
I figured out a way to mount the boom just under the mast since I took the photo. The mast simply slides into or out of the PVC mounts and the mounts are simply thrown into the back of the car until needed for loading to go home. I installed the port lift-handle on the stern after photo was taken.
John Beale, an employee of the Florida Maritime Museum in Cortez, recently asked me for a photo of the color combinations of polytarp sail material and trim tapes that I use in house for finished and custom polysails. I was a little surprised myself when I lined them all up on a white leg o' mutton PolySail that I had just finished. I'm especially looking forward to building a sample sail from the new desert sand color that's in the middle of this photo. While it's a little difficult to tell in the photo, it reminds me of the old canvas sails. I just got that color in yesterday.

I hope this photo encourages others to take advantage of some of the color combinations that are available using polytarp sails.
Dave Gray
Mayfly 12 Progress
When we last left the V bottomed Mayfly 12 in the March Reports I thought I would easily make the April Splash. One thing has lead to another and I am not 100% sure I will make the May Splash so thought I better give you an update.

I am almost done but the fiddly bits have taken a lot longer to finish than I thought and still aren't all done. I smeared some paint on her today. I should have got some other work done to it first but couldn't wait to try this. It is suppose to be Cornflower Blue and Mint Green. The fiddly bits are going to be Mac and Cheese Orange and the wales and false stem will be black. I got the color ideas from Sandra and she approved my paint scheme. Jackie Monies mentioned to me Sandra picked out the colors on your EC entry this year so I invited her come up with something for my boat. Maybe a new service Duckworks can provide for us building nuts.
Gulfcoast 18
I did some work on my Gulfcoast 18 recently. I had painted her hull last summer but I never got around to putting the waterline on until now. It took me half the day today to get the starboard side done - tomorrow the port side.
All paint, including the waterline, is two-part epoxy I had left over from painting an airplane a couple of years ago. I didn't paint the airplane myself - I just bought the paint and had this left over.

Old Companionway |

New Companionway |

Without Flash |
I just made a wood three-piece companionway cover to replace the old one. The old one was so big, that when removed, there was no convenient place to put it. I wanted to do this ever since I owned the boat - about 7 years now. I know you'll notice the crack in the middle of the hatch cover but I will fix that before the Texas200. I let the mast get away from my grip a couple of years ago and the hatch took the weight of the mast laying horizontally on it. Lucky that's all the damage done. Since then I've "invented" a simple device (two part device, actually) that allows me to winch it up and down and alone if I need to.
Cedar Key
This is everyone's favorite picture. Judy in Freedom, Stan and Gayle in the kayak and me and Helen in Helen Marie. I like this one cause it gives credit to Lenna and tells what it is.
Dave Lucas
Lucas Boatbuilding and Happy Hour Club

I'm building Heidi, an 18' row sail clinker. It uses a loose footed square sprit sail, (nice and simple and traditional). The plans come in a book which gives you step by step instructions. It's American so getting the book will be easier for you than me. (I had to import it through Barnes and noble.) I can't see me sleeping in it though.
John Colley
Mega Jumbo Tolman Skiff

I'm at the 90% complete. It took longer than I thought due to work, travel to NJ, deer season, the new house, and life. She is 26' 10 inches tip to tip. About 1900 lbs in these photos. Power is going on in a couple weeks with a Honda 150 and Yamaha High thrust 9.9. I built to workboat style finish, meaning 100 grit max sandpaper and once around for fairing. I do not like to sand. I like to fish.
She has a 3 ½ anchor deck, 7 foot cabin with two bunks, 6 foot pilot house with a bench seat with slip top for standing at the windows. Fully opening lexan windows on a 45 inch opening, which I made so I can drive hook my arm out the window at the right height. 6'2" pilot house height max. Nine separate compartments for safety. Beach sand in the final coat of epoxy for non skid prior to painting.
Boat is still in northeast Md for anybody interested. I think 500 hrs to build to my level and under 30K as she goes out the door including the new motors, new trailer, glass epoxy and wood. I used a lot of MDO from Harbor Sales and if I ever build another boat I will use that entirely. Its good stuff. Almost no voids and easy to glue up and finish.
I stretched the design limitations a bit, and so used a full 9 inch stringer and 5/8ths bottom. She is a tank.
The boat will sail out of Ocean City Maryland, Indian river Del, and Manasquan NJ. Whichever port the tuna bite is closest too. Plus the upper Chesepeake for crabbing and rockfish.
Dave Nolan
"Tradition" the Crotch Island Pinky

She was built by VanDyne in 63, of fiberglass, might even be boat #1 of about 12 I've been told he built on the east coast, as far as I know, the only one on the west coast. She'll surf on a broad reach at over 8 kts and steer herself on a reach for hours! I bought her for $2200 over twenty years ago, fixed her up and sold her, regretfully, then a friend called me and said he thought he'd found her, bought her back,
(two or three owners later for $1800 - kind of spooky. I think she must have been searching for me all that time too.
"Captain Kirk" Gresham
Y'all Come! In Two Weeks!!
2013 Eastern Messabout - Elk Neck SP, MD (Upper Chesapeake) 5/31 6/1-2
3rd Year at Elk Neck with 3 days of "messing about"- an informal time for sailboats, powerboats, canoe & kayak; home-built or commercial. Nail & glue, stitch & glue or "traditional". Hours of sailing on beautiful water; swapping of stories at the comfortable beach & shady glen; new & continuing friendships through charmed days. Camping available - register early.
Sailing will begin as early Friday as anyone gets there and a "welcome table" should be up by noon. Potluck supper Friday with free hotdogs with fixin's (courtesy Eric Hughes) - please bring side dishes and BYO beverage. A short get acquainted Capt'ns meeting will follow.
Saturday dawns with messing about and about 11am Steve Bosquette will lead the way across to Cabin John Creek for a raft up lunch (BYO). Later in the afternoon Tom Maurer will organize a 'Marsh-mellow Scoop', which was a ball last year. A 'Poker Run' is a possibility but needs some pulling together - contact Paul Moffitt.
Another potluck Saturday evening with free sausages courtesy Capt'n Rick Urban. Bring a side dish & BYO beverage. There's time for more sailing that time of year. AND, come evening we'll have an informal 'Talk- about' with Norm Wolfe covering design/build/sailing his Norm's Boat & Raider.
Sunday more messing about.
Bob Throne
PDRacer World Championship
This year's PDRacer World Championship will be held in the lush surroundings in Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada on June 29 and 30 in the local harbor. First time on saltwater; so weight those boards down, guys & gals, or make certain you have some kind of purchase that will keep them from popping up unexpectedly. Registration forms are on the sponsors' web site at: Sounds like a great place to vacation, too, but it's a little too much of a flight from South Florida for Dangerous Duck #100, in spite of her biplane wings. In the spirit of this kind of competition, PolySail International will once again donate a sail kit to the last place finisher and provide other forms of support. I encourage others who still enjoy these little scows and see them as a good family intro to sailing and messing about in boats to post this link on forums they belong to, also.
Dave Gray