Turning Her Over
Regarding this Duckworks article by Mike.
By and large people have forgotten how to move big, awkward, heavy objects. They rely on cranes and fork lifts and assume humans could not build pyramids or Stonehenge. Seems the only people who can do it now are home boatbuilders and maybe circus BigTop riggers
So this video of one of my 34ft Romany builders turning his hull single-handed is quite fun.
Taken from here (a long page to load).
It's never as hard as one might think, and for sure do it with as few people as possible. And if it all goes horribly wrong and starts to fall remember you can always build another boat!
My wife has the scary habit of standing underneath a hull that I'm moving. I saw someone once try to stop a runaway boat/trailer that came off the ball hitch as it was being launched. They were lucky to survive.
Richard Woods
If a boat is heavy enough to need mechanical assistance to turn over, I suppose it is best to keep the crowd to a minimum, but for small boats that can be manhandled a turning is an excuse for a party. Among the Coots, when a boat needs to be turned you put out the word, and order pizza. It's nice to get together with friends to show off your project and BS about boats. Just because you CAN turn your boat over by yourself doesn't mean you SHOULD.

There is a fantastic series of photos on the Wooden Boat Forum thread about building the John Welsford Sundowner being turned. He has almost NO clearance to top of shed because of the height of the Sundowner, so turning it was not as easy as Mike does because Mike attaches block and tackle to beam supports above boat.
The Sundowner builder worked with blocks and tackles on the floor of the shed which amazed me. He turned it alone with a little help from his dad, an older senior citizen, but mostly alone. It is a big ocean going, blue water sailing yacht, so no low profile on this one!
If you are not following the Sundowner build thread, you should be, he is on WB Forum and has a blog. There is also a fantastic build of a Welsford Pathfinder thread on WB Forum and he has a blog also.
There are those among you who can/could put up links for these for those not inclined to look in the Wooden Boat Forum's index!
Love, Jackie Monies
Five Tips to Prevent Winter From Taking a Bite Out of
Your Boat and Trailer
ALEXANDRIA, Va., December 17, 2013 - It's already a brutal winter in parts of the country. If your boat and trailer are going to spend the snow season outside exposed to the elements, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has five tips to protect your investment and prevent winter's bitter effects from taking hold and causing problems down the road:
Water is enemy #1: Keeping the boat and trailer rig in a slightly bow-up position will allow water to drain. Don't forget to remove drain plug and tie it to the ignition key where you will find it in the spring. Yes, do this exactly as instructed. Now. You will lose it otherwise - trust us, we know. Also ensure that the boat's cover is tight and periodically check inside throughout the winter - just to make sure no water is accumulating and that no critters have moved in.
A little spray will do you good: Spraying water-and-dirt displacing lubricants such as Boeshield T-9 on metal trailer roller assemblies, winch gears and electrical connections will keep moisture away and rust at bay. Now may also be the time to take care of any rust spots on the metal trailer frame: sand, prime and paint.
Best boat theft prevention tip in the world: If you're storing your boat in the driveway, turn it around 180 degrees, with the tongue facing towards the house. Not only will this keep your neighbors guessing all winter long about that name on the transom, but it will make the job harder for a thief to steal your boat and that's the real name of the game here. Adding a lock on the trailer hitch only improves your odds the bad guy will look somewhere else.
What to do about boat trailer tires: In addition to being a theft deterrent, removing the tires and storing them inside the garage will keep the sun from damaging them. With the tires off, this may also a good time to repack the bearings. Block the trailer's frame and secure plastic (contractor grade) trash bags over the hubs and brakes to keep them dry. If tires won't be removed, position the trailer so that the tires rest on a piece of plywood or plank to prevent dry rot, as parking on grass can hasten a tire's demise. Cover tires (again with plastic bags or covers) to keep the sun off and hubs and brakes dry. To avoid flat spots from happening, move the trailer periodically a few inches throughout the winter.
Don't park under trees: Howling winter storms can snap off tree limbs. Besides adding unsightly stains, falling leaves and needles can make their way inside blocking transom drain holes, making your boat into a nice bathtub as it slowly fills with water over the winter.
Like an auto club for boaters and anglers, BoatUS offersTrailer Assist roadside assistance program, the only national roadside assistance service just for boat owners. In addition to BoatUS or BoatUS Angler membership of $24, for just $14 annually BoatUS' "Unlimited" Trailer Assist will tow both a broken down boat trailer and tow vehicle (while towing) up to 100 miles to a location of choice. Flat tire service, jump-starts, lock out and boat ramp winching service are also included. For more information visit www.BoatUS.com
How to Attach a Rope to the Rub-Rail of your Boat with Epoxy