Treasure Chest |
You had a lot of great information in the Treasure Chest today. I had a good laugh from the sign from Dave Lucas. Unfortunately I can really identify with that sign. I don't know how many times I've measured something, cut it, and then found out that I cut it too short.
I'm not sure that I would ever try to fabricate my own oarlocks, but I certainly enjoyed reading about it. I never thought about using the velcro cord hangers to help secure things. I have had some trouble with securing the end of my oars. I might have to try that one. And I thought the dinghy fender hooks were a great idea!
Thanks again,
Paul Cook |
Soliciting Feedback |
Good Morning Mariners:
The National Weather Service Forecast Office in Corpus Christi is soliciting feedback concerning the hourly marine weather conditions that play on NOAA Weather Radio. We have received mixed feedback as to what weather conditions should be broadcast. Some individuals prefer only the water and air temperatures, for example, while others prefer water levels and wind direction, etc. My question to you is:
What marine weather conditions would you prefer to hear on NOAA weather radio? If you would like to provide your reasoning for that particular weather element(s), please feel free to do so as well.
The National Weather Service will review all feedback and adjust our marine broadcast accordingly.
Thank you for your time and feedback,
Rob Hart
Marine Program Leader
NWS Corpus Christi |
Funny |

Too funny.
Chris Ostlind
Tolman Jumbo Report |
Heres the old small offshore skiff and the new Jumbo.

Old blue is 22'10".
New Red is 26'10". More deadrise, bigger cabin, six inches more beam, 4 inch chine shelves, 36 inch sides. 70 gallon main tank. This is the new 55 gallon 200 nm round trip tuna catcher.
She will fish out of Ocean City Md, Indian River Del, and Manasquan NJ.
Dave Nolan |
Puddle Duck Race |
Hello everyone,
This is just a quick reminder that it is almost time for the monthly Puddle Duck Race in Houston. Here is a link to an aerial view of where we meet:
Here is where you can find the latest articles about what we are up to:
Please join us if you can!
Eric PDR #759 |
Thanks |
Hi Chuck
Thanks for including the WCTSS Cayo Costa outing in your Web Watch feature. It's nice to know sailors other than our own members are interested in the kind of laid back sailing that we like to do here on the west coast of Florida.
Hope you can get to Cedar Key again some year. We're gearing up for that great event now, as it's only a few weeks away!
Warmest regards,
Ron Hoddinott |
Correction |
Hi Mike,
A friend altered me to the lashing piece in latest Treasure Chest. What a surprise. You did a good job of making sense of my sloppy writting. One note, maybe not to important, since I sent you the lashing instructions I actually looked at the black dacron spool and its only 100# instead of the 200#. Other wise finished that boat a few days ago and it turned out OK. I'll send you some pics soon.
Steve Chambers
Hi Steve
Thanks, I'm pleased you liked it. I made the correction from 200 to 100. Folks can be a bit literal so it is worth changing. We are putting this in letters, just in case someone did follow you literally.
Looking forward to the pics. You're going well.
Mike |
Department of burning ears |
Hi Chuck and Sandra,
Just so you know your name is being tossed around a bit...
Rik van der Vaart |
The End of an Era |
It is with great regret that we bring you the sad news that John Bull has died (16th April 2013)
As founder of the Open Canoe Sailing Group and leading influence on the resurgence of interest in British canoe-sailing from 1990, we all owe him a great deal. His energy and commitment to sharing his love for using such small craft was such an important part of those early years of the group's development, as well as that of canoe-sailing generally, not only in the UK but also in other parts of Europe and the USA.
See: |
Small Craft Skills Academy going on-line |
I just wanted to take a minute to plug our new series of interactive online boat building classes. I'll be sending more information later but for now here is a brief outline.
The on-line program, which is real time interactive, uses a high def multi-camera presentation (think TV broadcast) and the students webcam to create a virtual class room in the student's own shop. We are offering small boat skills like; Intro to Dingy and Small Boat Cruising and a number of boat building related skills like; scarfing and a 9 day build your own boat class. The complete list is on the website.
This seems to fit with the desire of some of the members to have mentors and teachers for boat building skills. One of the big advantages of the on-line program is there is no travel involved. The school comes to you.
I have included a link to our website where the members can find the complete list of the classes as well as a video talking about the Academy.
If you have any questions about the SCSA on-line programs or the face to face classes just let me know and I’ll be happy to answer them.
Thank you,
David Nichols |
Dragon Boats |
Hello Chuck,
This is a reminder of the approaching May 1 early registration deadline for the Montana Dragon Boat Festival on September 7 and 8, 2013. Included with this email is an attached photo of the 2012 Montana Dragon Boat Festival (photo credit: Gravity Shots).

Paddlers interested in participating in the 2013 Montana Dragon Boat Festival have only a few more days to take advantage of significant early registration discounts. Teams that register before the end of the day on Wednesday, May 1, will pay only $550 for nonprofits or $650 for corporate/competitive groups—a discount of $100 off regular team registration fees. Participants can learn more and register online at
Thank you,
Lori Warden, on behalf of the Kalispell Convention and Visitors Bureau