Just finished up a new Facebook page.
Paul Esterle
Here is John Harris' latest update on his 22'6" Faering Coastal Cruiser, including launch photos!
Cardboard Boat for the Boat Show.
Andrew Linn |
Radio Control Goat Island Skiff build.
The new issue of Classic Yacht magazine is waiting for you.
Boat built of Duct Tape heads for the Seas.
Mark Albanese
For those of you who build whitewater dories, we just ran the 1955 replica dory GEM through Lava Falls on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon.
Tom Martin
Lovely video of the bayraider 17.
Our own Bangka, Macho Tsongo, is typical of a ten meter Bangka that you might find anywhere in the Philippines and which is capable of taking you essentially anywhere in the archipelago. Lot's of fishermen own boats this size and will take you almost anywhere within a fifty mile radius on the spur of the moment for a small fee.
Chris and Cathy T were walking around Rockport and stopped by an art fair. Look at what they found.
Andrew Linn
Things can change quickly. Hollowing a log by controlled fires to soften heartwood that's then knocked out with a rock to chainsaw, adze, axe, and iron nails.
The minute of madness feature from Maritime TV.
I wanted to pass along a little write-up I did on the build of my Michalak Jonsboat from this past spring. My first boat build and I'm happy as can be with it! I created a little blog so I'd have somewhere to post the project, and I'll probably continue to add to it as I make add ons & take it on trips.
Jim Borch
Thought you would like this.
Foldable boat assembles in 3 minutes - 1 minute with 2 people.
Brian |
I have posted some details of NormsBoat - things like the pipe berth, downhaul, mast step, oar lock and boarding ladder. Also short videos of raising and lowering the mast (which I do at night at anchor).
Norm Wolfe
For proof of just how strong 3mm Lauan can be (with 6 oz glass on the outside only), please see my "destruction test".
Trimaran Frank
I posted a couple of new videos from sailing at Vallecito Reservoir again last week. Unfortunately, I haven't made nearly as much progress as I would have liked on the Toon2, so I took the puddle duck again. But we had a lot of fun.
Sailing for Adventure
No Capsizing for Cathy
Paul Cook
Las Cruces, NM
The plans for Dave Carnell’s Nutmeg/ Featherwind $200.00, sixteen foot sailboat are available for $30.00 from Tom Vetromile. Here is his email address spelled out to fool the email crawling robots: tomvetromileatyahoodotcom
I have updated the blog on how I built the boat:
Dave Greenwood
Picture of a waterspout in Tampa Bay this past Monday.
Photo's of my Baby Goose can be seen here on photo bucket.
Here we MAKE the boats out of beer cans.
John Colley
A nice article here on Vic Smeed.
Mike John
This has been on the Watertribe forum for a few days and I just noticed it. Laughed my posterior off. Read the whole thing...it gets better.