Another Crazy Boatbuilder

I did some poking around and discovered that it wasn't a crazy quest for gold that drove Albert Faille up the Nahanni River time and again. He just loved to be out there exploring! Some folks would still consider that nuts, but I understand.
"Faille's temperament was equally impressive. He was invariably optimistic and always cheerful, a disposition that became manifest after he had spent extended periods of up to a full year totally alone in the bush. When he encountered his fellow man after these periods of isolation, his mental equilibrium, good humour, and downright sanity were noted."
"In the 1950s he appeared in several documentaries centered around the Northwest Territories. Unable to pen a logical, in their minds, reason for Fallie living where and how he did they settled on the idea that his search for gold was his motivation. For those that knew Fallie the reality was quite different. It was his love of the wilderness, the wild places, fast mountain streams that kept him there and going upstream each spring. Though he did prospect and search for a lost gold strike on the northern Nahanni river, it was not what drove him."
John Kohnen
2013 Eastern Messabout - Elk Neck SP, MD (Upper Chesapeake) 5/31 6/1-2
3rd Year at Elk Neck with three days of "messing about"- an informal time for sailboats, powerboats, canoe & kayak; home-built or commercial. Nail & glue, stitch & glue or "traditional". Hours of sailing on beautiful water; swapping of stories at the comfortable beach & shady glen; new & continuing friendships through charmed days. Great ramps & camping available (Elk Loop) - register early.
Sailing will begin as early Friday as anyone gets there and a "welcome table" should be up by noon. Potluck supper Friday with free hotdogs with fixin's (courtesy Eric Hughes). Please bring side dishes and BYO beverage. A short get acquainted Capt'ns meeting will follow.
Saturday dawns with messing about and about 11am Steve Bosquette will lead the way across to Cabin John Creek for a raft up lunch (BYO). Later in the afternoon Tom Maurer will organize a 'Marsh-mellow Scoop', which was a ball last year. A 'Poker Run' is a possibility but needs some pulling together - contact Paul Moffitt.
Another potluck Saturday evening with free sausages courtesy Capt'n Rick Urban. Bring a side dish & BYO beverage. There's time for more sailing that time of year. AND, come evening, we'll have an informal 'Talk- about' with Norm Wolfe covering design/build/sailing his Norm's Boat & Raider.
Sunday more messing about. Last year at least half the folks stayed and sailed through lunch time and later. As always, we're invite comments and suggestions and offers of help.
Got a question? Post on our site or here. Someone will get back to you. This is "fun" messabout, great folks and all kinds of boats!
Bob Throne
Maritime History

Click to Enlarge
“submitted by Jack P”
Surf Reality Series 'Maui Rescue'
LOS ANGELES, March 27, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Sydney, Australia-based entertainment company RJMedia has teamed up with leading media company Gravity Collection, Inc. to produce a thirteen episode television series, titled, "Maui Rescue." The series will cast an energetic eye on the behind-the-scenes movements and events that make up the thrilling necessary surf rescue in the water off Maui. Created by RJMedia's Richard Scotts, the series follows a team of the industry's top athletes and beach patrol rescuers and equally fearless camera and rescue crew as they journey to remote locations and giant surf of Maui, Hawaii. The pilot will be directed by Scotts with financing through Gravity Collection. Gravity Collection's Harry Vested and RJMedia's Richard Scotts will act as series Executive Producers.
Established in 2005, Gravity Collection, Inc., has amassed an outstanding library of content in the extreme sports genre and is one of the largest content providers of action sports content. This strategic partnership with RJMedia provides Gravity Collection with another Original Series that peers into the high-action lifestyle of water sport activities.
Notes Vested, "RJMedia's Scotts and his adventurous crew are not afraid of putting themselves into life-threatening situations and with 'Maui Rescue' we know they are going to be putting it all on the line. This is exciting television." Adds Scotts, "We are confident that 'Maui Rescue' will not only appeal to those in the action sports space but also mainstream viewers looking for an adventurous escape. With Harry S. Vested, Jr., and the Gravity Collection team, we are not tied to pushing a traditional train wreck reality show, but gives RJMedia the flexibility focusing on exciting characters and story telling."
Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show

The Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show is coming up in a few weeks! This is a very friendly, low-key show, where your boat doesn't need to be a gold-plater to feel at home. The emphasis is on having a good time, and there are no fees or prizes. A lot of the boats on display will be owned by Coots, and the Depoe Bay show is a good place to meet some Coots, if you've been wondering about them.
Depoe Bay is an interesting little place between Newport and Lincoln City on Oregon's coast. It has a tiny harbor behind a high basalt wall, connecting to the open Pacific through a narrow, dogleg channel through solid rock.
Hope you can make it!
John Kohnen
Pete's Airplane

Pete's building a stretched Dave Gentry skin on frame "Splinter". Here he is putting the nylon on with staples, he has it so tight you can play it like a drum. We accuse him of really building an airplane.
David Lucas
Lucas Boatworks and Happy Hour Club

Guys, this is a missionary in the Dominican Republic who is building Ducks with some teenage kids in his congregation/area. He has been a member of Sail OK group for some time and earlier built a Michalak Laguna which is how I met him. He is trying to help some local kids learn a skill, by building Ducks for them to sail in the DR waters.
Dave Gray got involved and hosted Roger learn to build a Duck in his home there in Florida and has generously given help to Roger. Some of us have been helping out with donations through Paypal to the project as well to help fund the build.
If you can help, please do.
It is PayPal at
It is the hope and faith to try to change others lives, the young people that he ministers to, through building small boats, the PuddleDucks that makes me think he is truly special.
Roger has been posting photos of the progress of the Ducks over on Sail Oklahoma in our photo albums also.
Jackie Monies
Troop 202 Woodworking Merit Badge

Two of the boys at age 11 and age 10 troop 202 of Coeur d Alene ID to earn the woodworking merit badge.
The Toter 2 From Ken Simpson & Portable boat plans.
Cedar Key Community Center
Cedar Key 2013

Cedar Key is here again so I'm sending a reminder with a picture from last year to show you what it's all about. It's always the first full weekend in May so this year it'll be May 4. Most of you probably already have your place picked out but if not here's the link to the Chamber with all you need to know.
Let's gather at the gathering...
When: Friday, May 3 at 6:30 PM
Where: Cedar Key Community Center 809 6th Street, Cedar Key Fl
It's another fine year to gather at Cedar Key, with our small boats, big stories, treasured friendships and tasty food!
In the past we've enjoyed cozy gatherings at Bob and Jeri Treat's little Cedar Key home for our Friday night kick off party. They have been such gracious hosts, THANK YOU!
Due to the increasing popularity, this year we will meet at the *Cedar Key Community Center, and have a local grill master prepare delicious pulled pork and grilled chicken with a piles of fixin's!
Everyone is invited, and encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert and any special beverages which could include alcohol.
We look forward to seeing you all in Cedar Key!!
*Funding for venue and food were generously donated by Meade Gougeon and Andy Zimmerman.
Dave Lucas
BC Handliner Finally Finished

Here's a few pics on the finished BC Handliner built Skin on Frame (SOF). The final bare hull weight was 49.1# and the oar locks are 47" apart. It's just right for my 7 1/2" oars. I'm awaiting more room in the driveway for storing it after the maiden launch, which will most likely be early next week.
It's got no thwarts. I'll use a seat box with attached adjustable stretcher on top of the 1/4" ply floorboard. This is another Jim Michalak inspired solution. This is the boat I was lashing together in the lashing article in the May Treasure Chest.
Steve Chambers
"William The Fourth"
Richard Nicholson and his WMS volunteers share the attached update on progress on the "William The Fourth" restoration project.
To all supporters of William the Fourth, We are pleased to advise that work on the ship is progressing rapidly on many fronts. Shipwrights Dave and Tom are restoring all suspect timber work. Joel and Ryan from Teterin Engineering have started the delicate job of boring the hole through the stern post for the new propeller shaft.

All Engineering have delivered the first set of new paddle housing struts. Wangi Wangi Mens Shed (near Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia) have delivered the first of the restored cedar doors. Newcastle Woodturners are making new posts for the quarterdeck handrail. Tomago Smelter are building new stainless steel posts for the bridge deck handrail. Varley Engineering are making a new rudder and engine beds. A small band of volunteers has almost restored the paintwork for the on-deck areas.
There are many other tasks in the pipeline and the work is being supported and funded by a growing list of local companies and individuals.
We are on track to have a spectacular re-launch later this year.
Bob Cook
William the Fourth Inc.
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
PS We welcome new volunteers.
We will be holding the Spring Wharram Rendezvous (a Hui Wharram) May 17-18-19, 2013 in Islamorada, FL (Florida Keys) at the world famous Lorelei Cabana Bar.
A “Hui Wharram” or “Hui-o-waa-Kaulua-Wharram” (Hawaiian) is a group or gathering of Wharram boats.
There is no easier way to fulfill your sailing dreams – from sailing the trade winds or the local shores – than with a Wharram Sailing Catamaran. Wharrams range from 16’ to 63’ and are mostly home built of plywood. Stable, rugged, fast, FUN, comfortable, inexpensive to build, operate and repair!
Come, see and enjoy the boats. Just have fun. We talk about Wharrams and nearly any other boat. We tell sailing stories…some may even be true. We compare notes. We share pictures. We look at plans. We take pictures of each other’s boats and get some really good (and a few bad) ideas. We eat and drink and just have fun. Bring a boat if you have one but everyone is welcome … no boat needed! FREE! No registration, no costs, no plan (a perfect Keys event!)! Join us for a Dutch-treat dinner on Saturday night at the Lorelei…lots of door prizes!
For details send an email to

COYOTE LOST AT SEA: The Story of Mike Plant, America’s Daring Solo Circumnavigator, by Julia Plant (April, 2013). This adrenaline-fueled, often harrowing narrative takes a first-hand and brutally frank look at an individual whose life was the very definition of fearlessness. Mike Plant entered the legendary Vendee Globe, he had already completed three solo around-the-world races, beating competitors with more experience. He was a risk-taker of the highest order; he pushed the envelope with his health, the law, and especially with sailing. The more challenging the risk, the more he hungered for it. During the fall of 1992, every possible risk would come to a head on the open seas, as Plant sailed Coyote across the Atlantic – in an untested, uninsured ship, in poor weather, without sleep, without functioning electronics.
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