yet we're concerned about leaving our phones and other valuables behind. The Stash Shorts is the solution! Stash has solved the problem of keeping your gadgets/valuables safe and dry with their waterproof pocket shorts.
"The Stash shorts are a simple solution to an everyday problem," says Tom Turner, Founder of Stash Incorporated. "The Stash will give you peace of mind as you can literally see, feel and hear the cap lock into place keeping your important items in-and keeping the water out."
Stash: Stash Waterproof Pocket Shorts
Comfortable yet rugged shorts combine form and functionality by incorporating the Stash waterproof pocket, protects smartphone, keys, cash and more
- The Stash pocket is built into the interior of the shorts by a lock-down fitment, and it’s sewn into the material as well for extra security
- A soft layer of fabric surrounds the Stash pocket bag for comfort
- A cap is placed over the pocket opening, and users simply place their items in the pocket, snap on the cap, and slightly twist until you hear a clicking sound which indicates that it’s securely closed
- Cap is attached to the shorts by a durable lanyard string so you don’t ever have to worry about misplacing it
- 60/40 polyester/cotton blend with double and triple stitch construction for long-lasting durability
- Antimicrobial treatment is used on the fabric to keep your shorts extra clean
Available at:
Price: $69
Eric Nathal
"Evolution's Captain"

The book "Evolution's Captain" by Peter Nichols is an excellent read and has lots more than just the voyage of the Beagle. Really fantastic insight to the morals and methods of operations at the time, as well as an outstanding story of how Darwin came to be the father of evolution and how it affected FitzRoy, the captain of the Beagle.
Andrew Linn
Five Helpful Boating Tips You Can Thank Seaworthy For

BoatUS Boat Damage Avoidance Publication Celebrates 30 Years
ALEXANDRIA, Va., June 5, 2013 - Everyone loves a good story about boating mishaps - as long as it's not their own. For 30 years the BoatUS Marine Insurance damage avoidance publication Seaworthy has combed through the BoatUS claims files to shed light on how boats are damaged and how boaters are injured, and to suggest research-based solutions to keep it's readers from becoming a statistic. Free to BoatUS insureds and available to others by annual subscription, Seaworthy celebrates its 30th Anniversary with five boating maintenance and safety tips it helped to bring to the boating public's awareness:
1. The causes of boat sinkings (while at the dock) are as varied as the four seasons: In the winter, the number one cause of boat sinkings is due to moisture-laden snow weighing the boat down which can submerge a cracked or damaged plastic thru-hull fitting below the waterline. Shortly after being launched in the spring, boats most often sink because of missing or damaged hose clamps that were removed in the fall to winterize the engine. The cause of summertime sinkings varies from worn out underwater fittings (such as I/O bellows or corroded through-hulls) to hurricanes. Autumn leaf-clogged deck drains or scuppers combined with heavy rains cause many fall sinkings.
2. The #1 reason for boat fires is wiring faults: DC wiring problems lead the pack in causes of boat fires, with shore power faults a close second. Every boater needs to make maintaining their boat's electrical system a priority.
3. When it comes to swimming in a marina, just say no: Not wanting to get run down is good reason why swimming in a marina or near docks is a bad idea, but that's not the only danger. Nearly a decade ago, Seaworthy first reported on "electric shock drowning" (ESD) in which leaking 110-volt electrical current was taking the lives of young swimmers in fresh water. The difficulty in distinguishing ESD from drowning kept the problem from being well understood or publicized until recently. Seaworthy continues to be at the forefront of educating boaters on what they need to do to make their boats and docks safe.
4. Hurricane damage can be lessened: Over two decades ago Seaworthy began to look at ways to lessen hurricane damage to boats and marinas. Today, boat owners, as well as clubs and marinas with a hurricane plan that is fully implemented, can and will have less damage. Hauling the boat from the water is still the best way to reduce the chance for damage to boats and docks. Free hurricane planning materials are available at
5. Ethanol and boats don't mix (very well): After BoatUS members in the Northeast began to complain of mysterious catastrophic engine failures and myriad fuel system problems such as rotted fuel lines, gunked carburetors and fuel tanks nearly a decade ago, Seaworthy investigated and shed light on an issue that still has large repercussions for boaters today. Seaworthy continues to research and report on ethanol-related issues and advises boaters on how to avoid engine damage from ethanol blends.
To view back issues of Seaworthy, view maintenance tips, download free hurricane plans or to subscribe, go to
I was going to write a Duckworks article about my experience with screws, but decided it didn't have enough info. Here's what I've learned over the years: I try to follow the rule of the screw needing to be 3x the length of the material - if you are attaching 1/4' ply to something, use a screw at least 3/4" long.
I use a LOT of #6 Stainless Steel sheet metal screws - they have threads that go from tip to head. I usually have the clutch on the driver set to less than half the available torque because they do spin out. I usually countersink the pilot holes and I like oval heads rather than flat heads
(never pan heads.) That said: These will rust, eventually. Little streaks that make your paint look shabby.
I love, love, LOVE Rustoleum's Grip-Rite coated deck screws. I discovered them while perusing the screw isle and saw SS deck screws that said "Warning: Not for use in coastal areas. For coastal areas, use Grip-Rite coated deck screws." These things are fantastic - self-tapping complete with self-countersinking AND torx heads. They are available everywhere and are just great. The only problem? Shortest length is 1-1/4".
My last experiment was 3/4" self-tapping SS screws from McFeely's. They are ok, but you need to countersink the holes - they just can't pull themselves down far enough before they spin out.
Andrew Linn
Further to this article.
The two best books that I know of on lugsails are:
Very early copies of the "Admiralty Seamanship Manual" pre 1920. There are comprehensive rigging diagrams and sail plans for the lug rigged small sailing boats, (up to about 35 ft) in those.
Spritsails and Lugsails by John Leather is the other one, and that's particularly good in that England had many types of boat and small ship that used lugsails, and this book is the authoritative work on the subject.
John Welsford
“Safety Tips for Boating with Dogs”
Heidi Ganahl, CEO and Founder of Camp Bow Wow, North America's largest and fastest growing pet care franchise, offers a series of precautionary measures for pet owners to follow when "Boating with Dogs."
Pets Need PFD (Personal Floatation Device)
Your dog may not be the best swimmer. If he can swim, he may be at risk of exhaustion or hypothermia if he falls overboard. When planning a boating trip with your pet, visit your local pet store for personal floatation devices (PDF) made especially for Fido to ensure his safety. In order to guarantee that the PDF will function properly, make sure to try it on your pet beforehand. Allow Fido time to practice swimming while wearing the PDF so that he can become familiar with the device.
Pets Need SPF Too
Just like us humans, dogs can get extremely sunburned, especially if he or she has light colored hair. Dog sunburns can cause the same problems as that of people – peeling, redness and even cancer. Skin cancer in pets is much more prevalent than one would assume, so purchasing pet-friendly sun screen can go a long way in protecting your dog’s health during your boating adventure. Places that are easy to forget, but prone to burning include inside the nostrils, the tip of the nose, around your dog’s lips and the inside of their ears.
TOO Much Fun in the Sun
Excessive sun exposure can cause health complications for Fido, like heat strokes. Boat surfaces made of fiberglass are prone to getting extremely hot when in direct sunlight, and Fido will absorb that heat through the pads in his feet. Be sure to establish a shaded area where your pet can retreat when he or she is feeling overheated. Depending on where you’re boating, a dip in the water can be a great way to cool your pet down.
Don’t Assume that Fido is a Natural Nautical Pup
Dogs often prefer stationary areas. Placing Fido on a moving vehicle may be a stressful experience if he is not properly prepared. Before the big day, introduce Fido to the boat and allow him to become acquainted with it while it is still immobile. Next, start the boat’s engine. The loud noise will most likely be unfamiliar to Fido and hearing it will help him to adjust. Next, bring Fido onto the boat and take him on a short ride.
Fresh Water for Fido
Be sure to keep Fido hydrated by bringing fresh drinking water onto the boat. A water bottle that can squirt water directly into Fido’s mouth is a good way to hydrate him during a bumpy boat ride. As Fido may not know how dehydrated he really is, he might not beg for water on his own. If necessary, initiate his water consumption.
Fido Will Need to Relieve His Bladder
If possible, designate a spot where Fido can “tinkle” while on the boat. Pet stores sell wee-wee pads and doggie potties that look just like a patch of grass. Having one of these options on board for Fido to use will help him know where to go, and can offer an easy clean-up for the owner as well.

Here's the snotter I made using one of Chuck's thimbles for my Footloose
Skiff last year.
I made the eye splice right around the mast so I wouldn't have to loosen anything to lower the snotter to the reefed position. The snotter is held up by a shallow thumbless cleat on the aft side of the mast. To reef, I lift the heel of the sprit to take tension off the snotter, then slide the eye splice over the upper thumbless cleat and let it drop down to the lower one.
John Kohnen
Using a Walker for an Outboard Motor Stand
A good friend of mine, John Madill, sent me a copy of a photo showing a neat outboard motor stand he had made from a used Walker that he had bought at a flea market.
I just happened to have an old Walker on hand. A small piece of 2" by 4" wood board, two ¼ inch nuts and bolts, and a few minutes drilling two ¼ inch holes, and I had a great stand for my 2 HP Honda outboard.

There are thousands of thousands of used Walkers at garage sales, flea markets, and maybe even in your basement or attic.
Bill Nolen
Sail Oklahoma Boating Festival. Oct. 10 thru Oct. 14, 2013
Lake Eufaula Oklahoma"