Here's one for Andrew Linn - Viking boat burning.
Interesting story about a canoe trip from Canada to New Orleans.
You have to see the video to believe it. It is apparently done with nanoparticles. I see this being used on my next build, after the paint.
Saw this on WB website.
Paul Austin
So you thought your planes were sharp.
Gary Dierking
Someone asked me about installing hatches the other day, I figured it was important enough to do a How To on. The sum of my knowledge on installing 1/4 turn Deck Plates.
Andrew Linn |
I found this one. Each is pretty much verbatim.
Plans for a model of Skipjack will shortly be available from the makeamodelboat site.
In researching for the 2013 Columbia 150 (which is looking more like a Columbia 100 every day) I came across a couple utilities to help me plan.
The first is GeoGarage - you can place waypoints, then export files to load into your GPS.
The next is specific to the Columbia: 315° True. I haven't had a chance to look at it in depth, but it looks like a nice collection of info on traveling around the lower Columbia (thanks for this one, Mark N.)
Andrew Linn
The recreation of the first Powell trip boats (1869 from Green River Wyoming through Grand Canyon) is well underway at the Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building. If you have not checked in to their progress, it really is cool to watch!
Oh, here's the link to the blog being done by one of the builders.
I think this article will be of interest to your readers on Duckworks: Two Faerings for Sail and Oar.
Matt Cordrey
As a special feature, Maritime TV (www.MaritimeTV.com) is pleased to introduce "Minute of Madness", a new 60-second video series sent regularly to your inbox, to keep you abreast of the latest maritime-related video bloopers and blunders that we find are currently trending in the Internet TV world. Please feel free to share with friends and colleagues in the industry.
Sarah Selz
Another useful page is here.
Make it so, Numbah One.
Dealing with difficult crew - it's all in the technique boss but you've got to watch those number ones. Mind of their own...
Mike John
This stuff was taught in the CG class I took years (over 20) ago and was
one of the more useful parts of the class.
My son is doing a research paper for his English class; he could choose any topic, and since his Father loves sailing, he decided to write about ships. I told him a 'history of maritime' related would make a great paper, so he's been searching the web for information... and thus, came across Duckworks. He also found this page to be helpful.
The Firebug is a homebuild junior class boat that is spreading worldwide, great little boat, sails well and very easy to build. There are also moves afoot to develop a homebuild boat of the "Bic" type, suitable for 50 plus yr old adult males who have had to spend a large part of their working lives at a desk. Watch this space.
John Welsford |
I'd like to share my build with you all. It's a 13 foot sharpie with a stick-up jib rig. I've been working on her for a little over a year now. Now I'm getting close - painting has begun and I've ordered my sails from Duckworks. I'm hoping to have everything complete for this summer's sailing. I've got a blog going. And I'm starting an album. There are not a lot of these boats out there, but I have seen two different ones on Duckworks. The plans from The Sharpie Book were reduced and modified somewhat to make this one. I'll get some pics of the build up in the album as time allows.
The Loopy-Loo Float around Siletz was a huge success (means nobody died).
Andrew Linn
Now here's something you don't see every day. Lenna really caught me this time. Some of you will see this video and say it's a good idea but most of you will say this guy's nuts. I'd rather see what's going to happen here than on some beach in the Bahamas. I think this will bring a smile to your face : )
Yeah, this looks pretty cool!
I am not a power boat guy and resist any electrical thingies on a boat but... If I were a kid... Look at the video at the bottom of the page.
I took a bunch of pics of the boats on the beach Friday. This link should get you to my Picasa album.
Gary |
For you dugout canoe fans! I may have to go and try this out some day... Most likely when I'm up in the dacks where they have trees! and I have an outdoor fireplace for the scraps.
Here's the video Simon made of the Everglades Challenge boats taken with a camera hanging from a kite.